$2 Billion Investment GTA 6 Remains Scheduled for 2025 Debut

From GTA BOOM Wiki

Take Two is standing firm on GTA 6's Fall 2025 release.

Published by Ray Ampoloquio
Published on Sep 18, 2024Last modified on Nov 28, 2024 22:35 PST

The anticipation surrounding Grand Theft Auto 6 has reached a fever pitch, with the internet buzzing about the game even when it's not the intended topic of discussion. As Grand Theft Auto 5 recently celebrated its 11th anniversary, fans are growing increasingly restless for official news about GTA 6, beyond what has already been revealed.

The situation has escalated to the point where insiders are contradicting each other, with some claiming that GTA 6 will be delayed, while others assert the opposite. Even a former GTA lead developer has weighed in, suggesting that a GTA 6 delay shouldn't be ruled out.

Seemingly in response to the growing unrest (and likely to reassure investors who are equally concerned about the GTA 6 delay rumors), Take-Two Interactive has reconfirmed GTA 6's release window. According to its 2024 annual report, "Rockstar Games continues to invest in the franchise and plans to release Grand Theft Auto VI in the Fall of calendar 2025. The label released its first trailer for the title in December 2023 and will share more details over time."

If anyone should know of a GTA 6 delay ahead of everyone else, it's the investors.

Rockstar has broken from its historical patterns with GTA 6, one of its most expensive games to date, reportedly costing the company $2 billion to develop over many years. GTA 6 is their only new release for the 2020s so far, a significant decrease from their output in the 2010s and the nearly annual releases throughout the 2000s.

Assuming GTA 6 remains on track for a Fall 2025 release, the second trailer should arrive sometime later this year, possibly between October and December. December seems most likely, coinciding with the first anniversary of the debut trailer and allowing Rockstar's close partner Sony to dominate the spotlight in October as it celebrates the PlayStation's 30th birthday and gears up for the PlayStation 5 Pro launch in November.

However, with Rockstar's current unpredictability, the second GTA 6 trailer could drop unexpectedly, or someone else might leak it prematurely. While we hope the latter doesn't occur, it's worth noting that roughly two years ago, Rockstar fell victim to a sophisticated and damaging hack.

For the time being, this official news about GTA 6 should satisfy fans for at least a few weeks before they start asking questions again.

In related news, Rockstar released a Grand Theft Auto Online update that introduces robust anti-cheat software, possibly in preparation for a similar implementation in GTA 6 on PC. The same update inadvertently leaked files confirming that Rockstar is working on a PC port of Grand Theft Auto 5: Expanded and Enhanced and GTA 6.

While the latter is exciting, don't get your hopes up for an early PC release of GTA 6, given Rockstar's tendency to make PC gamers wait.

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