How to Complete Operation Paper Trail — Solo ULP Missions Guide

From GTA BOOM Wiki

Unraveling the return of Clifford and Agent ULP, and mastering the intricacies of the new missions.

Who would have thought we would see Clifford from the Doomsday Heist return to GTA Online? Not only Clifford, but also Agent ULP.

The Criminal Enterprises DLC release has brought highly requested QoL updates and also a new set of missions — "Operation Paper Trail" — from Agent ULP, otherwise known as Bernard of the International Affairs Agency (IAA).

That's what this guide is all about — how to complete Agent ULP's Operation Paper Trail missions in the Criminal Enterprises DLC.

How to start the ULP missions

There are six missions in a new storyline called Operation Paper Trail, wherein you work as an IAA Agent for Agent ULP. To unlock these ULP missions, you must log in to GTA Online and wait for a call from Agent ULP. Note that while the overall six mission storyline is called Operation Paper Trail, the fifth mission in the series also has the same name.


After the call from Agent ULP, you can start his missions by going to the 'U' marker on the map.


There are six Operation Paper Trail missions which are as follows (in order):

  • Intelligence
  • Counterintelligence
  • Extraction
  • Asset Seizure
  • Operation Paper Trail
  • Cleanup

In this guide, we cover all six missions and show you how to complete them effectively as a solo player. You can also do the missions with friends and randoms of course. You can start the missions in both public and invite-only lobbies.

ULP Mission 1 — Intelligence

The first mission is quite easy. When you start the mission, you will be asked to go to Mason Duggan's apartment and hack his computer.


When you enter the apartment, you will permanently be in a sneak stance. You cannot change this. You don't have to worry about enemies as there are none.


Simply make your way upstairs and enter the bedroom.



You will find a computer inside the bedroom and interact with it to hack it.


To hack the computer, click on 'My Computer' and then click on 'External Device (J:).'


After that, click on BruteForce.exe. This will start a minigame where you make up a letter by correctly freezing each column. You need to freeze the red letters in the middle row. The word is always random. This hacking method has been in the game for quite a while. So, chances are, you are already familiar with it.



After hacking, you can sprint inside the apartment. Leave the apartment, and you will get two locations marked A and B, respectively.


Location A is the FIB HQ, and location B is the FIB depot. You need to recover four hardware pieces from these locations. Each location has two hardware pieces. You can recover the pieces by going to either one of the locations first. The order doesn't matter.


We went to location A first, the FIB HQ. As you are driving towards the HQ, you will see a small uniform icon on your minimap. This icon indicates the maintenance suit to disguise yourself.


You can either blast your way into the HQ or sneak your way in. Sneaking is much easier and better. Go to the white uniform icon, and interact with the bag at the back of the van to dress up as a maintenance guy.



Go back to the HQ, and enter. Ensure you've hoisted your weapons. Do not take them out, or your cover will be blown, forcing you to fight your way in and out.

Go through the security checkpoint and into the blue marker to use the elevator.



When you've reached the desired floor, go right and through the door into the 'communications' section.


Stand at the door and equip a suppressed weapon. You will find a guard to your left. Take him out with a headshot.



Stay in the same spot and wait for a guard to come to the door to your right. Make sure to stay at this door to avoid his cone of vision. Once he arrives, take him out as well.


Move forward while sneaking, and you will find another guard to your left. He keeps moving back and forth. Wait for him to go back to his office near the computers and take him out.


Look straight ahead, and you will find two guards standing next to each other, conversing. Take them both out in quick succession to avoid detection. If you're playing with a friend, time both the kills.


After taking both the guards out, look to your immediate left, and you will find two guards. One will be leaning over his desk, and the other will walk back and forth. Wait for the walking guard to come to the left side so that he is nearer to the second guard. Once he is there, take both the guards out with a headshot.


You've cleared the communications area. Now, you can look for the hardware. There are two possible spawn locations for the first hardware. The first hardware is an open briefcase with some equipment inside it. The first spawn location is the table inside the conference room to the left at the end of the hallway.


The second spawn location is the top-left corner desk inside the server room.


After getting your first hardware, make your way back to the hallway and to the elevator area. Now, go through the door on the opposite side.

Look to your left, and you will find a guard through the door. Wait for him to turn around and go inside the office to his right. Go through the door and take him out.


There will be two more guards at the end of this corridor having a conversation. Take them both out as well.


The second piece of hardware also has two possible spawn locations. You're looking for a cardboard box with a disc with the Clifford logo. The first spawn location is on the ground inside the second last office to your right.


The second spawn location is the office right next to this one. It can spawn in the corner on the ground.


After acquiring both hardware, make your way back to the elevator and down.


Exit the building and make your way to location B, the FIB depot.

FIB Depot

When you get to the depot, you need to disable the security system by shooting two fuse boxes. You need to destroy these to prevent the alarm from going off. You can find the fuse boxes in the following locations:

  • Fuse Box 1
  • The first fuse box is on top of the dark building in the center. We recommend using a suppressed weapon. ULP-Intelligence-29.jpg
  • Fuse Box 2
  • The second fuse box is on the right side of the same building. It is on a wall next to the huge power box. ULP-Intelligence-30.jpg

Once you've destroyed the fuse boxes, head inside the depot and look for the hardware. The spawn locations are random but always very easy to locate. You can always find the hardware on either the computer desks or the shelves by the walls to your right and left.


The first piece of hardware is an external hard drive. You can find it on either the shelf or the computer table.


The second piece of equipment is a VR headset. These items are hard to miss as they glow in the dark.


Once you've acquired the hardware, deliver it to the drop-off point to complete the first ULP mission.

ULP Mission 2 — Counterintelligence

After completing each mission, you will get a call from Agent ULP. Once the call ends, you can start the next mission by going to the 'U' marker. This is the same for all the missions moving forward.

In the second ULP mission, you need to hack two surveillance drones flying at two separate locations. You can go to any one of the drones as the order doesn't matter.

Once you reach one of the drones, you will notice a yellow circle around it. Make sure to stay inside the yellow circle to start hacking.


You will get a prompt to hack the drone when you're inside the circle. Press the indicated button to start hacking and stay inside the yellow circle. Once the progress hits a hundred percent, you can go to the next drone.

After hacking the second drone, you will get the location of the motel with the laptop used to control these drones.



Go to the location and interact with the laptop. It will turn out to be a trap, and you will pass out.



You will then wake up in the back of a van, all tied up with cops surrounding you outside.


You will be tied to a bomb with a timer. Interact with the bomb to your left, and a familiar minigame will start.


Use the laser beam to target the blue nodes and destroy them. Avoid the red ones. You can rotate the mirror nodes to direct the laser beam to the blue packets.


Once done, get out of the van, and enter the driver's seat. You will be in first-person mode. Remember to switch to third-person mode.

Drive the van to the drop-off point and make sure to lose the cops along the way. Do not instantly go to a secluded place in hopes of losing the cops, as it won't work. It is distance-based. You need to keep driving toward the drop-off point until you get a prompt to 'Lose the cops.'


Lose the cops by going off-road. If you're near Ron's Alternate Wind Farm, just drive into the area away from the main road. You will eventually lose the cops. You cannot call Lester to lose the cops in any of the ULP missions.

After losing the cops, deliver the van to the drop-off point to complete the second ULP mission successfully.


ULP Mission 3 — Extraction

In the third mission, you are required to find Agent Johnson. For that, you need to first make your way to her garage.


When you enter the garage, enter Johnson's vehicle to find the clues to her location.


Upon entering her vehicle, you will leave the garage while still seated in thee vehicle. You will get three possible locations where you can find Agent Johnson.

Before going any further, if you own an Armored Kuruma, it would be best to call it in and drive that. It will provide safety when searching for Agent Johnson in dangerous areas.


Go to each of these locations until you find her. Luckily, we found her at the first location we visited.

You will notice a shootout between the cops and the FIB when you reach the location. Drive inside the area towards the FIB agents, and you will find Agent Johnson.


Park the car next to her and wait for her to sit inside the vehicle.


Drive her to the drop-off point. While driving, you will eventually get a prompt to 'lose the cop.' Remember, you won't lose the cops until you get this message. So, keep driving toward the destination until you get the prompt.

Once you've lost the cops, Agent Johnson will ask you to drop her off at the hospital. Drop her at the hospital to complete the mission.


ULP Mission 4 — Asset Seizure

Asset Seizure is an interesting mission that you can complete in one of two ways. You can either go down route 1 and find a van carrying the required hardware by destroying signal jammers around the city, or you can find the van without destroying the jammers.

Route 1 — Signal Jammers

Five signal jammers are scattered around the city and they are heavily guarded by the Duggans. You will occasionally get a yellow circle shows up on the minimap. This yellow circle represents the general region where the van is.


The van is constantly moving, so it isn't easy to pinpoint the location of the van inside the region without destroying the signal jammers. When you destroy all five signal jammers, it will show the exact location of the van on the map, which you can drive to and steal.

The signal jammers are usually found on rooftops heavily guarded by Duggan soldiers.


As you approach the jammers, you will get attacked by choppers. It is best to take out the choppers by eliminating the pilot first. They do a lot of damage.


Some signal jammers can be seen from quite far away, thanks to the radio antennas that poke out. This helps you avoid confronting the Duggans and taking out the jammers.


Once you've destroyed the final jammer, you will get the exact location of the van on the minimap. Drive to the van, eliminate the driver, and steal it.



It won't be easy to deliver the fan to the drop-off point. It is over 5 kilometers away and there will be a constant barrage of the Duggans aimbotting their way to you. You will need to eat snacks and equip armor constantly as you drive to the drop-off point. Drive the van to the drop-off point to complete the mission.


Route 2 — Direct Hunt

The second route includes you driving directly into the yellow moving circle and finding the van. There can be a lot of different vans driving inside the region, so how do we know which one is the correct van?

It is quite easy. First, you need to get to the middle of the yellow circle. It won't be a perfect center as it is always moving, but you can get almost near. You will need to have a fast vehicle for this to work, or else you will be in an endless chase.


While driving inside the region, you need to look for vans. Once you spot a van, drive in front of it, and it will stop. You need to look inside the van through the windshield window. It will have a white crate with a blue-purple gradient Clifford logo on it.


If you see that logo, that is the asset you need to recover and the van you need to steal. Steal the vehicle, and you will even get a new dialogue from Agent ULP based on finding the van without destroying the jammers.

Deliver the van to the drop-off point to complete the mission.


ULP Mission 5 — Operation Paper Trail

Now we get to the tougher missions. Operation Paper Trail is the second last mission in the ULP mission series. Before we get into the mission, we strongly recommend getting the Armored Kuruma for this mission. It will save your life.


Also, make sure you are fully stocked up on armor and snacks.


Start the mission and make your way to the construction site. Go to the yellow marker, which is the safest way into the site.


You will automatically be put into drone cam mode when you are at the location. Navigate through the different camera angles until you see Mason Duggan and some FIB agents striking a deal at the top of the construction site.


Get out of the vehicle and make your way towards the two guards conversing at the end of the pathway by the car. Equip a suppressed weapon. There is a drone by them too. Wait for the drone to fly away, and take them both out.


Go a bit forward, and look in between the pillars to your left. The drone flew to the left side. Wait for it to return and take it out before it reaches the dead guards.


Go forward and turn right. There is a single guard by the elevator. Take him out.


Two more guards are to the left. Take them out as well.


One of these guards you've killed all the way here will drop a keycard. It will show up as a white keycard icon on the minimap. If none of these killed guards drop the card, then kill the ones on the left side of the construction site.


Once you've acquired the keycard, use it on the elevator and go to the next floor.


When you reach the next floor. Pre-aim towards the wooden board leaning vertically on the wall directly in front of you. A guard will come by. Take him out as soon as he shows up.


Go forward and take out the two guards ahead of you.


The single guard who walked past the two guards you just killed will walk around to your left side. Take him out as well.


Go forward, and you will see a drone. Take this drone out.


Finally, there is one single guard by the second elevator. Take him out and use the elevator to go to the higher floor.



On this floor, you need to be cautious as the gunfight breaks out as soon as you enter the floor. A single guard will directly face you as soon as you reach the floor. Take him out.


On this last floor, it is an all-out gunfight. Take your time here and make your way to the top. There will be a lot of guards here. Stay in cover and take them out. There is no time restriction.


Some guards will also come down from the scaffoldings to your left. Be wary of those guards.

After taking out the guards on this floor, go up the scaffoldings and switch to your death machine if you have one.



Take out the first guard you see directly ahead of you, and then start shooting the gunners on the chopper. It is good if you can take out both the gunners on the chopper. But, if you can't, it is still okay as it helps later when you get to the chopper again. We managed to take one out.



Go up the platform and quickly take out the remaining two guards—one on the right and the second on the left.


Make sure you're quick here, as two more guards will jump you from behind, instantly killing you. You can actually see their marker moving and coming up on the minimap.

Grab the parachute and jump down. Parachute down to your Armored Kuruma and drive to the escaped chopper. You don't have to worry about it going too far away as it stops at a certain point. That's why you should take your time and exercise patience. This mission can get a bit hectic.



Once you get to the chopper, take out both the guards guarding the ladder before leaving your vehicle. The Armored Kuruma provides great protection.


Take the ladder up to the building. Before moving forward, take out this drone which is quite far away from the original location, otherwise it will continuously damage you.



Proceed and use the ladder ahead of you to go up to the rooftop where the chopper landed.


Here you will find more Duggan guards and another drone. Once again, be patient, and take out the guards while in cover.


Take the right side, and move from there towards Mason Duggan. Keep moving forward by eliminating the enemies until you reach Mason.


Take Mason out, and he will drop a briefcase.


Get the briefcase and run back to your Armored Kuruma. You can actually jump down on the building next to you. But make sure you have full health and armor before jumping.


Before you jump down to your Armored Kuruma, take out the incoming enemies.


Once you've taken them out, rush to your vehicle, and drive it to the drop-off point to complete the mission. You will have a lot of enemies chasing you and shooting at you, but with the Armored Kuruma, it's a breeze.


ULP Mission 6 — Cleanup

This is the final ULP mission and a creepy one at that. Once again, we recommend using the Armored Kuruma as it will help you escape the silo at the end.

Make sure to stock up on snacks and armor too. There will be a lot of gunfights involving juggernauts.

When you start the mission, you are tasked to go to the silo on top of Mount Chiliad. You can easily get there by using the agency helicopter. You can find the helicopter near the agency at a construction site. The minimap will show the white helicopter icon.


Go to the top of Mount Chiliad and land the helicopter on the helipad.


Walk into the yellow marker to access the silo hatch and enter the silo.



You can switch to a flashlight from your weapons wheel.


When you enter, go to your right. The pathway is quite linear so keep following the path until you reach the control room indicated by the yellow marker.


When you reach the control room, interact with the power breaker.



After interacting with the power breaker, you will need to find four fuses. There are 12 fuse spawn locations, but eight of them will be empty. The four fuses will only spawn in four of the 12 locations (one fuse per location). You need to check all the spots and collect them. Following is all twelve possible spawn locations. Note that the map locations shown below are inside the silo only.

Fuse Location 1



Fuse Location 2



Fuse Location 3

This fuse is on a work table behind some supply crates. You need to destroy the supply crates in order to get to the fuse.




Fuse Location 4



Fuse Location 5



Fuse Location 6



Fuse Location 7



Fuse Location 8



Fuse Location 9



Fuse Location 10



Fuse Location 11



Fuse Location 12

This fuse is also hidden behind a stack of supply crates. Destroy the crates to get to the fuse.



The fuse is on a bench drill machine.


After collecting the fuses, bring them back to the power breaker and insert them to get the power back. You will have to interact with the breaker four times. A single fuse is inserted per interaction.


Another important thing to note is that while you're in the silo, take out any hibernating Clifford mercenaries you see. These robots are juggernauts and do a lot of damage. If you take them out now, it will make your escape ten times easier. Listen for the breathing sound to locate the robots. They're generally out in the open or corners. The path inside is linear, and you don't have to go out of your way to find these.


If you haven't already, pick up the minigun from the dead Clifford mercenaries. This death machine will help you fight off the juggernauts during your escape. Yes, even after killing the sleeping ones, a couple more spawn! But the overall number is reduced thanks to us having killed the sleeping ones.


After turning on the power, make your way to the server room. You will find more hibernating robots inside the server room. Before you begin hacking the servers, survey the room and eliminate all the sleeping Clifford mercenaries.


Once you've taken them out, we can hack. Go to the panel and interact using the key indicated by the prompt at the top-left corner of your screen.



Stay inside the yellow region you see on the minimap to hack. Once the hacking starts, you can put your phone away.


Do the same with the second one but be careful: after the completion of the second, at least two juggernauts will spawn. Keep an eye out on your minimap to see where they are coming from and pre-aim in that direction with your death machine.


It is best to take out both the juggernauts before hacking the third and fourth servers.


After the final server hack, you can leave but be careful as more juggernauts will spawn on the ground floor. You can see their location by referring to your minimap.


Before you go back through the door, shoot it to have a visual of the two juggernauts. Eliminate them before you go through the door.


At least two more juggernauts are in the next room. Take them out and keep going.


As you run through the narrow corridor, you will see a juggernaut approaching you slowly. Pre-aim and shoot the juggernaut.


Keep moving forward towards the yellow marker to exit the silo.



Once you're out, use your death machine to destroy the attacking chopper.


Use the wooden platform to jump off the mountain and parachute down to your personal vehicle, which in our case is the Armored Kuruma.



Note that while you're parachuting down, another chopper may spawn. You can use your SMG while parachuting to take out the pilot.


Parachute down to your vehicle, enter, and drive to the IAA Facility.



As you get closer to the facility, a prompt to 'Escape Clifford's Mercenaries' will appear. If it does, just drive off-road, and you will eventually lose them.


After losing them, drive to the marker to complete the finale.


And that concludes Operation Paper Trail. Hopefully, this guide helps you walk through all the missions with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Paper Trail missions are there?

There are a total of six missions in the Operation Paper Trail storyline.

What are the rewards for GTA Online Operation Paper Trail missions?

The rewards for the Operation Paper Trail missions range from $28,000 to $48,000.

Where are the Operation Paper Trail fuse locations?

The fuses can be found on work tables or behind some crates. There are 12 spawn locations for these fuses. Refer to the map locations included in the article above for more details.

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