Former Rockstar employee shoots down GTA 6 inclusivity talks
We're finally starting to hear official info about Grand Theft Auto 6. Unfortunately, for every bit of news about the upcoming GTA game from Rockstar, we get several other unconfirmed leaks.
One of the biggest rumors going around right now is that GTA VI will feature the series' first female protagonist as part of Rockstar's attempt to make GTA 6 more inclusive and more culturally sensitive.
Naturally, some GTA fans expressed concern. Some believe that GTA 6 won't feel like the older GTA games if there's less offensive material in it. But, if you're worried that GTA 6 will be more politically correct, one former Rockstar employee had something to say about it.
According to Aaron Stewart-Ahn, who worked for Rockstar for a few months over a decade ago, it's "absurd and cynical," to think that Rockstar will make GTA VI more inclusive.
Stewart-Ahn's statement comes as a reply to a tweet about Yakuza's depiction of trans women in games. Stewart-Ahn implied in his tweet that he quit working at Rockstar after a few months because it was not a progressive company.
Several GTA fans jumped on Stewart-Ahn's claims. The general consensus is that Rockstar is only talking about making GTA VI more inclusive to generate positive press and that the company is not serious about changing GTA 6. Although Rockstar's co-founder, Jamie King, did mention that GTA 6 would be "less ledgy", it appears that most gamers aren't buying it at all.
Hopefully, with Rockstar having worked on GTA VI since 2014, it's only a matter of time before we get at least a screenshot of the game in a year or two. It's best that we leave it up to our future selves to decide if GTA has changed or not when GTA 6 comes out.