GTA Online Tips

From GTA BOOM Wiki

From making money to hijinks with helicopters, we leave no stone unturned in the quest for more $GTA.

Are you ready to take your GTA Online experience to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, this massive list of tips and hints will help you navigate the sprawling world of Los Santos and Blaine County like a pro.

GTA Online is a vast and ever-evolving game, with countless opportunities for adventure, mayhem, and wealth. From mastering the art of the heist to building your criminal empire, there's always something new to discover and learn.

Whether you're looking to climb the ranks of the criminal underworld or simply explore the many possibilities of GTA Online, this guide has something for you.

$100K Per Hour On Consoles

You need to create an invite only gaming session. Head to any store and rob it. Punch the clerk in the face, they'll run off and take all the cash in the register.

Then go to the Start menu and to the Playstation Store / Xbox Live Marketplace — as if you were going to purchase in-game money for real-world cash.

As soon as the Store/Marketplace loads, exit straight away.

You will spawn back in the same store at the same spot except the world will have refreshed. You can now punch the clerk again, rob the cash register and repeat.

Use this to get loads of cash quickly! Unfortunately, it's not possible to pull this off on PC.

$18K Per Minute

At level 45 you will unlock a mission called "Mixed Up with Coke". In this mission, you need to visit 4 locations and destroy the cement trucks you find there. The rewards are $18,000 and 3,500 RP. It can take up to 15 minutes to do the first few times, but once you get it down pat with a couple of friends average run times are about 1 minute! The video below shows you exactly what to do (from each of the 4 player participant's perspectives) in order to get the mission time this low. You'll need a level 45 (to access the mission) as well as at least one level 19 and two level 9s.

Remember to combine this with the mission looping trick!

StevenWongo of Reddit also made this very useful visual guide for the mission Mixed Up with Coke. Thanks Steven

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

$2 Million & 400K RP Per Hour Farming

At Rank 75 you'll unlock a mission called Rooftop Rumble from a guy named Martin Madrazo (he leads a Mexican narcotic gang in the Los Santos area). What you need to do is basically kill 5 people and it's done, and the video clip below will show you how to complete it in the most efficient way possible. Using the method shown in the vid it's possible to earn up to $2 million and 400K RP per hour.

You can also do it if you are a lower level and get invited by someone of course. Just use sticky bombs instead of the grenade launcher and kill any survivors with a rifle.

Follow our $18K Per Minute hint to get up to level 75 ASAP.

$5,000 Minimum Drop

If you have more than $5,000 cash on you, you could lose everything above that amount (ie everything but the first $5K) if another player kills and robs you. Even if you don't have above $5K and you get killed you will still drop $100.

Action Command

Your GTA Online character has one "action" command available for you to assign and which can be activated by clicking both of the analog sticks in (L3 + R3/ CAPS Lock on PC). To set it, go to the interaction menu. Available actions include, eating snacks, flipping the bird and dancing. Probably most useful is the eat snack one — very handy if you've stocked up on candy bars and are in the middle of a gun fight! Keep in mind that performing the smoking action will cause minor health loss.

Activities Advice

No matter if you are winning or losing while doing an activity, you will still earn RP and some cash reward for finishing the game. This goes for shooting, playing golf or tennis, etc. Not only that though, but you'll also improve your character skills.

Aim Very Steeply

If for some reason you want/need to aim on a very steep angle then try walking backwards. When you are walking front-ways-forwards the angle is limited. Simply turn around 180 and walk backwards and you should have a much greater angle to work with.

All Helicopter and Plane Locations Part 1

If you want to get in the air in GTA Online you're going to need either a plane or a helicopter. Luckily we found the map below, courtesy of stonedpimpso, that should guide you to the spawn location of all air vehicles in GTA Online. The Frogger, Buzzard and Annihilator are all available!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

All Helicopter and Plane Locations Part 2

Check out this second map created by HaIfpint that shows all the aircraft spawn locations in GTA Online. It's ultra HD too!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

American Cycle Bike Race for Easy RP

Doing this race won't earn you any cash but you will get some very easy RP. Simply do the race by yourself and you can complete it in around 1 min 10 seconds and earn 2,225 RP. Too easy!

Here's the route you'll need to take in this mission:

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

And here's a short video courtesy of Somewhat Awesome Games to give you a better idea of what to expect:


With the 5% cash death penalty in GTA Online it is nearly always better to buy armor at the start of each session and keep it maintained. This will save you money in the long run...

A Titan of a Job

This mission requires that the host be at least level 24. You should also have at least 4 (preferably 6) people in your party. You should also select "easy" to make it the quickest run (and then just replay it).

Attack the hangar from both sides and then as soon as you can, move the truck that is in front of the aircraft (blocking it). That done, take off in the aircraft and fly back. Just make sure you've got a good pilot.

Completing A Titan of a Job will earn you GTA$ 10,000-20,0000 each time. To maximise profits, you need to stay in the mission for over 15 minutes.

Avoid Being Slipstreamed in Races

If you're being slipstreaming in GTA Online (like as the leader and someone is about to over-take you) then line up the car behind you and brake slightly, accelerating just as you hit the car behind you. This should cause you to gain momentum while at the same time the other car will slow down.

Avoid Losing Money

This might seem a little obvious, but if you get killed when carrying a load of cash and the console has not yet synced to the servers, quickly shut it down to avoid your lost funds being saved...

Bad Sport

If you want to damage/slow down another player in their vehicle then try to shoot out their tires. This will not earn you a bad sport tag. Whereas if you blow up another player's vehicle this will make you a bad sport.

Bad Sport Dunce Hat

Play nice with everyone else unless you want to be forced to wear one of these hats...

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Bicycle Limit

Just a quick note — even though you might have noticed there are spaces for six bicycles in your garage in GTA Online you can only store a maximum of three, and in fact we don't recommend even trying to go above this limit given all the previous issues with players loses vehicles and mods etc... you never know what might happen.

Bigger Minimap

Here's a helpful hint — if you press down on your digital pad/Z on your keyboard twice then a large version of the minimap will be bought up. This can be useful in lots of situations, however is best used during cop chases. Check where the police are located, anticipate where they're going and then attempt to evade them accordingly.

Blind Firing Tip

While you are in cover, press the left analog stick in any direction and the target reticule will appear. Alternatively if you're at the "edge" of some cover, press left or right as appropriate.

This will let you see where your first shot lands! Beware though, it will also cause your character's head to pop out of cover a little bit, so you might get hit.

BMX Color Picker

If you want to choose the color of your new BMX then you need to purchase it during the same browser session as you purchase a car. The BMX color will be the same as the color of the car you choose.

Boneyard Survival Mission Guide

Right after you spawn you should see a building that looks like a trailer, and it's against a wall that has a telephone pole at one end and a clear view of the gate and also the bus at the other.

The only thing is that it isn't actually flush against the wall and there is a gap between it and the building!

So what you need to do is get in cover behind the building and then enemies should not even be able to hurt you.

Bounty Kills

Any player on your radar that has a red dot on them is currently wanted. And if you're able to take them out, then you'll earn a bounty reward.

You are able to select who you want killed (ie place a bounty) once you reach level 10 in GTA Online. It's done via Lester.

Bulk Transport

If for some reason you want to carry 16 people in one vehicle (like maybe everyone playing in your GTA Online instance!?) you can head to using your cell phone and purchase the Airport Bus for $550,000.

Bulldozer Location

If you want a bulldozer in GTA Online then head to the location depicted below!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

There's also another one that spawn in the construction area south of Blaine County.

Thanks sneakpeak1.

Bulldozer Spawn Location

If you're looking for bulldozers in the city then head to the location indicated on the map below and you should find there's usually about four bulldozers there waiting for you to take joyriding!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Car Statistics

If you press down on your digital pad/Z on the keyboard while you're inside a garage then the stats of each vehicle in the garage will be shown. You can also check if the vehicle has insurance or not.

Change Clothes On-the-fly

You can change clothes on-the-fly by simply pressing and holding Back (Xbox 360), Select (PS3), View (XBO), Touchpad (PS4) or M (PC) to open the interaction menu, then choosing inventory. There will then be an option to change your clothes there and then.

Change Spawn Point

Press Start and then go to "Online" --> "Options" to change your spawn point location in GTA Online.

Changing Accessories

Not only will putting on a mask prior to committing a crime help you to remove a Wanted Star later on when the Police come looking for you, but there are other accessories that work too. Try doing it with glasses and hats and you just might get away with the job. This includes (for example) taking off a hat and putting on a pair of glasses instead. Try mixing things up.

Cheap Sticky Bombs

You unlock sticky bombs at level 19 in GTA Online and here's quick hint and when to buy them. If you wait until the pre-mission lobby they are only $400. If you purchase them otherwise at an Ammu-nation, they can cost you upto $600 (although this cost will decrease as you continue to level up).

Clean Cars Using Fire Truck Water Cannon

This is a pretty cool feature/piece of detail included by Rockstar in GTAV. Simply grab a fire truck and then aim the water cannon at a dirty car. Next thing you know that car will be showroom clean.

Custom Crew Emblem Tutorial

Ever seen people running around in GTA Online with custom crew emblems and wondered how they got them? Well it's actually a glitch/workaround using the Social Club website.

What you need to do is follow the tutorial at this link in order to create your own custom crew emblem for GTA Online. You'll need a few different tools, but it's totally worth it!

Thanks HitlerStoleMyCats.


When you die in GTA Online it will cost you 5% of your bank account funds up to a maximum of $5,000. The lesson — don't die!

Also when you die you will drop all your cash (obviously) plus another $100.

Deposit Cash via Internet

You don't even need to find an ATM to deposit money. Just go to the Maze Bank website on your cell phone (once you're in a safe spot of course!).

Deposit your Cash

Don't forget to deposit your money! This can be an easy thing to forget and is often a hard-learnt lesson.

Destroy Buzzard

The best way to completely take out a Buzzard helicopter is to shoot the missile housing with a sniper rifle. One or sometimes two shots and it will explode. You can also try shooting the tail twice while it is flying and it should go down also.

Destroy Unoccupied Cars with No Bad Sport

So if you see someone's vehicle in GTA Online and they aren't in it, here's how you can blow it up and destroy it without getting a bad sport penalty.

First shoot the car's back tires and then cover the car using the gas from a jerry can (yeah, you'll need one of those). Try to cover the rear tires the most but get the stuff everywhere.

Then just wait. When the vehicle owner returns and goes to take off, the sparks from the popped tires should light the gas and the entire car should blow up.

The funniest thing is that the driver/owner will be blamed!

Thanks rareburger.

Dropping Items

If you want to drop an item for someone (like a friend) or just get rid of it, then highlight it in your inventory or quick wheel and then press and hold Y (Xbox 360) or Triangle (PS3). On PC, you can drop weapons with the F9 key and ammo wit the F10 key.

Die Without Losing Any Money

If you know you're gonna die a few times (whether it's for mucking around, griefing someone, someone griefing you, etc) then here's a way to ensure that you lose absolutely no money when you die, including hospital fees!

First off put all your money into the bank and then change to your second GTA Online character. Withdraw all the money to them in cash and then switch back straight away to your first character.

Your first character will have absolutely no money so you can die all the times you want without losing a dime.

Dodging Air Missiles

The best way to dodge air missiles is to actually fly towards them and then fly underneath them at the last minute. Missiles can turn upwards, left and right very quickly, but are not so good changing direction downwards.

Don't Pay for Insurance with Police Vehicles

You may not know this, but if you steal a police vehicle you can actually save it into your garage in GTA Online. All you need to do is lose your Wanted Level and then save it and it can become a personal vehicle!

What's more, if you take it to a Pay and Spray then everything you can do there except chrome paint and getting bulletproof tires is free. Full insurance is also free.

Pretty nice vehicle to have around, and you get a siren.

Drink Pisswasser to Get Drunk

I wouldn't really call this a tip in that it's not going to improve your driving abilities, but if you start drinking Pisswasser before a race in GTA Online then your character will get sloshed. Just make sure you hold down the action button when drinking and your character will finish off the bottle (and in fact this works with any consumable — hold down the button until it is full consumed!).

Easy RP

A good way to earn RP (other than by completing jobs) in GTA Online is to get a high wanted level and then evade the police successfully. So to do this you can enter a convenience store and rob it (with a mask on of course), then get into a shoot out with the cops, then lose them, take off the mask (down one wanted level) and then continue to evade them until you lose your wanted level totally.

Easy Reputation Points via Racing

  1. Either you or your friend need to host a Criminal Records online race. You can find this under Jobs in a lobby.
  2. Make sure you setup the rules for the race as pictured further below. This is important.
  3. Then invite your friend in (or they invite you), choose any vehicle that you want and start the race.
  4. Note that you don't really need to beat your friend, it might get you a few extra RP but it's not really important.
  5. Just keep racing and you should be able to earn around 7,000 RP every 2 minutes. You are awarded the RP at the end of every lap.
  6. At the end of the race simply choose to replay it.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Easy Survival Mode

Follow the pictorial shown at these two links and you'll be able to complete Survial mode in GTA Online very easily. Do it right and you can earn $20K without too much effort or time.

Thanks bluejack45.

Easy Violent Duct Mission

Violent Duct is a mission that you get from Gerald once you hit level 15. It pays out $9K and is relatively easy to do. Here's some quick ideas to get it done with as little hassle as possible.

So The Lost are doing a cocaine deal behind the Vanilla Unicorn and Gerald wants you to steal it. If you have at least one person with a decent gun it's pretty easy.

Someone goes straight in while another circles around behind The Lost by jumping over the fence on the right (there's a cargo container you can use). Then you simply mow them all down.

Once you get the coke one more van will show up. The person with the good gun can handle them, while the person who picked up the coke grabs a motorcycle and drives it towards the exit with the red/white bar.

You can then finish the mission easily, restock and do it again.

Enterable Buildings / Locations

There are various places/locations/buildings in GTA Online that you can actually enter and go inside of and someone by the name of TerdSmash decided to create a handy list of them. Check out all the locations below along with hyperlinked map guide so you know exactly where to find it. Great for escaping the cops, your mates or that person trying to kill you!

Random Garages

Escaping a Dog Fight

One way to escape a dog fight is to simply call Lester and pay the $500 to hide your radar signal for one minute. As soon as it's activated head straight up in the sky and then once you're high enough, take off from your attacker.

Fast Travel #1

A quick and sneaky way to get across the map quickly is to simply select a race that is nearby to where you wanna go. Go the the race, enter the lobby and then drop out of it. You should then spawn at the start of the race location in free roam.

Fast Travel #2

There is a way to fast travel in GTA Online and this is how you do it.

  1. Hover over a mission icon. It can be a race or anything.
  2. Press X on the Xbox 360 or Square on the PS3 to go to the mission.
  3. Straight after that back out. You should spawn right outside the area where the mission was.

Fast Travel #3

Another quick and easy way to travel instantly is to load up a mission which supplies you with multiple lives and has its objective near the place you want to go. Once you have started the mission, simply kill yourself with some explosives — you'll respawn at the location of the next objective.

Faster BMX

While riding your BMX tap R1 (PS3) or RB (Xbox 360) or L Shift (PC) and hold forward slightly on the left analog stick. This should keep the front wheel on thhe ground and you should go a lot faster than you would otherwise.

First Car

Just make sure that the very first car you ever steal in GTA Online is the very best you can find. This is because otherwise you'll be forced to cruise around in whatever piece of crap you managed to get until you have enough cash for something new... and this might be a while.

Find Out How Much Bounty is Worth

If you want to find out how much the bounty on a player is worth (like before you blow $3K worth of rockets on destroying him) simply call Lester and try to place a bounty yourself on the person. Lester will then tell you what the current bounty is.

Flying Hints & Tips for Pilots

  • A series of minor adjustments can often be more helpful than large adjustments, particularly if you are hovering or trying to do a similarly precise task. Such minor adjustments are the only way to counteract turbulence. Holding the bumpers does not work.
  • Do not worry about turbulence when you are flying quickly. Your helicopter will adjust itself as long as you continue to push the analog stick forward.
  • If you are chasing a bounty then their auto aim will go directly to you (as pilot of the chopper). If you get killed then chances are the chopper will go down and everyone else will die. For this reason you should always be wearing body armor and make sure you're covered at all times.
  • If you are flying at a high speed in the helicopter, you can use this trick to stop quickly. Move the analog stick to either the left or the right and hold down the bumper that corresponds to that direction. This will make the helicopter spin, dip down, and then dip up. When it points up, release the analog stick and the bumper. You will have slowed considerably.
  • Protect your helicopter's tail rotor. It is one of the helicopter's biggest weak spots.
  • The Buzzard or Annihilator are the best choppers to use if you are bounty hunting in GTA Online. They can carry four people each and both are pretty maneuverable.
  • The most basic thing to keep in mind for helicopter combat is that you must always be in motion, so that your enemies cannot hit you as easily.
  • To go into a steep nosedive, push the analog stick forward and hold down LT (Xbox 360) / L2 (PS3) / Numpad 8 (PC). Be sure to leave yourself a few hundred feet to come out of the dive.
  • When you are flying at a high speed, pushing the analog stick to the left or the right/ pressing A or D will send you into a roll, which will help you maintain your speed through turns.
  • You can protect yourself by pulling down on the analog stick while holding down RT (Xbox 360) / R2 (PS3). Whoever is shooting at you will only be able to hit the armored helicopter, not your character. You can perform a similar technique to protect your side gunner by pulling the analog stick to the side opposite that of the gunner.

Flying Jets

If you want more maneuvourability while flying a jet then lower the landing gear. This will slow you down and enable you to make quick, shorter turns. It also means that other players in the air trying to destroy will most likely be flying around you (make very large, high speed turns) this enables you get the jump on them.

Free-Aim the Sniper

In order to free-aim with the sniper file you need to hold either RT (Xbox 360) or R2 (PS3) half way down and move it from there. This should let you free-aim.

Free Annis Elegy RH8

When you sign up to Rockstar Social Club you're given a free shotgun to use in the game. Link your Xbox Live or Playstation Network account and you'll get a free set of wheels — the Annis Elegy RH8. The Elegy is only given to you when you purchase your first property though.

Free Car Repair

There's already lots of way to get your car repaired for free in GTA Online but here's another. Simply go to the GTA Online menu and press "Find New Session." It's that easy.

Free Cosmetic Car Upgrades

This will only work if you haven't done the first mission for Simeon yet. Basically when you do, you'll receive a whole bunch of free (cosmetic) upgrades to whatever car you've got at that time, and it's a one-time deal. So before you take the first mission from him, search for a vehicle that you'd like to upgrade and be in it when you start the mission.

The only caveat is that, just like when you try to sell vehicles to LS Customs, this won't work for premium/sports cars like the Obey 9F or for motorbikes. Something like the Karin Sultan would probably get some decent upgrades (or any other car along those lines…).

Free Garage

While this car garage is free, you'll need to be level before you can use it. To get the free garage, simply go to the website for Dynasty 8 on your cell phone and search through it. There will be garages listed there and one of them will be free — if you bought the collector's edition, that is. The free garage has 2 slots.

Free Shotgun

If you want a free shotgun head to Ammu-nation and scroll towards the right, next to the rocket launcher. You should see a sawed-off-shotgun that is free. Grab it! Note you'll need to buy ammo though...

Free Vehicle Repair

To get your car or motorbike repaired for free just go into any mission whatsoever. As long as you get into the lobby then your vehicle will be repaired for you automatically, free of charge.

Gang War Locations Map

Did you know that there's gang wars going on in GTA Online and that you can actually watch them fight and participate? You just need to be in the right spot at the right time to see everything kick off. What's more, there's actually 41 different wars going on and somebody took the time to make a nice little map so that you know exactly where to go at what time! Thanks to ttech10 for the map!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Get a Fighter Jet

Just watch the video below to see how to steal a military fighter jet in GTA Online. Basically you need a fast car and then launch yourself over the fence of the military base using a small hill.

Golf Game Guide

We would have love to have produced something like this ourselves, but to be honest the author of this guide cannot be beaten. If you want to do well at the golf game in GTA V then you need to check out this guide it's an absolute must read.

Grab Cargo Drops with Cargobob

Once you hit level 20 and speak to Ron for the first time in GTA Online then cargo drops will be unlocked for you. Usually they are guarded and you'll need to fight to get the cargo, but if you first grab a Cargobob (like from the Merryweather people at the Port) then you'll be able to simply hook the cargo and take it off somewhere else to open up.

Grass on Fire

If you throw a molotov cocktail onto a grassed area then the entire area will eventually catch fire as these pictures show (thanks Darknessfallls). If you want to see where the molotovs are located then check out these maps and guides.

Hang Off the Side of Vehicles

In order to hang off the side of vehicles you need to hold LT (Xbox 360) / L2 (PS3) and then double tap Y (Xbox 360) / Triangle (PS3) when you're next to the door of the car. In terms of positioning you should be in the middle of the front and back doors. For this to work, the car needs to be fully occupied.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

If the vehicle has roof racks and side steps by the doors you should be able to do it. For example this will work on the Granger SUV.

Thanks AceAdam.

Helicopter Spawn Location

Head to the location indicated on the map below to find where a helicopter is known to spawn. If you want to get the Wanted Level, there is also one at the Airport.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Helicopter Spawning and Levels

Head to the location below and depending on what level you are, a different helicopter will spawn as follows:

  1. Levels 0-16: Maverick
  2. Levels 17-24: Frogger
  3. Levels 25-36: Cargobob
  4. Levels 37-41: Annihilator
  5. Level 42+: Buzzard

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips


To get up hills more quickly just jump-spam. This is much faster than trying to run up them.

Hitching Rides on Fire Trucks

Yes, this is possible and works just like it does for any other vehicle.

Simply got up to the vehicle (a fire truck in this case) and press Y/Triangle/F and you should jump on board!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Hunger Games GTA Edition

You can stage your very own Hunger Games in Grand Theft Auto Online, all from the comfort of your own apartment!

Simply make sure you have a safe house that you can watch TV on and put a bounty on someone. The more money you are willing to put up the more entertaining this is likely to be.

Then use your TV to spectate the player that the bounty is on and enjoy!

Thanks to weirdo_wayne for the idea.

Instant Heals During Missions

Buy a load of Meteorite and/or Ego Chaser bars before every mission from a convenience store and have your action command (L3 + R3/Caps Lock) linked to eat snack. This is a great way to restore health and avoid dying while on missions.

You can also skip the lengthy snack eating animation by going into over and eating a snack from the interaction menu or your weapon wheel.

Insure Cars

The cost of insuring your first car is free (done at Los Santos Customs), but after that it will cost $1,000 per vehicle. If you have an insured car that gets destroyed, then you need to call the insurance company via your phone contacts.

You can make yourself visible again by re-entering Los Santos Customs or by dying. Also be aware that police can still find you.

Jetski Cave Location

If you haven't visited the cave at the location shown below then you really need to. It is valuable in both the story mode and GTA Online parts of the game. Note only can you hide from the cops there (and escape a 4 star wanted level for example) but there is two jetskis and a jetmax inside.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Thanks A_Game_of_Scones

John Marston as Father

Some of you might remember John Marston from the Red Dead Redemption series. If you sign up to the Social Club then he is available to select as your father as part of the character creation process. Head to the "Dad's Mother/Dad's Father" option and then press either Y (Xbox 360) or Triangle (PS3). Marston will then be shown as your character's father.

Keep/Sell Merryweather Jeep

After calling in the Merryweather Mercenaries in GTA Online you can actually take the Merryweather jeep and either customize and mod it for yourself (you can make it your personal vehicle) or you can sell the jeep to Los Santos Customs and recoup some of the cost of calling the mercs.

Leaving Engine Running and Headlights On

  1. Be in your car with the headlights on.
  2. Leave the car and punch the air (seriously).
  3. Get back in the car, let the engine start and then get out again.
  4. The engine will stay running and the headlights will remain on too!


Lester can help you out with lots of problems you might encounter in GTA Online. Like if you're being chased by the cops give him a call and he might be able to facilitate a bribe — lowering your Wanted Level. Otherwise he might even be able to hide your radar blip so you can sneak around without being noticed. The "Hide My Blip" option can also be very helpful on Last Team Standing jobs...

Level Requirements

When doing a mission only the host needs to be the required level. This means that anyone can play (and reap the rewards of) the mission regardless of what level they are.

Lifestyle and Character Stats Guide

If you're wondering what choices to make in terms of lifestyle when creating your GTA Online character then have a read through this guide which explains each of the different lifestyle options and the extent to which they'll affect your character stats and attributes.

List of All Properties

If you want to know all properties that are available to purchase then simply go to the internet browser on your cell phone and head to Dynasty 8 (it's under "Money and Services"). At Dynasty 8 you'll see every single property you can purchase along with prices.

Looping Missions

In order to loop missions now, right after you hit the like button at the end of the mission, just make sure that everyone presses RT (Xbox 360) / R2 (PS3). This will instantly restart the exact same mission and drop you straight into it. Great for farming cash.

Loser Perk

If you are in a Deathmatch and die three times without getting a single kill then you will be given a Loser Perk to try and help you improve. Once it's given to you, you'll notice it in the options in the bottom right of the Wasted screen. That's where you can choose to activate it.

Lose Wanted Level Free

In order to lose your Wanted Level for free in GTA Online just follow these steps:

  1. Obtain Wanted Level.
  2. Press Pause.
  3. Enter Store relevant to your console.
  4. Exit store and go back to game.

And you shoud lose your Wanted Level.

Making Insurance Claim Tip

If you need to make an insurance claim and want the relevant vehicle delivered straight to you garage, then simply get in another personal vehicle before calling the insurance company and making the claim.

Since you can only have one personal vehicle in the open world at once they'll deliver it to your garage.

Thanks DapperChewie.

Making Money Online

Executives and Other Criminals bought with it loads of super yachts and other uber expensive vehicles. However if you become an Executive under the new VIP system then you get access to two very well paying jobs that can be completed quickly. For the full rundown check out this detailed post.

Max Driving Skill

Follow the steps outlined below to max out your driving skill in just 20 minutes:

  1. Host a job and pick a race, Rockstar created.
  2. Choose Criminal Records, 50 laps, standard race.
  3. Pick a fast vehicle (motorcycles are good).
  4. Keep on racing until you hit 100/100 driving skill!

Thanks dickwad69.

Max Strength Stat

If you want to max out your strength stat in GTA Online here's a way to do it in just 10 minutes!

All you do is get a friend to jump into a car and then you start meleeing that car repeatedly.

It should take about 10 minutes for your strength stat to hit the maximum and will mean you punch and kick harder, climb ladders faster, are better at sports and take less damage in certain circumstances.

Mechanic Car Delivery

Once you get your first garage (you can buy them separately or they otherwise come with all apartments) you'll also get a Mechanic who'll be able to deliver your personal vehicle to you at all times — whether you're on a mission or in free roam mode.

Mechanic Collects Impounded Vehicle

If and when your personal vehicle gets impounded then you should call you Mechanic and ask him to deliver to you any other vehicle. He'll actually go and collect your impounded personal vehicle.


Medkits are in GTA Online in the form of snacks and drinks that you buy at convenience stores. To use one, simply press and hold Back on the Xbox 360 (Select on the PS3) and then scroll down to Action --> Select a snack or drink --> press A (Xbox 360) or X (PS3) or M (PC) to use it and get back some health.

Menus: Scroll Faster

While you're looking at any menu in-game (like the custom paint job menu in the mod shop for example) if you press and hold RT (R2 on the PS3) then you'll scroll through the items much faster.

Merryweather Mesas Location

Head to the location shown below and you should find that some Mesas have spawned. Be warned though, you'll need to be heavily armed as you'll need to fight for them!!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Merryweather Security

At level 12 you will get a phone call from Merryweather Security and they will be added to the contacts list on your cell phone. You can then call them up and ask for help on missions, they are expensive though, and not all services unlock at the same time!

  • Ammo Drop: $1,000 (Rank 12)
  • Backup Chopper: $5000 (Rank 20)
  • Boat pick up: $250 (Rank 25)
  • Chopper pick up: $1,000 (Rank 30)
  • Mercenaries: $7,500 (Rank 35)
  • Airstrike: $8,000 (Rank 50)

Meth'd Up Mission Faster

When doing this mission it's a good idea to just run (or better yet drive) to the RV and then drive straight (and we mean straight) to the drop off point. This means you should be driving off-road most of the way and will also mean that you avoid a lot of the bad guys you'd otherwise encounter.

Military Base Entry

You can check out one method of getting into the military base in this video, but there's another way too. Simply roll down the hill shown in the map below and it will get you over the fence! The other way is probably a lot more fun/entertaining though!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Thanks br14n.

Military Base with No Wanted Level

Check out this video to see how you can get in the military base in GTA Online without attracting a Wanted Level. Basically it involves starting a deathmatch with a friend and then simply jumping into the base by using a fast car to bolt down a hill and leap over the fence...

It gives you a 5 minute window in which to get what you want/need and then get the heck out of there!

Mission Unlock Levels/Ranks

Lamar Davis Missions


Gerald Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Mall Or Nothing - 1,300 -
Hold Up - - -
Ballas to the Wall 5 1,200 $18,300
Community Outreach 5 - -
Slow and Low 5 - -
It's a G Thing 5 - -
Funeral Party 5 - -
Lowrider Envy 5 - -
Point and Shoot 5 - -
Desperate Times Call For... 5 - -
Peace Offerings 5 - -
San Andreas Seoul 16 1,200 $18,960
Ticket to Elysium 18 1,810 $19,080
Going Down the GOH 20 1,340 $19,200
Caught Napping 20 1,450 $19,200
Lost MC RIP 25 1,565 $19,500
No Smoking 30 1,690 $19,800

Simeon Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Learning The Ropes Alone - 1,300 -
Learning The Ropes - 1,550 -
Pier Pressure 6 1,000 $18,360
Death Metal 6 1,320 $18,360
Deal Breaker 6 1,340 $18,360
Flood in the LS River 6 1,400 $18,360
Meth'd Up 7 1,100 $18,420
No Hay Bronca 8 1,320 $18,480
Hit 'Em Up 10 2,180 $18,840
Gassed Up 12 1,310 $18,720
Violent Duct 15 1,180 $18,900
Hard Labor 19 2,250 $19,140
War and Pieces 30 2,160 $19,800
Chumash and Grab 35 1,900 $20,100
Dish the Dirt 45 2,510 $20,700

Ron Jakowski Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Repo — Blow Up IV 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — Burn Rate 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — Do You Even Lift? 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — GTA Today II 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — RV Nearly There? 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — Sasquashed 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — Simeonomics 1 4,810 $23,100
Repo — Under the Hammer 1 4,810 $23,100
Where Credit's Due 5 1,050 $18,300
Rockford Roll 5 1,060 $18,300
Rich Men in Richman 5 1,100 $18,300
Chasers 5 1250 $18300
It Takes a Thief 5 1,520 $18,300
Gentry Does It 10 1,100 $18,600
All in the Game 10 1,120 $18,600
El Burro Heists 10 1,170 $18,600
Blow Up 12 1,750 $18,720
GTA Today 12 1,800 $18,720
Chasers II 16 1,060 $18,960
Blow Up II 20 1,260 $19,200
Blow Up III 31 1,280 $19,860

Trevor Philips Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
TP Industries 13 - -
Romance Isn't Dead 13 1,150 $18,780
Fueling the Flames 20 1,270 $19,200
Turbine Carbine 25 1,560 $19,500
Daemon Run 25 1,690 $19,500
Base Invaders 27 1,460 $19,620
Crank Up the Volume 30 1,200 $19,800
Landing Gear 55 2,800 $21,300
Wet Workers 55 3,650 $21,300

Lester Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
TP Industries 13 - -
Lost My Mind 20 1,650 $19,200
Crystal Clear Out 28 1,820 $19,680
Chop Chop 43 3,915 $1,5850
Out of Harmony 50 2,650 $21,000
Satellite Communications 60 4,900 $21,600
Method in the Madness 65 4,670 $21,900
Chopper Tail 70 3,450 $2,2200
Diamonds are for Trevor 70 3,490 $22,200

Martin Madrazo Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Denial of Service 14 1,800 $18,840
Master Data 16 1,800 $18,960
Cops Capacity 19 2,160 $19,140
Crime Scenester 20 1,950 $19,200
Landing Strip 22 1,375 $19,320
A Titan of a Job 24 1,200 $19,440
Last Chopper Outta LS 25 1,385 $19,500
High Priority Case 25 1,650 $19,500
Quarry Quarry 30 1,920 $19,800
By Land, Sea and Air 30 1,930 $19,800
Teaser Trailer 40 2,510 $20,400
Four Trailers 45 4,120 $20,700
Bust Out 55 1,815 $21,300
Sinking Feeling 55 3,000 $21,300
The Parking Garage 55 3,725 $21,300
Hack and Dash 60 1,520 $21,600
American Exports 65 3,150 $21,900
On Maneuvers 65 2,550 $21,900
Docks to Stock 70 3,300 $22,200
Stocks and Scares 70 4,050 $22,200

Diamond Casino & Resort Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Dispatch I 1 - -
Dispatch II 1 - -
Dispatch III 1 - -
Dispatch IV 1 - -
Dispatch V 1 - -
Dispatch VI 1 - -
On the List 18 2,180 $19,080
Artificial Scarcity 19 2,310 $19,140
Handle with Care 20 1,950 $19,200
Time To Get Away 20 1,700 $19,200
Out of Court Settlement 22 1,160 $19,320
Death From Above 23 1,500 $19,440
Check Out Time 35 1,110 $20,100
Water the Vineyard 40 1,370 $20,400
Grab Your Ballas 40 2,530 $20,400
Stick Up the Stickup Crew 40 3,750 $20,400
The Los Santos Connection 40 3,900 $20,400
Effin' Lazers 44 - $20,640
Editor and Thief 45 1,130 $20,700
Mixed Up With Coke 45 2,575 $20,700
Dry Docking 45 2,750 $20,700
Cleaning the Cat House 45 4,090 $20,700
Extradition 50 2,350 $21,000
Holed Up — Burton 50 2,720 $21,000
Show Me the Monet 55 2,070 $21,300
Judging the Jury 65 3,560 $21,900
Defender 70 3,600 $22,200
Rooftop Rumble 75 3,500 $22,500
Trash Talk 81 3,880 $22,860

Freemode Co-Op Missions

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Max RP Max $GTA
Casino — Loose Cheng 1 - $17,800
Casino — House Keeping 1 - -
Casino — Strong Arm Tactics 1 - -
Casino — Play to Win 1 - -
Casino — Bad Beat 1 - -
Casino — Cashing Out 1 - -

Molotov Cocktails

Molotov Cocktails cannot be purchased from any of the Ammu-nation Stores in Grand Theft Auto V, but they are in both GTA Online and the story mode part of the game.

In GTA Online you can get them by either purchasing a supply box from Merryweather. You'll get three cocktails in the box.

In GTA V single player you can find Molotov Cocktails in at least two places. The first is shown in the location below.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

The second spot is under the bridge on the northwest side.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Alternatively, you can also check out the video below to view all of the Molotov Cocktail locations that way:

Most Popular High-end Apartments

Thanks to jfjjfjff of Reddit we have the survey responses below which indicate what high-end apartments are the most popular to purchase in the game. This means if you are about to purchase a high-end apartment you should have a good idea of which is actually the best one.

The most popular is Eclipse Towers, Apartment #31, followed by 3 Alta St, Apartment #57 and Del Perro Heights, Apartment #20.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Must Have Vehicle: Police Riot/SWAT Van

You should use this store any vehicle in your garage glitch to get the Police Riot/SWAT Van. Why? Because it kicks butt. Just look at these perks:

  • It can take up to nine sticky bombs to the chassis, two to the engine and five underneath before it will blow.
  • It has bullet-proof windows that you can still shoot out of.
  • It fits up to eight people (half an entire server).
  • It's free to insure.
  • Your crew members can easily hang off the side of it.
  • It can destroy other vehicles if you ram them correctly.

No Insurance Excess for Blowing Up Bounty's Vehicle

When you blow up the personal vehicle of someone who has a bounty on their head you will not get charged for their insurance excess. You will still get a bad sport warning though.

NPC Placed Bounties

If you steal a car from a NPC note that they can and will sometimes put a bounty on your head too. It's not just other human players that can do it.

Passenger Set GPS

If you have another player in your car as the passenger and they set a point on their GPS it will automatically be shown on your GPS map too.

Passive Mode

Passive mode is entered by going to the pause menu, then Online --> Options --> Passive Mode. While you can't be killed by getting shot by another person on foot, meleed, or robbed during passive mode, you can get run over by someone else with a car and also shot by someone from a car. So be careful where you choose to activate it. Also, you can not deal damage to others in these same ways.

Personal Vehicle

If you want to change your "personal vehicle" you need to acquire/steal the one you want (not a premium one though) and take it to Los Santos Customs. Then go to "Loss/Theft Prevention" and buy the tracker for $2K. This will make it your default vehicle.

Personal Vehicle Recovery

One of the benefits of having a personal vehicle is that you can get it back really quickly.

If you're in free roam and it's a long way away then go to your phone and accept a job (or so a quick one) and your vehicle will be transported to you. You don't even need to finish (or even start the job) and can just cancel it. X on the Xbox 360 or Square on the PS3 is how you cancel jobs from the job selection screen on the cell phone.

Popular Vehicle Color Combinations

If you're looking for some ideas as to how to respray your vehicles then look no further than the imgur gallery linked below as well as the color combos that follow!

  • Gasoline Green + Yellow
  • Schafter Purple + Lime Green
  • Sea Green + Hot Pink
  • Lava Red + Lime Green
  • Red + Ice White
  • Black + Race Yellow
  • Shadow Silver + Orange
  • Anthracite Black + Ice White
  • Galaxy Blue + Hot Pink
  • Stone Grey + Lava Red
  • Carbon Black + Salmon Pink
  • Schaffter Purple + Salmon Pink
  • Feltzer Brown + Race Yellow
  • Sunset Red + Bright Orange
  • Surf Blue + Dew Yellow

Property Location, Type, Price and Garage Size Guide

Once you've built up a bit of cash in GTA Online (LINK TO HINTS) you'll probably want to spend it on property. Luckily we have a nice spreadsheet embedded below (click for the full sized version) that will show you all the property you can purchase in GTA Online along with the type, location, region, price and garage size of each. Very handy!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Thanks pvt13krebs.

Quick Action Button — Full Usage

When you have assigned an action like eating a snack to the quick action button (which can be activated by pressing in both sticks (ie L3 and R3/Caps Lock) then make sure you are fully pressing and holding the two sticks in so that your character completely consumes the snack/bottle/whatever she or he is eating or drinking. This will ensure you get the full benefit of its effects.

Quick GPS

If there are some blue moving objects on your minimap that aren't being auto-tracked by the GPS, you can switch to Quick GPS and they'll appear.

Quick Menu

The Quick Menu in GTA Online is very important. Access it by holding "Select" or "Back". It is where you can change clothes and accessories, start a race, change your vehicle settings (like deciding who can enter and who can't) and also enter passive mode.

Quick Replay Vote

If you press RT (Xbox 360) or R2 (PS3) or Page Up (PC) after everyone has liked (or not) the previously played mission you can vote to replay it. This works even if the option to replay the mission is not displayed on the screen.

Racing Hint

You'll need to have access to multi-car garages in order to do this, but it's really useful.

What you need to do is try to obtain and then mod at least one type of each vehicle that there is.

This way whenever you go to race with others, you can have a custom modded car no matter the vehicle class chosen.

Radio Stations on Spotify

Reddit user no1dead was kidn enough to create Spotify playlists for all the radio stations in GTAV! Simply click the link below to be taken to the relevant playlist in your Spotify app.

Rappel Down from Helicopter

If you stop the pilot of a Merryweather Helicopter (you need to be level 10 to unlock the chopper pickup) at a low altitude then a prompt should show up. You can dictate where it stop by setting a waypoint while you're in the chopper.

Then hold X on the Xbox 360 (Square on the PS3/Space on PC) and you'll be able to rappel from the copter.

Rat Loader Spawn Location

The Rat Loader might look cool, but it's an absolute dog to try and drive. Anyway, it's still good for cruising around in and if you want to find it in GTA Online then check this video for the spawn location.

Rearrange the Vehicles in Your Garage

Follow these steps to rearrange the vehicles in your garage without losing them!

  1. Go to the end of your garage to the blue marker.
  2. Select the Rearrange option.
  3. Rearrange vehicles as you see fit.

Recent Activity List

Head to the in-game menu and from there select "Info" where you'll be able to track all your recent activity, including who you've played with. This can be an excellent way to recall who shot/robbed/punked you in-game. Use it to track them down and exact your revenge.

Remove Wanted Level

To get rid of your Wanted Level simply drive into an auto-shop!.

Replacing Vehicles with Modded Ones

If you're going to replace a vehicle in your garage then make sure you carry out the replacement first and only after it's been saved in your garage take it out and mod it. Otherwise if you mod it first and then use it to replace the old car you can lose the mods.

Replaying Missions

There are three ways to replay missions:

You can either select to replay it from the mission selection screen after a mission ends.

If you've already gone back into free roam you need to call Gerald and ask him for a job. Do the job he gives you and then choose your mission on the selection screen.

Ask/wait for another player to give you an invite to do the mission.

Resupply During Jobs

You might not think you can, but it's actually possible to re-supply with more armor, health and ammo half-way through completing a job. So if you get low on ammo or health, or need to get more armor in anticipation of a big gun fight, visit an Ammu-nation to restock and then carry on with the job.

Rhino Tank — Get One, Insure it and Store it

Follow the guide in the image below in order to grab a Rhino tank in GTA Online AND insure it and store it in your garage!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Robbing Convenience Stores

Convenience stores are all labelled on the map – almost makes they too easy to rob right? Wrong, they'are actually pretty hard to pull off and get away with! We don't know about you, but the cops seem to be that little more aggressive in GTA Online and they definitely come after you full force for knocking over the local convenience store.

One helpful hint is to grab a mask and use it for the robbery. Then when you are out of the line of sight of the cops, take it off. You should lose at least one star (unless you were on one star already).

Also don't forget to yell or blow into your microphone while you're pointing your gun at the store clerk. This will make them get the money more quickly. Alternatively if you want to show a little less mercy/make more money — shoot them. It has been reported that this will earn you more cash.

RP Bonuses

If you complete a job as part of a team then you'll earn 20% more RP than you would have otherwise. Plus, you can get an additional 10% if you do the job with a Crew member.

RP Boosting via Racing

Races can be a great way of boosting your RP, especially because they can be done solo. You will earn between 500 and 1,000 for each race (although they cost 100 RP to enter).

Same Clothes at Stores

In case you were wondering, all clothing stores in GTA Online stock exactly the same stuff. So you can stop trying to visit them all.

Save Progress

Playing online and with the cloud etc you might think that your progress in GTA Online was saved continuously... it isn't! Before you quit a session make sure you go to the Start menu first --> "Online" and choose "Leave GT Online". Alternatively just switch back to story (single player) mode.

Selling Cars to Los Santos Customs

You can sell cars to Los Santos Customs in GTA Online with the only restrictions being that they won't take premium cars such as the Obey 9F or Pegassi Infernus, and that you can do this a maximum of once per in-game day (every 48 minutes). To maximize the amount of cash they pay you, try to find cars just below the "premium level" – cars like the Lampadati Felon GT. Luxury Sedans and high end SUVs also seem to sell well. And if you can keep the car undamaged they'll pay more for it.

Simeon Missions

Simeon will give you missions in GTA Online and they all involve repossessing vehicles (duh…). They are also repeatable which is especially handy for one particular mission involving taking an Obey 9F from outside the front of a hotel (choose to do this one on the highest difficulty setting by the way). Anyway, don't worry about trying to lose the security guards or taking them out, just grab the car and get back to Simeon's shop ASAP. Then after the mission ends and you get your rewards, choose to replay the mission. Do this over and over and you can build up a decent amount of cash quickly.

Otherwise the general consensus is that Gerald's missions (once you unlock him) are much better for earning money.

Sing in the Shower for RP

Head to your own apartment or someone else's and then take a shower. If you have a microphone and sing/blow into it then you'll earn Reputation Points! Just make sure you set your chat options to "No-one" before doing this (or maybe don't... your call).

Slide Down Ladders

Hold A (Xbox 360) / X (PS3) / L Shift (PC) while you're coming down a ladder and you'll slide down it instead. This method is a lot quicker way of getting down and definitely helps on the bigger ladders!

Thanks AiraCobr.

Smoke Weed for Color Security Cams

If you smoke marijuana in the game before viewing your security cameras then they will be in color!

Your security cameras are a channel on your TV by the way...

Solo GTA Online

If you're sick of getting griefed or just want to spend some time on your own (but still play GTA Online) go back to Story Mode (switch to either Michael, Trevor or Franklin) and then press "Start" --> "Online" --> "Play GTA Online" and choose to start an "Invite Only session".

Certain missions can only be completed in public sessions, but if you want to access those without any other players around, follow our guide.

Solo Mission — $12K Payout / $100K+ Per Hour

Coveted is a mission that you can solo and use to earn over $100,000 per hour by repeating it. You need to be at least level 36 to do it.

To access it, go to Jobs --> Host Job --> Missions --> Coveted.

Coveted should take you 2 or 3 minutes to complete. You simply need to travel you a particular checkpoint and wait for a Cargobob there. Once it arrives you need to pick up a shipping container and then deliver it.

If you travel along the right side of the hill on the way down (it'll make sense when you're doing it) then you can skip many of the enemies you'd otherwise encounter.

The mission also pays 2,000 RP. To restart it after finishing the host just needs to press X (Xbox 360) or Square (PS3) in the rewards lobby.

Spend Wisely

Your money should be spent on weapons at the start and then once you get a decent weapon you should buy a garage. Do not spend money on things like clothing. It is unnecessary and will only slow down your progress.

Splitting Loot/Cash

If you want to split up cash with your team after you've completed a job then simply press and hold Back on the Xbox 360 or Select on the PS3, or M on PC.

Sports & Super Cars

If you want to keep a sports or super car in GTA Online (and insure, modify, sell it, etc) then you need to purchase it outright from the Ultimate Motors website using your phone. You cannot steal them to keep them or even sell them.


We've produced the ultimate guide to stats for GTA Online — how to earn them, what stats are best suited for you given your specific playing style, and also which stats we think are the most important. Click here to view the full guide.

Steal Back Impounded Car

If your car is impounded there is a way to steal it back without having to face off against the Police.

Instead simply call Gerald for some sort of gang-related mission and start doing it ("Death Metal" is an example). The mission instance will disable all cops, but your impounded vehicle will still be in the lot. So simply steal it back.

Sticky Bombs on Apartment/Garage Doors

If you're getting griefed by someone, or just want to have some fun, here's something you can do. Simply place a sticky bomb next to either the door of your apartment or your garage and then watch your griefer via the security cams. When they are within range simply detonate the bomb! If you have a buddy you can also place a bounty of their head to lure people to their apartment, and then do this.

Stock Tires with Colored Rims

Note: this will only work with some vehicles...

If you want to keep the stock tires of your vehicle but change their color you can do it. Here's how. First buy the new wheels you want and then color them. Now simply put the old stock tires back on your ride. They should remain colored.

Stolen Car Price List

Here's a list of the prices you'll be able to sell some stolen vehicles to Los Santos Customs for... Note that the list is incomplete (still being compiled) and that you can also check this out for yourself in-game. Simply go to and check the price of the relevant car. You'll be able to sell it for 10% less than retail.

  • Albany Buccaneer — $2,800
  • Albany Cavalclade (Classic) — $7,000
  • Albany Cavalclade (Modern) — $9,000
  • Albany Emperor — $800
  • Albany Manana — $800
  • Benefactor Dubsta — $9,000
  • Benefactor Schafter — $6,500
  • Benefactor Serrano — $6,000
  • BF Injection — $1,600
  • Bravado Bison — $3,000
  • Bravado Buffalo — $3,500
  • Bravado Gauntlet — $3,200
  • Bravado Gresley — $2,900
  • Canis Mesa — $3,000
  • Cheval Fugitive — $2,400
  • Cheval Surge — $3,800
  • Declasse Granger — $3,100
  • Declasse Rancher XL — $900
  • Declasse Sabre Turbo — $1,500
  • Declasse Tornado — $3,000
  • Declasse Vigero — $2,100
  • Dundreary Landstalker — $5,800
  • Fathom FQ 2 — $5,000
  • Gallivanter Baller (Modern) — $9,000
  • Imponte Ruiner — $1,000
  • Karin Asterope — $2,600
  • Karin Futo — $1,000
  • Karin Rebel — $700
  • Karin Sultan — $1,200
  • Lampadati Felon — $9,000
  • Lampadi Felon GT — $9,500
  • Maibatsu Penumbra — $2,400
  • Mammoth Patriot — $5,000
  • Obey Rocoto — $8,500
  • Ocelot F620 — $,000
  • Pegassi Ruffian — $1,000
  • Schyster Fusilade — $3,600
  • Ubermacht Oracle 1 — $8,000
  • Ubermacht Zion — $6,500
  • Vapid Bobcat XL — $2,300
  • Vapid Dominator — $3,500
  • Vapid Peyote — $1,200
  • Vapid Radius — $3,200
  • Vapid Sandking SWB — $4,500
  • Vapid Stanier — $1,000
  • Weeny Issi — $1,800

Stolen Premium Cars

There is no way to garage, sell or modify a stolen premium car so don't waste your time trying to do so.

Stop Griefing Tanks

If you have a level 100 killing/griefing you in a tank then one way to possibly get them to stop is by getting to your vehicle and then repeatedly running into the back of their tank. Yes, this will kill you, but it will be classed as a "Bad Sport" kill by them and they'll need to pay for your vehicle insurance costs.

This kinda means that you end up griefing them back, but it works! It also helps if you have your buddies nearby who can do the same thing to help you out (and who don't mind dying a few times...).

Stop Tanks with a Sniper

It's easy to stop guys in tanks, you just need to shoot at them with the sniper. Where though is the key...

You need to aim at the front left quadrant of the tank, pretty much where the driver is sitting inside it. Note that this will be by the hatch, but not at the actual hatch itself. When you score a hit/are in the right spot your reticle will turn red. Shot that spot twice with the sniper and the driver will be dead. You just need to try and envisage exactly where the driver would be sitting...

Stunt Jumps Map

The high resolution map below shows you all the locations of the stunt jumps in GTA V. Perfect for printing out!

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Thanks HeII_Yeah

PS: If you want an overview of the same thing from within the game (including fly unders too) then go to the Junk Energy drink website and click the link called "Adrenaline Junkie" in the top right. The in-game URL is

Submarine in GTA Online

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

It is possible to get a submarine in GTA Online. If you are rank 34 you will definitely be able to get the spawn. You might be able to get the sub spawn from a lower level, but we know that it definitely works at level 34.

Anyway, head to the location shown in the image below to see where the submarine spawns. It's in the docks where you rescue Tracy from the porn producers.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hints & Tips

Unfortunately unlike in the story mode part of GTA V, when you exit the submarine into water you will not be given any scuba gear.

Sultan RS Locations

The Sultan RS is one of the most popular and sought after cars in Grand Theft Auto V for good reason — it looks good and handles great. However it's not that easy to acquire one as you can't simply purchase them. Instead you'll need to find one (the initial car you need to find is actually the Karin Sultan) which you then upgrade into the Sultan RS.

The good news is that the car is possible to find in both story mode and GTA Online, just check out these videos: Single player | GTA Online (1, 2.

Sultan RS Spawning

The Sultan RS is very hard to find in GTA Online but here's a good trick to maximize your chances of getting one.

They are known to spawn near Blaine County, right near the Los Santos Customs.

So what you need to do is check up and down the road that the LSC is off and if you don't see one, then pull into the LSC and then head straight back out.

The forces all the parked cars to change and hopefully this time one of them will be the Sultan!

Thanks Diabeticwalrus1.

Survival Tip

Just a quick one here — if you are doing Survival then make sure you avoid the roof of the Boneyard.

Rockstar has decided that if you venture there will playing Survival then you'll be kicked out of the match automatically and also receive a bad sport warning...

Survive a Bounty for Cash and RP

If you have a bounty placed on your head and last an entire in-game day without getting killed then not only will you receive RP, you'll also get whatever the value of the bounty was. To do this easily just head to your apartment (provided you have one). If you don't have one, then Trevor's garage is a pretty good spot to defend from (and a lot more exciting to do so).

Switch Locked Targets with Buzzard

This is a handy hint for those of you who love flying th Buzzard helicopter. If you tap L1 and R1 on the PS3 (LB and RB on the Xbox 360) with missiles equipped then you'll switch between targets.

Switch to Free-Aim to Stop Getting Killed

If you find yourself getting killed a lot in GTA Online it's either because you're crap or otherwise in an auto-aim game. Auto-aim makes it incredibly easy for anyone to kill you, so simply change your aim type to "Free-Aim" and you'll then be put with other "Free-Aimers" only. This had to be done under the Settings menu in the Story Mode part of GTA V. If you keep dying then keep playing and get better ;).

Tailgater Spawn Location

Head to the golf course parking lot and then just keep cycling through sessions of GTA Online until one spawns there. This is the best way to ensure you get one.

Taking Strippers Home

You need to talk into your headset to "flirt" with the strippers in GTA Online. Keep doing it and the flirt bar will fill up, which in turn will make the like bar increase. If the like bar increases to the max then you'll be able to take the stripper home. But you need to have purchased an apartment to do this!

There's also no bouncers in GTA Online so you can use the "touch" function as much as you want. In fact do this constantly because it will also raise the "like" meter.

If you fill up the "flirt" bar, it gives a huge portion to "like" bar. If the "like" bar fills up, the stripper will go home with you. You can only do this if you own an apartment.

Top Vehicles in Each Category

Below is a generally accepted list of the best vehicles in each category/type in GTA Online. If there is more than one we've listed both.

  • Super: Dewbauchee Vagner
  • Muscle: Declasse Yosemite
  • Sedan: Tailgater / Schafter
  • Coupe: Ubermacht Zion
  • SUV: Vapid Contender
  • Motorbikes: Bati / Shotaro
  • Off-road: BF Bifta / Sanchez
  • Sports: Ocelot Pariah / Itali GTO
  • Sport Classics: Turismo Classic / Cheetah Classic
  • Compacts: Brioso R/A

Trolling Car Thieves

You should know that you can control your vehicle privacy using the Quick Menu (Back on Xbox 360 / Select on PS3 / M on PC). What you do using this is let someone steal your car and then change the privacy to no-one as they are driving off. They will then die as they're thrown from the car whilst taking off! Just make sure you don't hit eject — otherwise the car will slow to a stop to let them out. You need to just change the setting so no-one can be in your car.

Turbo Start

Like a lot of racing games, if you press the accelerator button at exactly the same time as the word "Go" then you'll get a nice little boost of speed off the start line.


Make sure you complete all the tutorials before you start free roaming/playing normally in GTA Online. This means you need to do the following: race with Lamar, rob a convenience store, drug delivery, choose and customize personal car and Last Team Standing mission.

The full extent of GTA Online will not be unlocked without first completing the tutorials.

Unlock Car Locks

If you hold Back (Xbox 360) or Select (PS3), or M (PC) on your control and scroll down to vehicle access you can choose to open up your car to fellow Crew members, friends or anyone. This will let people jump into your car with you.

Ultimate Jobs Information Spreadsheet

In GTA Online we're sure that you know that you earn Respect Points (RP) and cash by doing jobs. And if you want know what jobs are best for your circumstances, and what jobs might open up in the future, then check out this spreadsheet.

It contains all the information you'll need including which contact gives you the job, the minimum level requirement, the cash and approximate RP rewards and how many players you'll need. Some helpful job tips are also included.

Thanks SaintRebbel.

Ultimate List of Purchasable Cars in GTA Online

You need to check out and refer to this spreadsheet every time before you spend your cash in GTA Online. It lists every single available to purchase in GTA Online along with the following details: price, class, capacity (persons), speed rating, brake rating, acceleration rating, handling rating, and overall rating. Plus it gives you a link to a picture and also tells you which actual real-life car the in-game was is based off.

Check out the spreadsheet here.

Invaluable information thanks thefountain88.

Unlock Car Upgrades

To unlock upgrades for your vehicle you need to run races with that class of vehicle and level up. This will then unlock the upgrades for you.

Unlock Levels for Items

Check this page to view all the level ranks you need to achieve to unlock various items available in GTA Online.

Unlock Levels for Weapons

Check this page to view all the level ranks you need to achieve to unlock the various weapons available in GTA Online.

Unique Body Modifications List for Vehicles

Thanks to MassSpectacular we have the following list of vehicles and body modifications that are unique to those vehicles — that is, you can't make these mods to any other type of vehicle, only the one listed!

  • Cavalcade: upgraded sound system in back (subwoofers, amp, etc)
  • Bodhi: Bull horns to hood and roof. Headlight covers
  • Sand King XL: Unique roll cage in truck bed. Camper shell
  • Rebel (rusty version): Several trophy/baha truck bed mods. Nets for windows
  • Rat Loader: Shortened truck bed. Unique grill. Unique exhaust options. Non-chrome bug catcher intakes
  • Dubsta: Several off road mods. Tire on hood. Snorkle. spare tire on back.
  • Sultan: WRX style hood intake. Tachometer added to dash
  • Sabre Turbo: Several unique muscle car mods. Roll cage with NOS tank. Painted from and rear bumpers. Side shot exhaust
  • Phoenix: High rise spoiler. Glass T-Tops
  • Ruiner: Very tall blunderbuss style exhaust
  • Futo: Also has very tall blunderbuss style exhast
  • Peyote: Cowl induction hood. Painted/chrome spare tire. Curb feelers. zebra seat covers. Los Santos plaquered
  • Tornado: Unique bumbers. Hood ornaments. Unique exhaust options.
  • Manana: Has some low rider mods similar to the Peyote
  • Bagger: Remove saddle bags. Remove Fairing
  • Youga: Can add overhead camper modification
  • Asea: Stickerbomb modifications to bumper, fenders, hood, and roof.

Upgrading Property

If you decide to upgrade your property (garage or apartment) then your currently held property will automatically be sold for you and be put towards the purchase price of your new place. You get about of the initial purchase price.

Views from All High-End Apartments

So you've finally earned/saved/scrapped together enough cash in GTA Online to be able to afford one of the high-end apartments and of course you want one with a nice view. That's where this video comes in. It will show you the full views of every single premium apartment purchasable in GTA Online. So before you drop that hard-earned cash on a place to crash, take a look at the video and make sure you choose the crib with the best view!

Use a Mask

Use a mask before you commit a crime because it will enable you to easily lose one star once the cops start chasing you.

Simply wait until they can't see you (after the crime has been done and they're in pursuit) and then remove the mask. One wanted level star should drop off. If you are only on one star it will have no effect however.

Wind Down Windows

Broken car windows are the bane of any gangster's life and you can avoid them in GTA V! Here's how: when you are the driver of a car without any weapons equipped, just press RT (Xbox 360) / R2 (PS3) / LMB (PC) to roll down your passenger's window or LB (Xbox 360) / L1 (PS3) to roll down your own window. See how easy that was?

Mission Unlock Level / Rank Times Available Max RP Max $GTA
Crystal Clear Out II 16 3:00 PM — 11:00 PM - $18,960
Factory Closure 18 7:00 AM — 5:00 PM 750 $19,080
Dirt Road 19 2:00 PM — 10:00 PM 900 $19,140
Truck Together 23 - 750 $19,440
Coasting 25 12:00 AM — 8:00 AM 1,075 $19,500
Potshot 25 4:00 AM — 12:00 PM 1,250 $19,500
Close Action 35 12:00 PM — 8:00 PM 1,625 $20,100
Coveted 36 12:00 AM — 8:00 AM 1,750 $20,160
Crystal Clear Out III 40 7:00 AM — 3:00 PM 1,800 $20,400
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