GTA 5 Treasure Island Mod
In "Dead Island: Treasure Quest," you'll face zombies, hostile natives, and toxic plants as you search for hidden treasures on a mysterious island.
If you've been following GTA 5's modding community for some time, you'll probably be familiar with the name of Shaezbreizh, even if it's long and difficult to pronounce. The French modder seemingly sticks only to creating new map additions for the game, which is just as well, seeing as he is a downright master of his craft and considered by many — other esteemed modders alike — as the best map maker currently modding GTA 5.
We've featured Shaezbreizh's work here on the website before when we featured his overgrown post-apocalyptic take on Los Santos developed with content creators in mind — even though any of this mapper's mods would be perfect for GTA 5 fan videos.
His most recent map, Dead Island: Treasure Quest was recently released and immediately featured on the hosting site's front page. The map is rated a solid 5/5, like most of his other creations and the comments are glowing as always.
While there are a pair of zombies on the landmass and one particular screenshot does make the island seem like the lower half of a skull, the emphasis is on the "Treasure Quest" part of the title instead of the "Dead Island" part. There really is no reference to that game other than the two undead shambling around.
The island is populated by rabid dogs, mercenaries, the aforementioned re-animated corpses, hostile natives and particularly dangerous toxic plants. These inhabitants are guarding, or searching for, 8 hidden caches of treasure which contain cash. Quite a bit of cash.
If you haven't figured it out, we'll spell it out for you: the objective of the map is to find the treasure before the opponents do, kill any attackers and survive without getting killed via toxic plant. A hidden danger lurks around the surrounding waters as well, so be careful if you decide to get your feet wet.
The island is surprisingly large and expansive and you can't help but feel vibes of Far Cry 3 or even the first Crysis when exploring it. Funnily enough, this map has gotten much better reception than the game it references with its name. When a GTA 5 mod is a better Dead Island than Dead Island, you know development went awry somewhere.
Shaezbreizh has promised to keep updating the mod with further features and content, meaning we'll probably see more treasure in the near future — and maybe even more zombies.
What kinds of GTA 5 maps do you hope Shaezbreizh will move on to next?