GTA Online Dr Dre Agency Missions Guide (The Contract DLC)

From GTA BOOM Wiki

The Contract DLC is taking the game to new heights with an all-star cast and all-new Agency missions. Are you ready to join forces with Dr. Dre and conquer Los Santos?

The Contract DLC is one of the biggest DLCs in GTA Online, and the missions are designed to imitate the recent DLCs released before it. In addition to the plethora of new content including vehicles, new missions, as well as Franklin from the story mode, we are also treated to the apparence of A-list celebrities in the main story of The Contract DLC.

The notable real-life celebrities & associates featured in the contracts DLC include Dr. Dre, DJ Pooh, Anderson .Paak, Lola Romero, and Jimmy Iovine.

The Contract DLC has one of the most prolonged prep missions in any DLC to date, and has many sub-missions that you'll need to complete in order to reach the final mission for the payout. This guide covers absolutely everything from A to Z. We show you how to get started with The Contract DLC, what to buy, prep missions, sub-missions, and the finale.

Feel free to check out our video guides added for each mission for better visual representation and guide. If you are looking for the new media stick/USB locations introduced as part of The Contract DLC, please check our guide here.

Buying The Agency

To get started with The contract DLC, you need to buy the Agency. In GTA Online, you will get a call from Lamar Davis explaining about the new organization that he and his associate (later revealed to be Franklin Clinton) are setting up together. Once the call ends, you can navigate to Dynasty8 from your mobile phone and go through the different locations to buy the agency.

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All the locations are in the city and near other relevant businesses. The following are the four locations where you can purchase the agency with their respective base prices (without upgrades). Note that you do not need to buy the upgrades to do the missions.

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Agency Locations

  • Little Seoul: $2,010,000
  • Vespucci Canals: $2,145,000
  • Rockford Hills: $2,415,000
  • Hawick: $2,830,000

It depends entirely on personal preference when it comes to deciding which one is the best agency out of the four. The agency locations are not that far apart from each other. All the agencies are in the city. However, it depends on individual players who want to buy the agency — you need to consider you other business locations.

We decided to buy the one at Vespucci Canals simply due to how open the surrounding area is. Given the open space around the building, it is very easy to land your helicopter on the agency building. So far, during our entire playthrough of the DLC, we've found the Vespucci Canals building to be the most convenient out of all.

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Agency Upgrades

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There are six different upgrade types for your agency building and they are as follows (the prices shown are the maximum amount you can spend on each upgrade):

  • Art: $340,000
  • Wallpaper: $442,500
  • Highlight: $100,000
  • Armory: $720,000
  • Accomodation: $275,000
  • Vehicle Workshop: $800,000

Once you've bought the agency, you can visit it.

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When you first enter the agency, you will be greeted by Franklin Clinton.

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Agency Missions: The Contracts

Let's talk about the primary missions of this DLC called 'the contracts', also known as Agency missions. You can access the contracts by logging into the computer in your agency office. Note that you can complete this entire DLC solo and that you must also register as a VIP, CEO, or MC President to play these missions.

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Before we get into the Agency missions, it is also worth noting that there are three different difficulty levels for all the contracts: Professional, Specialist, and Specialist+.

There are two types of contracts — Security Contracts and VIP Contracts.

Security Contracts

Security contracts are the contracts you can do at any time, and these appear in randomized order. Only three different security contracts show up at a time. You can choose one and complete the one you like. When you complete one security contract mission, there is a 5-minutes cooldown timer before you can do the next contract mission.

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There are five different types of security contracts, and they are as follows:

Gang Termination

In Gang Termination, you are tasked to eliminate senior gang members as requested by the client. Before you start the mission, stock up on armor and snacks. You will be asked to go to a specific location and eliminate gang members in a certain marked region.

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Several gang members will spawn inside the region, but only one will be a senior member. The best way to do this mission is to either be inside an Armored Kuruma or use a flying vehicle with an automatic missile targeting system such as a Buzzard or an Oppressor mkII. There's no specific strategy for this mission. It is always the same but with different locations.

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You will be able to see the number of senior gang members or enforcers remaining in an area at the bottom right corner of your screen. Whenever you eliminate an enforcer you will get a notification just above your mini-map.

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Eliminate all the members and leave the area to complete the mission.

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Asset Protection

In this security contract mission, you need to go to the marked location and protect the client's assets. There will be a lot of enemies trying to destroy it, and you need to protect the assets from the incoming enemies.

We highly recommend you use an Armored Kuruma and stock up on armor and snacks, just in case. But realistically, if you're inside the Armored Kuruma, you won't need a lot of snacks and armor.

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When you start the mission, a 10-minute timer will start at the bottom-right corner of your screen. This is the total time you get to get to the location and protect the asset. You need to protect the asset until this timer runs out.

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When you get to the location, stay inside the Armored Kuruma and eliminate the incoming enemies. You will also have some help from the ally NPCs, so don't worry too much if you're doing it solo.

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The enemies will spawn in waves, and they will increase in number as you plow through the waves. Take special care of the enemies with a flame icon on the mini-map.

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These enemies have a Molotov, and they can do a lot of damage to the assets. They throw the Molotov and damage the targeted asset and the surrounding assets. Make the Molotov enemies the priority and take them out before dealing with other incoming enemies.

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Once the timer nears the end, the enemies will stop spawning, and more backup will arrive. At this point, you've successfully completed the security contract mission.

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Liquidize Assets

This mission is the complete opposite of the mission 'asset protection.' In this mission, you need to locate and destroy equipment as requested by the client.

First, we recommend leaving the agency via the Agency SuperVolito helicopter by talking to the agency's receptionist. Also, stock up on armor and snacks.

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Now, go to the stated location, and you will identify a mob upon reaching the mission marker location. You will then need to follow the mob to the warehouse or wherever the assets are secured.

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Keep an eye out for the detection meter at the bottom-right corner of the screen. You will not have a lot of issues considering you're already quite high enough in the air for the mob to detect you. But, if you are too close to the road, the detection meter will start to fill. Keep your distance, and follow the mob to the asset's location.

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When the mob reaches the warehouse, they will enter the warehouse. Land your helicopter and enter the warehouse. But, before entering the warehouse, ensure that you've equipped a weapon.

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When inside, quickly get into cover, and take out the enemies.

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After eliminating the guards, use explosive weapons (RPG, Grenade, etc) to destroy the ammo crates (assets) inside the building.

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After destroying the assets, place the charges at the indicated areas, and exit the building.

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This is where the helicopter comes in super handy. Quickly get into your helicopter, and lose the cops to complete this mission.

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Rescue Operation

In this mission, you need to rescue the client and safely extract them. It would be best to buy some armor and snacks for this mission as you will get into a gunfight when trying to rescue the client.

Exit the agency using your agency helicopter SuperVolito. The helicopter will help you escort the client easily and safely.

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Get to the marked area to find the client. You can use the blood trails to get to the client when you get to the location. Or, you can also just listen and follow the sound of gunshots.

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Eliminate all the hitmen and approach the client to collect them.

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Escort the client to the helicopter. On your way back, you will get chased by some attack helicopters. But ignore them and continue to the safehouse. They won't be able to catch up to you.

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Deliver the client to the safehouse to complete this mission.

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Vehicle Recovery

In vehicle recovery, you are tasked with recovering the client's stolen vehicle. It is best to once again top up on snacks and armor.

First, you will be asked to go to a location with the garage having the vehicle inside. Go to the garage, and enter.

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Once you're inside, you need to quickly take cover and take out the enemies.

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After taking out the enemies, look for the stolen vehicle. The stolen vehicle will always stand out and you will be easily able to identify the vehicle. Approach the vehicle to identify it.

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Enter the vehicle and start driving towards the garage door to exit. When you reach near the garage door, you will be attacked by some more enemies.

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You need to quickly take cover and take them out before you can use the keypad by the garage door to unlock the garage door.

You can also let them kill you. Once killed, you will spawn right back outside. You can use this opportunity to heal yourself and equip your armor before you head back inside to kill the rest of the enemies.

Once unlocked, get back into the vehicle and drive into the marker to exit the garage.

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When outside, just drive back to the agency garage to complete the mission. You will also get chased by some enemies, ignore them and keep driving to the agency. They will eventually lose interest in you.

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VIP Contracts

The VIP contracts are the main Dr. Dre contracts you get after the completion of at least two security contracts. There are two missions you need to complete before you can finally start doing the actual VIP contract missions. However, these two "prep" missions are also considered VIP contract missions.

We will call these two missions: VIP Contract Intro mission (On Course) and VIP Contract Setup mission (Data Recovery).

Intro Mission — On Course

The intro mission is unlocked after you've completed at least two security contract missions.

Here's a tip for you, if you wish to skip doing the missions, you can start the mission and just fail it (exit the game). Repeat the same with another mission, and it will count as two completed missions. The reason for doing this is to skip the 5-minute cool down between the two security contract missions. This is entirely optional, of course. You can always complete the missions. We recommend completing the missions for the intended and best experience.

Sometime after the completion of the security missions, you will get a call from Franklin.

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After the call, you will get a new 'F' icon on your map, which represents Franklin Clinton. It'll be at the golf club.

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Get to the golf club and enter the clubhouse to start the mission called On Course.

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When you start the mission, you will get a cutscene where you will meet Dr. Dre for the first time.

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After the cutscene ends, you will need to chase down two golfers who disrespected Dr. Dre and teach them a "lesson."

First, you need to ram into their golf carts to intimidate them. You will be able to see the intimidation bar at the bottom-right corner of your screen.

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You need to ram into them just enough so they stop. Do not ram into their golf cart head-on. This can kill them, resulting in you failing the mission.

Once one of the golfers has been intimidated, move on to the next one and do the same.

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The second golfer will then try to drive away from you. You will now get a notification to tail the golfer. Follow him to wherever he goes. The golfer will go to Del Perro Pier and finally stop there.

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When you get there, approach the golfer, and you will need to beat him up using your golf club. Once you've beaten enough, a cutscene will initiate concluding the mission.

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Setup Mission — Data Recovery

After completing the 'On Course' contract mission, you can start doing the setup mission for Dr. Dre's VIP contract missions. After completing the 'On Course' mission, you will get a call from Franklin.

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Once the call ends, return to your agency, and a cutscene will play.

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Return to your office after the cutscene ends and access the computer to start the setup mission.

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Before you start the mission, buy armor and snacks. Like all the missions in this DLC, many gunfights revolve around this mission.

You will automatically exit the agency via your agency helicopter when you start this mission.

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Make your way to the FIB building as indicated and land on top of the building.

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Use your infiltration gear to break open the skylight and enter the building.

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Once you're in, go to the eastern corner of the building. To make it easier, it will be the communications room at the far left corner of the building when you drop in.

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After locating the room, you need to use explosives to break open the door. You can use sticky bombs to blast through the door. Either throw the sticky bomb at the door or stand close enough to plant it.

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After planting the bomb, stand clear of the explosion radius and detonate the bomb.

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Go inside the room and install the software on the computer. Interact with the computer to insert the USB stick.

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You need to fend off the FIB agents while the software installs on the computer. You can keep track of the progress by looking at the progress bar at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

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The best way to do this is to take cover by the wall just at the entrance to the communications room. You can take out all the agents from here, and there are no blindspots here.

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Once the software installation completes, head back inside the room and steal the hard drive.

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Now you must make your way to the roof to escape. To do that, run to the other end of the building first. Make sure to take cover and clear the incoming agents before moving forward.

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When you see a clearing, go to the yellow marker on the other side of the building by the door that takes you directly to the roof-side balcony.

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There will be multiple attack helicopters outside. Take them out as you move towards the top roof. If you have a homing launcher, it will be easy to take them out. If you don't have a homing launcher, you can always use the classic mini-gun, which is just as effective.

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Always get in cover, heal up, and then proceed.

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As you move forward, more armored NOOSE members will come your way in hopes of stopping you. You can shoot them down from the ladder and move up.

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A tip here is to have your armor or snacks menu open when climbing the ladder in case you get shot by the incoming helicopters.

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Once you're back on top, get into your helicopter, fly away and lose the cops.

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Once you've lost the cops, deliver the hard drive to the agency to complete this mission.

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The Leaks

The leaks are the main prep missions before you can do the finale. After completing the 'Data Recovery' setup mission, you can start doing the leak missions for Dr. Dre. These can also be started through the computer in your agency office.

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There are three leak missions to complete. Although these leak missions are the finale's prep missions, they have their own set of prep missions called 'investigations.'

Each leak mission has two investigations and the final leak mission. That means a total of nine missions (six investigations and three final leak missions) must be completed before you can get to the finale.

The three leak missions are as follows:

  • Nightlife Leak
  • High Society Leak
  • The South Central Leak

The leak missions, as the name suggests, include the recovery of Dr. Dre's leaked unreleased music. In all three missions, you are tasked to recover the leaks. Here's how you can complete all three leak VIP contract missions.

Nightlife Leak

Nightlife leak has two investigation missions and the finale.

Investigation 1 — The Nightclub

In this mission, you are tasked to investigate the data signal at the Los Santos Triads Nightclub. For this mission, once again, stock up on armor and snacks.

You need to head over to the nightclub. Once you're at the nightclub, enter through the goods entrance. It will be marked in your game.

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When you're inside the nightclub, you need to locate the security tape. The security tape is inside the main office. If you own a nightclub yourself, you would know the exact location. But, if you're not aware, here's how you can get to the office.

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There are two ways you can do this mission. You can either get the cleaner's costume or sneak your way in. But, as usual, both won't work for too long, so we recommend just going straight in. You can only sneak your way into the club for so long.

Here's what you should do. When you're in, switch to a silenced weapon and move forward.

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There will be a guard in the corridor directly next to you. He will be pacing back and forth in the corridor. Wait for him to go.

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You will see two guards talking on the right side of the truck. Take them both out quickly. Shoot them in the head.

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Then turn around and continue to move forward. You will notice the guard coming back in the corridor. Take him out as well.

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If you haven't already, look to the very far right side of the truck. Slightly behind where you killed the two talking guards, you will see another guard here. Take him out as well.

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There will be one more guard at the end of the corridor, kneeling down. Take him out as well.

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Continue moving forward until you enter the main area of the nightclub. Now, it is almost certain that you will get detected in this main nightclub area. So bring out the big guns.

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Switch to your regular assault rifle and start blasting through the guards.

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Make your way upstairs and enter the main office to the left. There will be guards inside the office and the office bar as well.

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You will find the security tape on the computer desk. When you enter the office, you will see a green blip on your mini-map showing the exact location of the security tape.

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After getting the security tape, you need to escape the nightclub. Go back outside and head downstairs. You can jump down for a quicker way down. You need to head through the corridor under the nightclub bar (found upstairs).

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As you're moving forward, you will come across stairs leading upstairs. Be careful on the stairs as there are two enemies at close range.

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Once you reach upstairs, you will see the exit right in front of you.

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Get back into your vehicle, and deliver the security tape to the agency to complete this mission. You will get chased by the triads, but ignore them and continue to drive to your destination. They will eventually give up as you get near the agency.

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Investigation 2 — The Marina

In this mission, you will be tasked to investigate the lead at the Puerto Del Sol Marina. Remember to stock up on armor and ammo, as usual.

When you get to the Marina, look for a green speedboat. It is always a green Lampadati Toro parked at one of the dock spots.

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Once located, you need to steal the boat. As soon as you're inside the boat, quickly drive away from the Marina as the guards will start shooting you.

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The main purpose of getting into the speedboat is to get the coordinates of the yacht you need to infiltrate. You can also use a different vehicle to get there. It is imperative that you do not use any flying vehicle. We know as that is the first thought that comes to our mind. But, the yacht is equipped with an air defense system. It will take you out super quick.

We recommend just using the green speedboat and driving it to the yacht.

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Board the yacht and go upstairs to enter the main cabin by walking into the yellow marker. When you try to enter, it will be locked.

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You will be asked to go to the bridge. As you make your way to the uppermost deck, you will find a lot of guards. Take them out. No need to be sneaky — it never works.

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Be careful as one of the guards is equipped with a shotgun.

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When you reach the top, do not use any explosives and ensure that the parked helicopter is in good condition. We will be using this helicopter to escape the yacht.

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After clearing the guards, head inside the bridge, when you're inside, you will come across one more guard.

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Inside the bridge room, you will find the control panel. The left-side control panel is used to unlock the main cabin door.

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The right-side control panel is used to disable the yacht's air defense system. This is important as we will be using the helicopter to escape. If the defense system is not disabled, you will be shot out of the air.

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After unlocking the main cabin door and disabling the air defense system, make your way to the main cabin. You can now enter the cabin as the door is unlocked.

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Once inside, you need to find evidence. There are three possible locations where you can find the evidence. Note that there will be guards in all the areas of this main cabin.

Be very careful when going to the upper cabin as there is a guard with a shotgun.

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There's also a guard at the end of the hallway on the lower cabin. The rest of the guards have standard weapons, but they can be super tricky and spawn inside the bathroom of the bedrooms on the lower cabin.

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As for the evidence locations, the following are the three possible spawn locations of the evidence. The spawn location is random every time you do this mission. The following are the possible spawn locations:

Evidence Location 1

The evidence will be on the table in the upper cabin.

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Evidence Location 2

It can spawn on the desk by the laptop in the office next to the bedroom in the lower cabin.

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Evidence Location 3

The final location is the right side table inside the master bedroom in the lower cabin. This is where we found ours.

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When you find it, take a picture of it and send it to Imani.

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Now make your way back outside. Go all the way back to where you came from. Note that more enemies will spawn on your way back outside.

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Exit the main cabin, quickly run to the helicopter, and use it to escape the area. Note that there will be two attack helicopters outside. Either take them out or be quick when running to the parked helicopter.

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The mission will complete once you've successfully escaped the area.

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The Final Mission — Nightlife Leak

This is the finale of the Nightlife Leak arc. This mission isn't too difficult but involves quite a bit of gunfight. So, ensure you have a full stack of armor and snacks.

First, you need to make your way to the casino garage.

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Once inside and parked, enter the elevator to go to the penthouse floor.

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When on the floor, exit the elevator and turn left. Keep going through the corridor until you reach the penthouse door.

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There will be a yellow marker outside the penthouse. Walk into it to enter the penthouse.

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When you're inside the penthouse, you need to find the music promoter. The promoter is always on the far side of the bar. He will be in the DJ booth.

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Go up to him and interact with him to initiate a cutscene. The promoter will try to run away from you.

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After the cutscene, your cover will be blown. Now you simply need to go back where you came from, but this time while fighting the enemies.

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Exit the penthouse and go left. Take cover by the wall at the turn and take out the enemies before moving forward.

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Do the same, take cover at the second turn, and take out the enemies before making your way to the elevator.

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When you get to the elevator, one guard with the shotgun will spawn out of nowhere. Keep an eye out for him.

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After clearing the enemies, interact with the keypad to call the elevator. Enter the elevator to go down to the nightclub.

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When inside the nightclub, do not take the stairs to your left. Go through the door to your right and stay upstairs. Use the door cover to take out as many enemies as you can before exiting through the door. It's an excellent strategy to take out all the enemies while making sure none of them spawn behind you.

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Eliminate all the guards and go down to the dance floor where the VIP area is. The promoter will be in the VIP area. Take his backpack and go back to the elevator.

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You will be back in the casino garage. Use any one of the vehicles to exit the casino. Or exit the casino garage, eliminate the incoming enemies and steal their vehicle.

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Deliver the backpack to the agency to complete this mission.

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High Society Leak

The high society leak also has two investigation missions and one final mission.

Investigation 1 — The Country Club

The mission is quite straightforward. You need to make your way to the Pacific Bluff's Country Club. When you get there, hack the keypad to get into the surveillance room.

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The hacking puzzle is similar to the ones seen in the previous GTA Online updates. You need to find the sequence that matches the one shown at the top.

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When inside, take out the four security guards inside the room. Be careful of the guard to your left, as he has a shotgun and can instakill you at such close range if you do not have armor.

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Then interact with the computer to access the security terminal. Click on 'My Computer' and then click on 'External Device (J:)' followed by 'BruteForce.exe,' which will initiate the second puzzle.

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Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

This puzzle is also simple. You need to interact with the scrolling letters when the red-highlighted letters are in the center. This is also seen in many previous DLCs, so we're assuming you're already familiar with this. But, if you were not, now you are.

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After hacking the security terminal. Exit the surveillance room and make your way to the marked area where the limo is parked.

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The limo is always in a parking lot within the marked area. So instead of looking everywhere, limit your search to the parking lots.

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The limo can have a different color. During our two runs, we got both black and white limos. Once you've identified the limo, you will be asked to follow that limo. However, you do not have to follow the limo. You can save a lot of time by simply killing the driver. It will not fail the mission.

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After killing the driver, approach the body and recover the driver's wallet.

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Deliver the wallet to the agency to complete the mission.

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Investigation 2 — Guest List

In this mission, you need to find a way to infiltrate a gathering at the mansion and kidnap the lawyer. Make sure to stock up on armor and snacks.

First, make your way to the mansion. Go through the main entrance and take a right. It is easier to kill the guards when going through the right side of the mansion.

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Keep going through the right side until you reach the backyard of the mansion. A lot of guards are going to be at the mansion. Pre-aim while moving so you can easily take them out.

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Keep eliminating and moving forward until you reach near the pool area. This is where you will find the lawyer. The lawyer will also have a guard by his side equipped with a shotgun. Be very careful when approaching the lawyer.

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After eliminating all the guards, approach the lawyer and equip your stun gun. Shoot the lawyer with a stun gun to incapacitate him. You will automatically get a stun gun at the start of this mission. You don't have to buy it.

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Once you incapacitate him, a cutscene will initiate, after which you will need to drive the lawyer to the agency.

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Enemies will continue to follow you. It is critical not to get stuck anywhere as the guards following you have aimbot. They do a lot of damage and sometimes instantly kill you with a headshot. You can have your snack and armor menu opened up until you get out of the mansion while driving, as this is the only congested place when you start driving.

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Keep driving to avoid a lot of damage and deliver the lawyer to the agency to complete this mission.

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The Final Mission — High Society Leak

In the final mission, you finally get to recover the copy of Dr. Dre's stolen music from the Richman Mansion. This mission definitely requires a full stock of armor and snacks.

First, drive to the Richman Mansion and park the car in front of the main gate. Use the interact button to use the security codes to unlock and open the gate.

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Keep driving until you reach the main area with the cars and guests. Leave the vehicle and approach the DJ to initiate the next part of the mission. The next part won't start until you get closer to the DJ.

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Once Imani starts looking for the source of the music, make your way to the balcony to the left of the DJ booth (just up the stairs). A gunfight is going to erupt and staying up here will keep you a lot safer than down there. Always stay in cover. Use the balcony wall to cover yourself.

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You need to destroy the vehicles and kill guards to fill the intimidation bar at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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You can also call the 'Detonate Bomb' contract to detonate the DJ's equipment for some more intimidation. This can only be done once.

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An attack helicopter also comes, destroy it first and then get back in cover to eliminate the guards.

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Once the intimidation bar is full, the billionaire will try to escape using a helicopter.

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If you do not have a powerful enough weapon, shooting the helicopter from the balcony won't work. The helicopter also flies away quite fast.

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The best thing to do here is to follow it and shoot it while driving. Get off the balcony and go to the left side.

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There will be a locked door at the far left side of the yard. Destroy the electric panel to unlock the gate.

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We go through this gate because there is a parking lot just across the street. You can quickly get a vehicle and start chasing down the billionaire's helicopter.

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Get into one of the vehicles, chase the helicopter and shoot it to destroy it. Enemies will continue to chase you down as well, but ignore them. They will go away once the health of the helicopter is depleted. Using the micro SMG does an excellent job of damaging the helicopter.

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Once you've depleted the health of the helicopter, keep following it until it crashes.

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You will get a cutscene of the helicopter crash.

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Once it crashes, go to the crash site.

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Execute the billionaire and collect his phone.

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Deliver the phone to the agency to complete this mission. If you do not have a vehicle at this point, steal one of the enemy vehicles and drive back to the agency.

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Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

The South Central Leak

The south central leak contract also has two investigation missions and a final leak mission.

Investigation 1 — Davis

In this mission, you will be tasked to investigate the data trace in Davis with Franklin's Families contact. It is best to stock up on armor and snacks.

First, make your way to the location as indicated and enter the parked Cavalcade. You will meet Vernon inside the vehicle.

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He will tell you the next location you both need to go to. Drive to the location he asks you to. When you reach the location, you will come across a drug deal that you, Vernon, and the rest of the allies will interrupt.

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Take cover behind the trash can at the very left side and take out all the dealers. Do not use any explosives as you might destroy the van with the meth equipment that you need to steal.

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After eliminating all the dealers, get into the van and drive it to the drop-off point. Before you can get the blip for the destination, you need to escape the Lost MC gang members.

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Keep driving until they stop chasing you. The best way to lose them is to drive as far away from the location as possible. They will eventually leave you alone.

Note that if you get a wanted level, you can easily lose the cops by calling Lester in this mission.

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After escaping the bikers, you will get the blip for the drop-off point. Deliver the van to the drop-off point to complete this mission.

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Investigation 2 — The Ballas

In the second investigation mission, you are tasked to confront the Ballas suspected of stealing Dr. Dre's music. Once again, stock up on armor and snacks. You're going to need a lot of them.

Once again, make your way to the stated location and you will meet up with Vernon. Enter the Cavalcade and go to the location (Davis) Vernon directs you to.

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When you reach the location, you will walk into a gang fight between the Ballas and the Families.

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Eliminate all the Ballas in the area and defend the Families. Take cover behind the car or by one of the houses. The Ballas will be on the left side of the conflict.

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Once you've defeated the Ballas, you will get a new objective of following Vernon. Follow Vernon to the garage across the street.

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Enter the garage and you will find Vernon holding Ballas' P at gunpoint.

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After interrogating P, exit the garage and leave the area to complete this mission.

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The Final Mission — The South Central Leak

In the final mission, you will need to recover the copy of Dr. Dre's stolen music from the Vagos. Once again, stock up on ammo and armor.

First, drive to Davis Mega Mall to meet up with Vernon and P. When you meet with them, they will be in their own vehicles.

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Drive in convoy behind their vehicle and follow them to the Rancho Projects.

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Once you reach the destination, you will get a cutscene showing all the Vagos enjoying the leaked Dr. Dre music out in the open.

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After the cutscene ends, you will immediately get put into a gunfight with the Vagos. Get behind the car to get some cover, eliminate the Vagos gang members and advance forward to the next car.

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Keep moving forward while carefully eliminating the Vagos.

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When you take out the last Vagos member, one of the gang members will come out of the house and drive away in the yellow lowrider, the ride playing Dr. Dre's music.

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Get into any one of the vehicles and chase the Vagos member. Eliminate him and steal the vehicle from him.

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Once you have the vehicle, deliver it to the agency to complete the mission.

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Studio Time

After completing all three leak missions, you will get a call from Franklin to return to the agency. Once you enter the agency, a cutscene will play.

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Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

Once the cutscene ends, go to free roam, and you will receive another call from Franklin. After this second call, you need to return to your agency, and you will notice a yellow mission marker outside Franklin's office. Walk into the marker and interact with it to start the mission 'Studio Time'.

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Before you start the mission, stock up on armor and snacks. Get into Dr. Dre's car and drive it to Record A Studios.

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When you get to the studio, stay inside the car and take out all the hired gunmen. Always try to keep your distance between yourself and the gunmen. They become aimbots at close range.

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After eliminating all the hired gunmen, enter the studio. Equip a strong weapon before entering.

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It is recommended to pre-aim as you move through the studio and keep looking at the mini-map for enemy positions. It is very easy to get shot and die here due to limited movement space.

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Several guards in here have a shotgun that can instakill you, so be careful. Go forward and go through the first corridor to your left while pre-aiming. At least four gunmen spawn in here, one equipped with a shotgun.

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Continue to move forward, and at the end of the corridor, there is a door to your right. Go through it, and you will reach the main studio lounge. You will come across at least five to six guards in here.

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Be careful here as the corridor behind you is still dangerous. It can randomly spawn a gunman directly behind you.

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It happened twice with us. We stayed in this area for a bit longer to heal up, but the randomly spawned gunman had different plans for us. Be careful of this small corridor area.

As you move forward directly into the lounge, three to four more gunmen spawn in here.

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Go through the lounge and enter the third corridor across the lounge.

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You will get two more gunmen in here.

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At the end of the corridor, you will find four more gunmen in the room. One is equipped with a shotgun.

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After clearing the last bit, you need to backtrack all the way to the main entrance. As you're making your way back, you will get one gunman in the lounge area.

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And the last one will be in the small room at the end of the first corridor.

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After eliminating all the guards, once again, go back to the same room you went to earlier, and you will see a yellow marker.

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Walk into the marker, and a cutscene will play.

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The mission will complete after the cutscene.

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Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

Don't F*ck With Dre

'Don't F*ck With Dre' is the final mission in the contracts DLC and is accessible after the completion of 'Studio Time'. Once you've completed Studio Time, Franklin will call you.

After the call, you can visit the agency and find a yellow mission marker outside Franklin's office. You can start the mission by interacting with the yellow marker. As always, ensure you stock up on armor and snacks for this mission.

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The game gives you a general area where Johnny was last seen. You do not have to look around for Johnny as he is always in one location inside the region.

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You can find Johnny Guns at the railway station. Go inside the station, and a cutscene of Johnny escaping from you will play.

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Once the cutscene ends, you will be in cover. This is a great spot to stay in and take out the incoming hired gunmen.

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Once all the gunmen have been eliminated, get into a vehicle and go to Los Santos International Airport.

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Once you're at the airport, enter the hangar through the side door. Make sure you equip a weapon before heading in.

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You will first encounter two gunmen in the locker corridor when you're inside.

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After that, go through the double door at the end of the corridor to reach the second corridor leading to the hangar. You will get some more gunmen — take them out and keep moving forward.

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When you're in the main hangar, you need to go to the other side of the plane. Take the right side and continue to move forward by eliminating the enemies. Note that some more will arrive in a car once you've eliminated enough.

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Remember to always stay in cover to first identify the locations of the enemies using your mini-map and then fire.

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After eliminating all the enemies, you need to approach the rear end of the plane with a platform going up. Johnny Guns will appear at the top and start shooting at you as you approach the platform.

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Take cover by the crates and shoot Johnny Guns to incapacitate him. Yes, you can shoot him with any weapon to incapacitate him.

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Once he's incapacitated, go up to him and interact with him to capture him.

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A cutscene will play.

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After the cutscene, you need to drive Dr. Dre to the Pacific Bluff's Country Club as he plays his new music for you.

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Once you drop Dr. Dre, an ending cutscene of Dr. Dre leaving Los Santos in the beautiful sunset plays, concluding the mission and The Contract DLC.

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Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

Gta Online: The Contract Dlc Complete In-depth Guide

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