GTA 6 Reveal In 2020 Teased
City Morgue is teasing a mysterious collaboration with Rockstar Games, and fans are hoping it's related to GTA 6.
As far as Grand Theft Auto 6 news and rumors go, there is barely anything that we can say we know for sure and a lot of unsubstantiated hearsay floating about. Beyond knowing that it exists and will appear, sometime, probably, nothing is clear. However, a recent Instagram post may have shed some more light on the future of the franchise.
Hip-hop group City Morgue posted an interesting image to their Instagram story that teases an apparent collaboration between themselves and Rockstar Games. Known GTA leaker Yan2295 then signal-boosted the post in the community, kicking up a bit of a storm.
There isn't much to go on. The image appears to be one of a blood bag with the Rockstar Games logo, a large X, and the City Morgue logo on it. It is captioned "Summer 2020" and has the official Rockstar Games account tagged in it. The post refers to Righteous P, a member of City Morgue who initially posted the image.
When a fan contacted Peter "Righteous P" Rodgers, the response didn't reveal anything more, just that there would be an announcement "soon". The most likely assumption is that the group is involved with the soundtrack of an upcoming GTA game.
There are, of course, other explanations. Rockstar themselves haven't said anything, so there is a small possibility this is all a publicity stunt without any truth to it. It is also possible they are collaborating for other purposes, or for another game.
A rumor about a possible Bully sequel has been floating around the web for a while now, so there is a chance City Morgue is involved with that instead of GTA 6. But their musical style best fits the flagship crime game rather than the satirical school setting of Bully.
It would make sense, too.
GTA 5 is six years old now, so the time period of a development cycle has already elapsed, and as far as we know Rockstar has been working on the next GTA game ever since 5 was finished. With the next generation of consoles right around the corner, putting out the next chapter of the blockbuster series on Microsoft's Project Scarlett and Sony's PlayStation 5 would be a logical move.
We'll see if anything comes of this — either way, after this many years, some kind of news would be welcome! Here's everything we know about GTA 6 so far.