What month do they usually do the big update of the year?

Apr 21, 2024
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I am curious. I don't know if it is the same month or they change it every year, I just know we usually get a big one sometime before summer officially starts which is June 20th I think. Does anyone know if there is a pattern for it? I just want to keep an eye out for news on it. I don't know if they are going to do one last big one before GTA 6 comes out or maybe even tie in GTA 6 to GTA 5 in some way.
So there is a rumor I remember reading about a few months back, maybe have heard it in a YouTube video actually.. I don't remember.

The rumor is that the final "big" DLC to drop this spring/summer is going to feature Michael and he will be heading off toe Vice City at the completion of it. As for the time frame, I think they always happen in June or July with the other smaller DLC update happening in December.
I hope it ends up being a really good one. Like I want one more solid DLC update before they start moving on to GTA 6 online. We are going to need to something as well to hold us over until the new game is released.
We are hitting another dry spell. Seems like we have good stuff to close out the year and then we have several months of just waiting for the summer update. I want the next one to last us until GTA 6 released at least.