In-game protests/riots?


Apr 21, 2024
Reaction score
Something that I think could add to the life of the city is to have groups of NPCs that start up protests and riots. They can protest things like in real life but make it funny and they can also do more serious ones for the story. I would like to see this cause it would draw in cops too and they can make it so if you are in the crowd, you could be arrested by a cop or if a riot breaks out, you will be given a star just for being in the area. Thoughts?
Can we get like a "meat is murder" protest going outside the Burger Shot? Cause that would be hilarious in my mind. They can have the people saying stupid things vegans do in real life. No offense to anyone here if you happen to be vegan, I know not all of ya'll are dumb but the ones that make it their life's mission to annoy people are night the brightest of bulbs.
I like this concept and idea. They can just make it so it only happens in 2 or 3 areas of the city and it is at random online but it is triggered in campaign by events taking place. I mean they can make it political if they want so long as there is humor laced in it.
Idk about this. Like I don't want overly political stuff even if it is satire. They push to hard in one direction, it will put people off. I like the idea and concept but I don't see how you implement it without pissing people off.
This would definitely add to the realism for the city and make it feel more lively. They can show people filming it with their phones like in real life too. Maybe certain things we do in the world could trigger them?
Oh yeah, having other peds standing around filming it happen would be funny. They can do this for all sorts of stuff too. Like they kind of hint at it a bit in the trailer even where there are "viral moments" in the game.
Can we get like a "meat is murder" protest going outside the Burger Shot?
This is the only kind of protests I would like to see. I don't think riots would be good, at least not for online. It would just make a mess of things. But having NPCs protest things randomly would be funny and they could have them saying funny things to mock real life.
I like the idea of comedic protests but riots are a bit much. That would be like having hurricanes which I don't think would be in the game either. Too much of a mess.
Yeah I agree with this but they did have riot cheats in past games although they were not exactly fleshed out well when you used them so maybe it will come back for this game and just be a cheat you can access in story mode.