GTA V Meets Captain America: Civil War
It seems that the new direction Merfish has taken his humorous GTA V fan videos is working well for him. Until now Merfish, eldritch abomination and lord of darkness, has specialized in using the Rockstar Editor and various mods to recreate the opening sequences for popular children's shows — and defiling them in the process. The trademarks of Merfish are violence, turds and dildos, so you can more or less imagine the kinds of mind-numbing he has brought upon this world. Most recently he's taken a liking to the trailers of AAA superhero blockbusters.
While not an actual Avengers title, the next installment in Captain America's personal series is bringing the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe on board, not to mention adding some never before seen characters too. Iron Man's fight with Cap might be the biggest focus but the large scale hoe-down between the best known faces of Marvel is plenty to be excited about.
With the SuperBowl, that marketing fair masquerading as some sort of sport event, not far behind us the new trailers are still fresh in everyone's minds. Merfish took his chance and remade the first Civil War trailer in GTA V.
All the typical Merfish-isms are present here. Captain America's shield is made up of turds, Falcon's wings are made of dildos and everyone is constantly wanking. Considering the original trailer is full of punching, shooting, exploding and more punching, citing violence doesn't do much here — which is why Merfish focused on his other assets.
GTA V's Michael makes a surprisingly good Tony Stark but that's where the genuine similarities end. All the rest of the characters are complete misfits. Cap is Trevor, a Canadian, Black Widow is an elderly lady and Franklin really doesn't fit Falcon's strong facial features. Granted, this is Merfish so these are entirely on purpose.
Which superhero movie would you want to see Merfish recreate in GTA V next?