Los Santos Tuners Guide to All Contracts & Payouts

From GTA BOOM Wiki

Discover the thrill of new 'mini-heists' with contract missions.

GTA Online's Los Santos Tuners features a ton of content catering to car enthusiasts as well as heist and mission lovers. The DLC features new vehicles, properties, and a brand new progression system. In addition to all that, we have new "mini-heists" in the form of contracts. These contract missions are a unique mission type and pay generously, combining elements of both heists and quick jobs such as the VIP Jobs.

These contract missions are available once you've purchased an Auto Shop and have completed the setup mission. Feel free to check out our complete Auto Shop buying and setup guide here.

The contracts will be available on the job board inside your Auto Shop. These contract missions are given to you by both Sessanta and KDJ (Moodymann). There are eight contracts to play.

Los Santos Tuners Guide To All Contracts & Payouts
Job Board with Contracts In The Auto Shop

The job board also shows the number of contracts that you've completed in the top right corner and your total earnings from doing all the contracts in the bottom right corner.

The contracts on the job board always cycle through in random order and there will only be three contracts on the board at any one time. If you complete one contract, then you cannot repeat it immediately. You'll need to complete the other contracts to get a fresh set of three contracts on the board (and for that one to therefore be unlocked again). This mechanic is similar to the one we saw in the Casino Heist where the same approach to hit the casino couldn't be used unless we did the other available approaches first.

In this guide, we go through all the contracts and the best strategies to complete each contract. Note that these contracts are doable solo, and in fact, this guide focuses on completing each contract solo. Of course, feel free to get your friends on board, and if you know how to complete them solo, you can definitely complete them in co-op.

The following is a list of all the available playable contracts in the game:

  • The Agency Deal
  • The Bank Contract
  • The Data Contract
  • The ECU Job
  • The Prison Contract
  • The Superdollar Deal
  • The Lost Contract
  • The Union Depository Contract

Each of the above contracts has three separate missions within it — two planning jobs and one finale.

Contract Payouts

Whenever you get the total payment for completing a contract, KDJ and Sessanta always take 5% each (total 10%) cut from the payment. We've stated both the payouts (before and after the cut) below. For some reason, KDJ and Sessanta didn't take any cut from the ECU job.

Payouts Table

ContractTargetGross PayoutNet Payout
Agency DealRecipe$182,000$163,800
Bank ContractCash$178,000$160,200
Data ContractFiles$170,000$153,000
ECU JobECU$172,000$172,000
Prison ContractGang Members$175,000$157,500
Superdollar DealBank Plates$185,000$166,500
Lost ContractMeth Supply$180,000$162,000
Union Depository ContractGold$300,000$270,000

The Agency Deal

The agency deal contract has three missions: Entry Point, Security Pass, and The Raid.

Entry Point (Planning Work)

In Entry Point, you are tasked to find and take a picture of the underground tunnel schematics, followed by finding the actual secret entrance to the IAA facility in the tunnel.

First, you will be asked to go to a certain location that is heavily guarded. You will always find three office trailers inside the location.

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Three office trailers

The schematics, blue in color, always spawn on the office desk inside one of these trailers. The spawn is always random, and it is different every time you do this mission.

To gain access to the compound inside, most people blast through the guards. You do not have to go aggressive, though. You will notice the company truck leaving the compound when you arrive at the location.

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Company truck leaving the compound

Wait for the truck to leave the compound, move your vehicle in front of it, just a little further away from the actual compound, and steal the truck.

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Hijacking the company truck

You can then use this truck to drive inside the gated compound and pass the security undetected.

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Using the truck to get past the security

Once in, you can look inside the trailers to see which one has the schematics. After identifying the correct one, park your truck and go inside the trailer.

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The blue schematic identified
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The blue schematics found inside the office

Take a picture of the schematics and send them over to Sessanta.

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Sending the schematics picture to Sessanta

After successfully taking the picture, make your way back to the truck and drive back outside the same way you came in from. Now, you can go back to your original vehicle.

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Leaving the compound in the company truck

After that, make your way to the subway entrance.

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Entering the subway tunnel

Keep following the tracks until you reach the central junction.

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Following the tracks to the central junction

When you reach the central junction, you need to find and take a picture of the secret IAA entrance. It will be the green door to your left with an orange CCTV camera poster and an electrical box on the wall next to it. It also has a keypad next to the door—all these just scream IAA.

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Central junction

Take a picture and send it to Sessanta.

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Taking the picture of IAA secret entrance

Once done, leave the area to complete the Entry Point mission.

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Leaving the tunnel

Security Pass (Planning Work)

To enter the IAA facility through the discovered entry point in the previous mission, you need a security pass. That is what we obtain in this mission, you need to take out a corrupted agent and get his IAA entry pass.

We recommend going with either an Oppressor Mk II or a Buzzard, which is easily available as a VIP vehicle from the interaction menu.

When you reach one of the two possible locations, you will see an airplane and many guards surrounding it, as there is a deal going down at the site.

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Deal taking a place

Take out the guards and try to destroy the plane as well if you can. The agent will eventually run out of the plane and into an armored vehicle. You can either take out the agent before he reaches the armored vehicle or destroy the plane he resides in. In both cases, he will be eliminated and drop the pass.

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Interrupting the deal by attacking

When a message 'Take out the corrupt agent' appears on your screen, that is when he is out of the plane.

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"Take out the corrupt agent" message pops up

Once the agent has been eliminated and you have a window of opportunity, grab the pass and then deliver it back to the Auto Shop to complete this mission. If you're using an Oppressor, you don't even need to get out of it. Simply drive over the pass, and you will pick it up.

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Security Pass laying in the ground after the agent was killed

You will have guards spawning and resisting as you make your way back to your Auto Shop, but keep driving, and you should be fine.

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Reaching the Auto Shop and delivering the security pass

The Raid (Final Job)

The final job is combat-heavy. We highly recommend that you stock up on snacks and buy the maximum number of super-heavy armor you can.

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Super Heavy Armor
Los Santos Tuners Guide To All Contracts & Payouts

When starting the mission, select 'Heavyweight' as your weapon loadout, as it has a strong pump shotgun Mk II and a Micro SMG.

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Selecting 'Heavyweight' weapon loadout

When it comes to cars, it doesn't make any difference. You can either select one of your custom DLC cars that you might have bought or go with Sessanta's custom yellow tailgater.

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Selecting the vehicle

When the mission starts, first make your way to the tunnel entrance as instructed by the game.

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Entering the tunnel

When you reach the tunnel, keep driving until you reach the IAA underground entrance. After reaching the entrance, park the car right by the stairs. We need the car as close to the stairs as possible for an easier escape.

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Parking the car right next to the IAA entrance

Use the stolen IAA security pass to gain entry into the secret IAA facility.

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Using the IAA security pass to unlock the door

As soon as you enter, a gunfight will erupt. Quickly take cover by the red toolbox right in front of you.

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Gunfight starts upon entering the facility
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Taking cover by the red toolbox

While in cover, take out the agents and continue moving forward. Be very careful here, as some of these agents have shotguns and deal a ton of damage. Prioritize killing the agents with the shotguns first.

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Moving forward while taking out the enemy NPCs

Always keep an eye on your health and armor bar. Keep refilling them using snacks and armor if needed. Do not rush here as it is very easy to die. Take your time, clear, and then move. You only have 1 team life.

Keep moving forward until you reach upstairs and before you go through the doors at the top of the stairs. You should know there are always four guards to your left just outside the Interrogation Room, your destination.

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Stairs leading to the second floor

Use the door as a cover and eliminate the guards. Enter the interrogation room, and you will be welcomed with a cutscene.

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Using the door as cover at the top of the stairs
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Cutscene plays after reaching the interrogation room

After the cutscene, you need to make your way back down and exit the same way you came in from. More guards would have spawned in the same area again.

As you try to leave for the stairs again, two guards will rush you. Be ready and take them out first.

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Two guards rushing you after the cutscene

While making your way back down, a single guard will always spawn behind you on the top floor where the interrogation room is, and he will always rush you. So, keep an eye out on your mini-map for any red circles with an arrow pointing upwards.

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A guard about to come through the door upstairs

You will need to clear the whole area once again before making a run for the exit.

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Clearing the same area again
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Exiting the IAA Facility

As soon as you're out, get in your car and hit the road. Keep moving forward and exit the tunnels.

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Getting into the car to escape
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Driving to the tunnel exit

Once you're out, you will find blockage by the cops in front of you. Don't worry, as we won't be going that way anyway!

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Cops blockage ahead

Turn left and jump into the Los Santos River and follow the river to the Sewer Tunnels entrance.

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Los Santos River

The custom indicator below shows the exact location of the entrance. Make your way to the tunnel, head inside, and wait until the cops have stopped looking for you.

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Sewer Tunnel Entrance Location
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Tunnel Entrance

After losing the cops, make your way to the recipe location in peace.

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Waiting in the tunnel until the wanted level goes away

The recipe is always buried underground at the marked location. The location is always random but within the yellow highlighted area.

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Yellow Highlighted Area

You can identify the dig site by looking for bulging sand from the ground. When you get closer to it, you will get an option to dig.

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Bump in the ground indicating the location of the recipe

After digging, you will get your recipe. Deliver the recipe to the client to complete this mission.

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Recipe delivered to the client

The Bank Contract

The bank contract has three missions: Thermal Charges, Signal Jammer, and the finale "The Bank Contract."

Thermal Charges (Planning Work)

For this mission, we highly recommend you use the Oppressor Mk II. It'll make your life ten times easier. If you do not have an Oppressor, you can also opt for a Buzzard, which is readily available from the VIP section in the interaction menu.

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Flying the Oppressor Mark II to marked the location

In the Thermal Charges mission, you need to head over to the marked location and steal thermal charges. There will be a stand-off between the cops and some burglars. You can clear some of the cops and enemy NPCs or fly directly towards the charges to grab them.

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Stand-off between the cops and the burglars

Grab the charges and fly away to lose the cops. After losing the cops, deliver the charges to the Auto Shop to complete this mission. It is as simple as that.

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Thermal charges circled in red
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Delivering the charges to the Auto Shop

Signal Jammers (Planning Work)

This mission is time-sensitive, and you can only complete it effectively using either an Oppressor Mk II or a Buzzard helicopter. In this mission, you need to install signal jammers at six Fleeca Banks across Los Santos. If you are doing all this solo though, you only need to worry about installing one jammer at a single bank. Installing jammers will give you more time in the finale without the police coming after you and also delay you getting a wanted level.

First, you need to make your way to the indicated location to get the signal jammers from the trunk of a parked Emperor.

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Emperor's trunk with the signal jammers

Once you grab the jammers, wait for Sessanta to contact you, after which a 10-minute timer will start, within which you must plant the jammers.

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Timer to plant the jammer starts

When you get to the location, the panel in which you plant the jammer is watched by a CCTV camera. You need to wait for the camera's cone of vision to look away from the panel and then go in for the plant.

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Planting the signal jammer at bank 'D'

Covering all six is optional. Even if you cover two or three (or even one if you are solo), that should make you eligible to complete this mission.

Here's a trick when using an Oppressor for maximum speed while in the air. Whenever you're flying, gain some altitude and then press your handbrake button or key once. You'll notice the Oppressor will lose altitude gradually, but it will retain have maximum speed — the same speed it has on the ground.

This trick has been around for quite some time and helped a lot during the Duggan Shipments prep mission in the Casino Heist. You can always go for the ones in the main city first as they all are close to each other. The ones that are far away are the bank on the main highway at Great Ocean Hay (bank 'A') and the one on Route 68 at Grand Senora Desert (bank 'F').

This mission feels like a filler mission to match the "three mission" theme we have with the contracts. If you complete the signal jammers mission, you will get some extra time before the cops are finally alerted, and you get a wanted level.

You can only hit two banks without the wanted level during the finale. But, as soon as you're done with the second bank, the timer runs out, and the cops are on you. You only get a maximum of 2 minutes delay before the cops come. So, doing all six jammers is not worth the effort if you're not going to do the finale with a squad of four.

Either way, even if the cops were on you from the first bank, you will be able to complete this mission with ease as the number of cops spawning is always limited, and they spawn right outside each bank — more on that below.

Once you've successfully hit all six banks and planted the jammers, you are done with this mission. Even if you only manage to plant one jammer, your mission will pass as the timer runs out.

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All signal jammers planted

The Bank Contract (Final Job)

In the final job, you will be required to rob all six Fleeca Banks. To begin, you need to select the 'Hustler' as your weapon loadout. Do not forget to stock up on some armor and snacks as well since you will be getting into some gunfights too.

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Selecting the 'Hustler' weapon loadout

Go to the first nearest marked Fleeca Bank, head inside the bank, and place the thermal charge on a locked door leading to the main vault. The alarm also goes off. Usually, the cops arrive, but thanks to the signal jammers (if you've planted them all), you have 2 minutes before the cops show up.

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the first fleeca bank (bank 'C')
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Planting the thermal charge on the vault door

Wait for a couple of seconds before the thermal charge blows up, opening the door to the vault.

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Thermal charge burning through the vault door

Head inside and you will be able to interact with the cash on the table to pick it up.

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Stealing the cash inside the vault

Repeat the same with the other five banks as well, and you should be good to go. When the cops arrive, take your time with them. Do not rush outside the bank with several cops waiting to open fire on you, resulting in instant death.

Use the bank glass door as a cover since it is bulletproof. Shoot the door to open it and fire at the cops outside. When you're happy with the number of cops outside and see an opening, quickly run outside and into your vehicle. Then, drive off to the next bank.

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Using the bank door as cover while shooting back at the cops

Speaking of vehicles, make sure you always park the car right outside the bank entrance with the driver's seat facing the bank. This will help you quickly get into your car and drive away amidst all the chaos.

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Parking the car with the driver's seat facing the bank's entrance

As stated earlier, repeat the same with all the banks except for one important thing. You need to hit bank 'F' in Grand Senora Desert last as it can help us lose the cops because of the route we take.

After robbing bank 'F,' go west and keep driving until you pass the 'Misfortune' sign on your right.

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'Misfortune' sign on Route 68

As soon as you pass the sign, turn left onto the dirt road and keep driving towards the client indicated by a yellow marker through this off-road route.

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Going off-road right after passing the 'misfortune' sign

You will eventually lose the cops if you stay off-road and continue driving towards the client through these mountains and dirt roads. You may [

refer to our video ]to understand the route better.

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Continuing the off-road path towards the client

Once you lose the cops, you can drive to the client to deliver the cash and complete this mission.

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Reaching the drop-off point
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Delivering the cash to the client

The Data Contract

The data contract has three missions: Safehouse Location, Defenses, and the finale "The Data Contract."

Safehouse Location (Planning Work)

In this mission, you need to find the location of the safehouse containing hard drives that are to be delivered to Avi Schwartzman later in the finale. Some of you may remember Avi from the Casino Heist.

We also recommend using a ground vehicle for this mission as you need to steal a vehicle later in this mission, and that would require eliminating the driver by shooting at him, of course.

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Ground vehicle used for the purpose of drive by

You first need to make your way to the Palmer-Taylor Power Station. When you reach the location, you will notice a skylift ascending from the power station.

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Skylife at Palmer-Taylor Power Station

Follow the skylift to its drop site, where it is delivering a container. Once it drops the cargo, go to the location and investigate it. You will find a bunker entrance.

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Driving to the drop site to investigate it

Take a picture of the bunker entrance and then get clear of the bunker entrance. Wait for a vehicle to come out of the bunker.

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Bunker entrance identified
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Taking picture of the bunker entrance

After some time, a Barrage will come out of the bunker. You must steal this vehicle as we need a transponder which is inside this vehicle. This transponder will help us get in the bunker during the final job.

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Barrage coming out of the bunker

Chase down the vehicle and first take out the gunner on the vehicle as he does a lot of damage.

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Eliminating the gunner mounted on the barrage

After taking out the gunner, take out the driver and quickly get inside the vehicle.

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Eliminating the barrage driver

Deliver it to the Auto Shop to complete this mission. You will have a chopper and many soldiers constantly attacking you on your way back to the Auto Shop. Keep ignoring them and continue to drive.

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Driving the barrage to the Auto Shop
Los Santos Tuners Guide To All Contracts & Payouts
Delivering the barrage to the Auto Shop

Defenses (Planning Work)

In this mission, you have an option to get three armaments that can aid you in the finale. If you're doing the finale solo, you only need one armament out of the three, and that is the anti-aircraft gun (AAG). The AAG is extremely powerful and can wipe vehicles and foot soldiers swiftly.

This mission is also time-sensitive, and you only get 10 minutes to collect all three. But, as stated above, you only need the AAG.

The AAG armament can be found at the Los Santos International Airport. When you reach the location, you will find several Merryweather soldiers guarding the armament.

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Anti-aircraft gun at the Los Santos International Airport (LSIA)

Stay in cover and first take out the soldiers.

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Taking out the Merryweather soldiers at the LSIA

Once you've cleared the enemy NPCs, get in one of the armored Nightsharks parked there.

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Getting into the Nightshark

Back the vehicle up to the AAG trailer hook, and it will be hooked onto the vehicle.

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Backing the Nightshark onto the AAG trailer
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Nightshark hooked onto the AAG trailer

Once hooked, deliver it to Elysian Island.

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AAG delivered at Elysian Island

Now, all you have to do is wait for the timer to finish for this mission to be completed. If you're bored and want to get another vehicle, you can get the other armaments. One of the other useful armaments is the Insurgent.

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A completely optional armament — The Insurgent
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Mission completes once the timer finishes

The Data Contract (Final Job)

We highly recommend fully stocking up on snacks and super heavy armor for the finale, as you will get into many gunfights. You can get free snacks from your Auto Shop and buy the armor at one of the Ammu-nation stores.

When you're setting up, select the 'Hustler' as your weapon loadout because it has a Bullpup Rifle Mk II. It is an effective rifle against the enemy NPCs.

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Selecting the 'Hustler' weapon loadout

For the vehicle, it doesn't matter which vehicle you choose as long as it is fast. But, if you do buy a vehicle from the Los Santos Tuners DLC, then we recommend buying the Jester RR. It is one of the fastest in the DLC. You can customize it and install louvers and bulletproof tires that will help a lot.

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Custom Dinka Jester RR modified to include louvers and bulletproof tires

If you cannot afford the vehicle yet, it is fine. Sessanta's yellow tailgater would suffice, which is available by default.

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Sessanta's yellow tailgater available by default

Now that the setup is done. Make your way to the bunker entrance, you will enter without any issues.

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Entering the bunker

As soon as you're in the bunker, you'll get in a heavy gunfight with the soldiers inside. Clear the enemies and make your way to the hard drives indicated by a green marker on your mini-map.

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The first soldier you encounter as soon as you enter the bunker

Switch to the Bullpup Rifle Mk II for this part of the mission.

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Switching to Bullpup Rifle Mk II

Follow the western path (left) in the bunker. Keep clearing the enemies first before you make a move for the hard drives. The next area is going to have a gunner on a Barrage. Take him out first and then clear the rest of the soldiers before you move onto the hard drive.

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The mounted gunner on the barrage when going from the left side of the bunker
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Stealing the hard drive

It is not that difficult to complete this part. Always pre-aim and aim for the head for instant kills. Keep moving forward, clear the enemies, and stealing the hard drives.

Once you've acquired all four hard drives, you will circle back to the main bunker entrance where your car is.

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Circling back to the main entrance of the bunker

You will now be outside the bunker automatically. You need to drive to Elysian Island, to Avi Schwartzman. As you're driving to Elysian Island, you're going to get shot by Merryweather soldiers and the chopper. This is where the louvers and the bulletproof tires help a lot.

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Driving to Elysian Island while under heavy firing from the chopper and Merryweather soldiers

When you reach the destination, instead of inserting the hard drives into the terminal, go and get the anti-aircraft gun from the back. It will be marked on your mini-map.

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Arriving at Elysian Island
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Getting into the nightshark attached to the AAG trailer

Position it under the shade next to Avi's office. This is a perfect place to keep the AAG. It helps you cover both sides without any blind spots, and the shade protects you from incoming choppers.

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Positioning the AAG under the shade next to Avi's office

After positioning the trailer, you can go and insert the hard drives into the terminal.

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Inserting the hard drives into the terminal

Head back outside and mount the AAG. You can easily take out the guards and choppers with this weapon. Keep an eye on your mini-map and keep clearing the soldiers as fast as you can. Do not wait for them to get closer. You might risk some soldiers getting into Avi's office.

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Eliminating Merryweather soldiers using the AAG
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Destroying a chopper within a few shots of the AAG

Also, if you cannot reach the choppers due to the shade above you, stay mounted in your AAG, and the soldiers will eventually come in front of you. Take out all the foot soldiers and then unmount the gun to take out the choppers yourself.

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Taking out a chopper pilot using a Bullpup Rifle Mk II

Use your Bullpup Rifle Mk II to eliminate the pilots, which will instantly down the choppers.

After the uploading process completes, the Merryweather soldiers will stop spawning, and you can take out the rest of the soldiers. After taking out the soldiers, go to Avi to complete the mission.

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Mission completion cutscene

The ECU Job

The ECU Job contract has three missions: Train Inventory, Schedule, and The ECU Job.

Train Inventory (Planning Work)

The train inventory planning work is a pretty straightforward job. First, you need to make your way to Elysian Island as instructed. When you arrive at the location, you will need to disguise yourself as a dock worker by collecting the outfit from the van parked nearby.

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Disguising ourselves as the dock worker

The van is never in the same spot. It will always be random but within the vicinity of the boat. You don't have to worry about finding the van, as it will be shown on your mini-map, indicated by a small stick figure icon.

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Disguise icon indicated on the map, this is where the van is

This disguise will allow you to blend in with the other dock workers. The Merryweather guards will not notice you unless you stay in their cones of vision for too long or bump into them. You will also be detected if they see you with an equipped weapon.

After getting the uniform, make your way to the back of the boat. Directly go towards the rear section of the boat and climb up using the stairs on the side.

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Going to the back of the boat
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Climbing up at the back of the boat

When you reach the rear top of the boat, you need to start looking for the container manifest. There are multiple spawn locations where the manifest can spawn, and they are as follows:

Wooden Crate #1

This crate is on the left side of the middle partition at the rear end of the boat. The manifest will spawn on top of the wooden container.

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Container Manifest Spawn Location 1

Wooden Crate #2

The second wooden container is on the other side of the middle partition, directly opposite the first wooden crate. The manifest will be on top of the second wooden crate.

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Container Manifest Spawn Location 2

Green Crates

The third location is the dark green box on the second level. Climb up the stairs in front of the second wooden crate, and climb the ladders right after.

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Set of stairs and ladders leading to the stack of green crates

You will find a stack of green crates. The manifest will be on top of the stack.

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Container Manifest Spawn Location 3

Once you've found the manifest, take a picture of it and send it to Sessanta.

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Taking a picture of the manifest to send it to Sessanta

Next, you will be instructed to go to the front of the boat to steal an industrial cutting saw.

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Going to the front of the boat

Go to the very front end of the boat and climb the ladders up to the top.

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Climbing up to the front deck of the boat

The cutting saw is in a bright blue duffel bag and can spawn on any one of the boxes (crates, wooden boxes, water tankers, etc.) located at the front end of the boat. We found ours on a wooden crate.

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One of the possible spawn locations of the industrial cutting saw
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Industrial Cutting Saw

After grabbing the duffel bag, leave the boat and deliver the cutting saw to your Auto Shop to complete this mission.

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Running away from the boat with the saw
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Delivering the cutting saw to the Auto Shop

Schedule (Planning Work)

This planning work is a simple mission. You need to go to a location, locate a train, and scope out the area by taking pictures.

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Freight train located

Make your way to the location and take a picture of the train and send it to Sessanta.

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Taking and sending the picture of the train to Sessanta

Wait for her to contact you again and then take a picture of one of the brake cylinders and send it to Sessanta.

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Taking and sending the picture of the brake cylinder to Sessanta

Then you need to find the train schedule which is in a control tower. The tower will be heavily guarded. It is best just to clear out the guards instead of sneaking your way in. It is much faster.

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Eliminating the guards around the control tower
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Train Schedule

Once you've collected the schedule, deliver it back to the Auto Shop to complete this mission.

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Delivering the train schedule to the Auto Shop

The ECU Job (Final Job)

When you start this job, the first thing you must do is select the 'Sharpshooter' as your weapon loadout. This is important as we need both the Sticky Bombs and the Heavy Sniper Mk II.

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Selecting the 'Sharpshooter' weapon loadout

Also, make sure you are fully stocked up on super heavy armor and snacks, as this mission will be full of combat.

Once again, if you can afford a Jester RR, we highly recommend getting it and upgrading its tires to bulletproof and louvers for the back window, which gives extra protection against incoming shots.

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Selecting the custom Jester RR

Make your way to the interception point and wait for the train to come.

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Waiting for the train at the interception point

When the train arrives, ready your sticky bombs and throw them at the brake cylinders to destroy them.

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Throwing the sticky bomb at the brake cylinder

You will get a notification that the brake cylinder has been destroyed.

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Notified when the brake cylinder was destroyed

After destroying all four of the brake cylinders, the train will come to a stop. Drive slightly ahead of the train to avoid the Merryweather soldiers' line of fire and take out your Heavy Sniper Mk II.

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Taking cover behind the car after destroying the brake cylinders

Use your vehicle as a cover and shoot the chopper five times to destroy it for good.

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Destroying the armored chopper using the Heavy Sniper Rifle Mk II

Get back into your vehicle and drive till the end of the train, killing all the Merryweather soldiers as you drive by.

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Eliminating all the Merryweather soldiers on the train

Merryweather soldiers will keep on spawning, so you need to be quick about it and take them out. Whenever you see a chopper spawning, you need to prioritize the chopper over the foot soldiers as the chopper drains your health.

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More Merryweather backup arrives

Once you've cleared the soldiers, you will get some breathing room. Check your messages to see the container codes you'll need to find the ECUs.

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Sessanta's text telling us about the correct container codes

Those codes are sent by Sessanta, and you need to match with the codes on the side of the containers.

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Container code matching one of the codes from Sessanta's text

We got S8B5 and S91F. These codes are written on the side of the containers. Once you've found the correct container, interact with it to open them up using the industrial cutting saw.

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Using the industrial cutting saw to open one of the containers

If you've opened the correct container, you will find the ECU inside. Collect it and look for the second container.

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The ECU inside the container

As you collect the ECUs, more choppers and Merryweather soldiers will spawn. So take cover inside the train and first take out the chopper.

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Taking cover inside the train as more Merryweather guards arrive

After the chopper, you can take out the rest of the soldiers. These choppers won't be armored like the first chopper that spawned in the beginning. You can easily shoot the pilot and they will go down.

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Pilot of a regular chopper eliminated

After getting both ECUs, get back into your vehicle and deliver them to KDJ, a.k.a Moodymann. Just keep driving to your destination and you should be fine. This is where the louvers help protect you from the incoming shots from behind.

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Escaping the Merryweather after collecting both the ECUs

The mission is completed after delivering the ECUs to KDJ.

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Delivering the ECUs to the KDJ (Moodymann)

The Prison Contract

The Prison Contract has three missions: Inside Man, Access Point, and The Prison Contract.

Inside Man (Planning Work)

In the "Inside Man" mission, you need to pick up Lil Dee, Sessanta's cousin, and drive him to meet one of his associates to get the location of the rival gang members. First, you will have to make your way to Richman and meet up with Lil Dee. He will be in a parking lot with his car, Remus.

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Meeting Lil Dee for the first time

Drive Lil Dee to meet one of his associates and he will get out of the car to talk to him. His associate will give him the location of the rival gang's hideout.

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Lil Dee meeting his associate

Drive Lil Dee to the gang hideout and he will go inside. You need to wait for him outside.

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Lil Dee going inside the gang hideout

Eventually, you will hear gunshots, and Lil Dee will come running out to the car after eliminating some rival gang members.

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Lil Dee running back outside after eliminating rival members

After he gets back into the car, keep driving away from the gang members to lose them.

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GTA Online protagonist and Lil Dee backing out of the gang hideout alley
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Trying to escape the gang members

Once you've lost the gang members, drop Lil Dee at the police station so he can turn himself in.

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Dropping Lil Dee at the police station

After dropping Lil Dee at the police station, deliver his car to the Auto Shop, after which the mission completes.

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Delivering Lil Dee's Remus at the Auto Shop

Access Point (Planning Work)

You need to steal a trailer so that a ramp can be set up later in the finale to get into the prison. You can get one of two locations to steal the trailer from — Richards Majestic or Los Santos River.

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Movie set at Richards Majestic, one of two possible locations

Make your way to the location and eliminate the guards in the area. Be wary of one NPC in particular — The Terminator. Yes, that is right. This is a small easter egg added in as part of the Los Santos Tuners update. This NPC has a lot of health and cannot die.

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Eliminating the guards to clear the area

He will attack you together with the guards, but when he "dies", he will get back up after a few seconds.

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"The Terminator"

Get into the truck, connect it to the trailer and drive it to the drop-off point after losing the cops.

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Attaching the truck to the trailer containing the ramp inside

Drive around in the city to lose the cops. Some guards will continue to spawn and shoot at you even after losing the cops. Ignore them and continue to drive to the drop-off point. They won't do any damage to your trailer.

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Delivering the trailer to the drop-off site

After delivering the trailer, leave the area to complete the mission.

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Leaving the area to complete the mission

The Prison Contract (Final Job)

Before starting the finale, as always, stock up on super heavy armor and snacks.

When you start the final job, select either the 'Hustler' or 'Heavyweight' as your weapon loadout. This is because they have a Machine Pistol and a Micro SMG, respectively. Both these weapons can be used to do drive bys effectively. This whole mission revolves around that aspect.

Choose any car you want. If you have a custom modded Los Santos Tuners DLC car such as a Jester RR, then be sure to add louvers and bulletproof tires for extra added protection. If you cannot afford that car yet, simply select Sessanta's yellow tailgater as always.

First, make your way to the prison and use the ramp to jump over the fence and inside the Bolingbroke Penitentiary.

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The ramp outside the prison
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Jumping off the ramp to get inside the prison

Once inside, go left and keep an eye out for a garbage bin on your right. That will lead you to the yard area of the prison.

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The garbage bin that can be used to get inside the yard
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Driving off of the garbage bin to get into the yard

You will find two of the four targets here in the yard. Quickly take them out and circle the yard.

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The two of the four targets in the yard

Go towards the water tower and between the buildings.

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The buildings you need to go in between
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Go through the buildings and onto the other side

Go to the right to reach the other two targets.

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The other two targets

Go back near the same buildings, and there is an opening that leads to the outer prison road.

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Outer road seen from in between the buildings

When on the outer road, keep going right, and you will reach the main entrance.

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Going right towards the main entrance

When you reach the dead end, shoot the panels, and the doors will open for you.

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Shooting the panel to open the door

Keep shooting the panels and opening the doors towards the exit.

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Shooting the panel to open the second door
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Shooting the last panel to open the final door

Next, you need to rescue Lil Dee. Follow the prison bus and shoot the driver to force the prison bus to an abrupt stop.

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Shooting and killing the prison bus driver to stop the bus

Lil Dee will come out of the prison bus and sit in your vehicle.

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Lil Dee joining the us in our car

Now, most people usually try to focus on losing the cops at this point. The issue is that you cannot lose the cops this early in this mission — it is intentionally designed this way. The best way to approach the mission is to keep driving towards your destination until you reach it.

If you've not lost the cops by then, you will get a message to "lose the cops."

Now, you will be able to lose the cops. The easiest way to lose the cops is by driving around the city area near the actual destination you need to drop Lil Dee at.

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In the city near the drop-off point trying to lose the cops

Once you've lost the cops, drop Lil Dee at the drop-off point to complete this contract.

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Dropping Lil Dee off at the drop-off
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Mission ending cutscene

The Superdollar Deal

The Superdollar Deal Contract has three missions: Tracking Device, Virus Software, and The Robbery.

Tracking Device (Planning Work)

We highly recommend you use either an Oppressor Mk II or a Buzzard helicopter for this particular mission. It will help you escape Fort Zancudo more easily later.

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Oppressor Mark II used for this mission

It is also recommended that you have super heavy armor and a full stock of snacks as you will be getting into a heavy gunfight at the hangar.

There are two ways to get into Fort Zancudo. The first is by simply flying using your Oppressor or Buzzard helicopter. The second is by using a vehicle that spawns while you're on your way to Fort Zancudo. When you're near the fort, an army vehicle spawns nearby, which you can hijack and use to pass the security checkpoint at the main fort entrance.

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The available vehicle that can be used to infiltrate Fort Zancudo

Get to Fort Zancudo and go to the very last hangar labeled 'A1.'

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A1 Hangar

You will notice that this hangar is heavily guarded with army personnel.

Park your Oppressor or Buzzard right outside the hangar on the left side, so you can escape easily.

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Parking the vehicle (oppressor or buzzard) on the left side of the hangar

There is a transporter inside which you need to take a picture of. You can sneak your way to the transporter, but it doesn't matter. In our experience, those guards are always alerted.

When you get inside the hangar, you will automatically locate the transporter, which is in the middle of the hangar.

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The transporter in the middle of the hangar is located

Take a picture of the transporter and send it to Sessanta.

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Taking a picture of the transporter and sending it to Sessanta

After the picture, wait for Sessanta to contact you. This is when she will ask you to plant the tracker on the transporter. You can either sneak (which never works) your way to the transporter or kill some guards on the way and buy a bit of time before more guards are alerted.

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Fighting through the army personnel to plant the tracker

Go to the transporter and plant it on the side of the truck, near the rear end.

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Planting the tracking device on the transporter

Once planted, the whole army in the hangar will be after you. The easiest way to get out of this is to let them kill you.

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Allowing the character to die so he can spawn outside the hangar for easier escape.

Once you're dead, you will spawn right outside the hangar, and you can run to your Buzzard or Oppressor parked outside.

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Spawned right outside the hangar on the left side
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Ran to the oppressor after spawning and off we go

Get on your Oppressor or Buzzard and make a run for it. Leave Fort Zancudo and keep flying until you lose the cops. The mission will be completed once you've lost the cops.

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Left Fort Zancudo and lost the cops to complete the mission

Virus Software (Planning Work)

This is one of the easiest missions. You need to make your way to the marked location and find a hacker. You can identify the hacker by looking at the picture that Sessanta sends you.

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Sessanta sends hacker's image

When you find the hacker, he will panic and make a run for his apartment. Chase him to his apartment.

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General vicinity of the hacker's whereabouts
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Hacker panics and makes a run for it

He will go inside his apartment where he has two guards and himself all armed and ready to shoot at you as soon as you enter.

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Chasing the hacker to his apartment
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Hacker entering his apartment

Enter the apartment and eliminate these three.

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One of the two guards inside hacker's apartment
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The hacker inside his apartment now armed

After killing them, steal the virus software from the dinner table next to the kitchen and leave the apartment.

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Flash drive containing the virus software

Deliver the virus to the Auto Shop to complete the mission. Backup forces will arrive on your way to the Auto Shop, but ignore them and keep driving, and you should be okay.

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Delivering the virus software to the Auto Shop

The Robbery (Final Job)

When starting the mission, select 'Sharpshooter' as your weapon loadout because we need the sticky bombs for this mission. It'll make our life much easier.

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Selecting the 'Sharpshooter' weapon loadout for the Sticky Bombs

After starting the mission, you won't have any navigational guidelines, just the transporters icon on your map. You can use your map to mark it and then drive to it.

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The location of the transporter

Make your way to the transporter and use all five of your sticky bombs on the transporter.

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Throwing sticky bombs on the transporter

You will notice the health of the transporter will go down. You will also notice there is a black line at the end of the transporter health bar.

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The health bar of the transporter with the black reference line

You need to reduce the health of the transporter to just below the black line for it to stop. Do not go all the way down, though, or else you will fail the mission.

As soon as the transporter stops you will see a blue marker behind the transporter indicating that you can now enter the truck. There will also be a chopper hovering above you. Take out the chopper first before you leave your vehicle.

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Destroying the chopper before leaving the car
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Entering the transporter

Also, park the car directly beside the entry marker. This way, you can quickly get in the car for your escape.

Enter the truck and use the virus to open the locked door.

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Installing the virus in the terminal

Go through the door once it is unlocked and you will come across two more guards inside. Just take them out.

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Eliminating the guards inside the transporter

After that, search four crates inside for bank plates. Steal all the bank plates and leave the transporter.

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Stealing the bank plates from one of the four crates

Get inside the car and make your way to the client. Reinforcements will arrive, but if you keep driving you'll be fine.

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Getting back into the car to deliver the plates to the client

The mission will be completed after delivering the plates to the client.

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Reached the drop-off site
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Delivering the plates to the client

The Lost Contract

The Lost Contract has three missions: Lab Locations, Transport Method, and the final job, "The Lost Contract."

Lab Locations (Planning Work)

In this mission, you need to head over to one of the Lost MC clubhouses and steal some equipment, including explosives. There are two ways you can complete this mission — aggressive or sneaky. Aggressive is self-explanatory and will require you to fight your way into and out of the clubhouse. The best method to do it is by sneaking your way in using a disguise. When the mission starts, there will be a new vehicle icon on your minimap.

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Slamvan icon on the minimap

Go to the vehicle location and you will find a parked black slamvan with some Lost MC members guarding the area. Take them out and get in the van. Be careful as one of the guards has a shotgun.

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Lost MC member guarding the slamvan
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The Slamvan

Drive the van to the Lost MC clubhouse and the backdoors of the van will automatically open up for you.

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Driving the van to the Lost MC Clubhouse
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The rear doors automatically opens up

When you approach the vehicle's trunk you will get an option to equip Lost MC Outfit, which will allow you to blend in with the rest of the gang members.

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Equipping the Lost MC Outfit

Before you head inside the clubhouse make sure you call in your personal vehicle, just in case things go south when you're making your way out of the clubhouse. This will allow you to escape quickly.

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Calling in the personal vehicle

Make your way inside the clubhouse while avoiding bumping into the gang members, and also make sure to not stay in their cones of vision for too long or you will get detected.

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Lost MC Clubhouse Entrance

Always check the room to your left as soon as you enter as it can also contain the equipment.

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Room with potential equipment to the left as soon as you enter

There is a room by the stairs that usually has a safe you can loot for some documents.

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Room with a safe
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Safe with documents

After getting the documents make your way upstairs and you will find a duffle bag with explosives inside of it. The duffle bag will be resting on a stack of beer cartons.

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Stairs leading upstairs
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Duffle bag containing explosives

Once you've collected the equipment and documents, carefully make your way back out of the clubhouse and run to your vehicle.

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Running to the clubhouse exit
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Personal vehicle called in before entering the clubhouse

Deliver the equipment to your Auto Shop to complete this mission. If you alert the guards, you will be chased by the Lost MC members until you are near the Auto Shop.

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Delivering the equipment to the Auto Shop
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Lab Locations planning work mission completed

Transport Method (Planning Work)

In this mission, you need to find the cargo list and a transport vehicle to later deliver that cargo to the drop-off site during the finale. There are two ways you can complete the second half of this mission, but the first half remains the same.

First, you will need to make your way to Elysian Island. You can get one of two locations on the island.

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Elysian Island

When you get close to the yellow destination marker, you will see white dots appear on your minimap. These are the Lost MC members. Make sure you are on foot and not in a vehicle.

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White dots appear on the minimap

When you see the dots keep your distance and wait for them to leave the area.

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Lost MC gang members leaving the area

Once they're gone one of the white dots will turn blue. This is the dock foreman who has the cargo list. Follow the foreman until he reaches a quiet place and his icon turns red.

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Following the dock foreman

Use your suppressed weapon to take him out.

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Switching to a suppressed weapon. Any suppressed weapon should work
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Eliminating the dock foreman

Once the foreman has been eliminated you will see his cargo list on the ground. Take a picture of the cargo list and send it over to Sessanta. If the picture is not registered, zoom in on the cargo list and it should be registered.

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Zoom into the cargo list to ensure it registers as a picture
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Sending the image to Sessanta

Now we move onto the second half of the mission, where you need to find and deliver a Truck Cab to the drop-off point. Usually, there is always a truck at the docks where you get the cargo list.

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Truck cab at the docks

All you need to do is get into the truck and drive it to the drop-off point.

However, the delivery can be made a lot more convenient if you've bought a Phantom Wedge from the Warstock Cache & Carry store. It costs GTA$2,553,600 (SecuroServ Trade Price is GTA$1,920,000). Remember, this is just an optional step if you have the Phantom Wedge. You can simply deliver the regular truck cab if you do not own a Phantom Wedge.

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Phantom Wedge on the Warstock Cache & Carry Store

If you own a Phantom Wedge, make your way to the marked location shown on the map below. This is where you would usually get a marker to drop the truck. Since we are not in a truck, we can add a custom marker to reach the location in one of our personal vehicles. You can either use an Oppressor Mark II or a Buzzard helicopter.

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Truck cab drop-off point vicinity

Once at the location, send your personal vehicle to the storage and request the Phantom Wedge from the special vehicle option.

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Sending the personal vehicle back to storage
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Calling in the Phantom Wedge

When the Phantom Wedge is delivered get into it and you will get a yellow marker pointing you to the Harmony Storage Yard, the place you're already next to.

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Phantom Wedge spawned
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Delivering the Phantom Wedge to the drop-off point

Deliver the truck to the yard to complete this mission. The advantage of having the Phantom Wedge is the big protective metal on the front that helps fend off Lost MC members during the final job.

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Transport Method planning work mission completed

The Lost Contract (Final Job)

The final job involves heavy gunfights and it is highly recommended that you stock up on snacks and super heavy armor before starting it. You can get the snacks for free from your Auto Shop, and you can buy the armor from the nearest Ammu-Nation.

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Snacks and Armor Interaction Menu

As the mission is combat-heavy, select 'Hustler' as your weapon loadout because it has a Bullpup Rifle Mk II, an effective rifle.

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Selecting the 'Hustler' loadout

Just like before, it doesn't matter which vehicle you choose as long as it is fast. It would help if you installed louvers and got bulletproof tires. But, that is only possible on a purchased Los Santos Tuners DLC vehicle. If you can afford it, we recommend buying the Jester RR. If you cannot afford the Jester RR, Sessanta's yellow tailgater is good enough, which is available for the final jobs by default.

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Selecting the custom Jester RR

There are four meth labs that you need to destroy in this mission. We recommend starting with the southernmost lab. The good thing about these labs is that starting from the southern meth lab, you can drive your way up north, hitting all the labs with no left or right turns.

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Southernmost Meth Lab

All these meth labs are heavily guarded and you can stay in your vehicle and back up to the locations, killing the gang members before you get an opening to enter the meth lab. You can also always try and park the car near the lab entrance and kill the Lost MC members before entering the labs.

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Eliminating the Lost MC gang members at the meth lab site

If you start from the southernmost lab, you will have a single guard inside the first lab, no guard in the second, a guard with a shotgun inside the third lab, and no guard in the last lab. This is assuming you've hit the labs starting from the southernmost lab all the way up to the northernmost lab.

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Guard in the first meth lab (southernmost lab)

When you get inside the lab, eliminate the guard (if any) and then eat snacks or armor up if needed.

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Eating snacks and armoring up before planting the explosives

After that, plant the bomb (and, again, only plant after eating the snacks and armoring up as the detonation is timed), and get out of the lab as soon as possible.

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Planting the explosives
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Detonation timer

Get into your vehicle and then make your way to the rest of the labs. Once you've destroyed the final lab, you will need to go to your truck cab or Phantom Wedge.

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Truck Cab / Phantom Wedge Location
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Collected the phantom wedge

Get inside the truck and drive it to the marked tanker location to steal it. It will be heavily surrounded by Lost MC members, so make sure you open up your snacks menu just in case your health decreases drastically.

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Driving to the tanker with the snacks menu open

If you are patient enough, you can try and kill off the members until things calm down a bit. This gives you enough time to back up the truck into the tanker and get it hooked onto it.

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The truck cab attached to the tanker

If you're using the Phantom Wedge, do not drive directly into the tanker as it will misplace the tanker. This will make it ten times harder for you to attach the tanker, as the positioning will get very awkward amidst all the incoming shots from the Lost MC gang members.

Once hooked, deliver the tanker to the drop-off site to complete the mission. The bikers will chase you down but keep driving, and you should be fine. If you have the Phantom Wedge, you can just run them over.

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The metal shield in front of the truck helps you run over the vehicles easily

Deliver the tanker to the drop-off point to successfully complete the job.

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Delivering the tanker to the drop-off point
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The Lost Contract completed

The Union Depository Contract

Elevator Key (Planning Work)

In this mission, you need to find an elevator key and steal an armored vehicle for some security gear.

You will be asked to make your way to an apartment where you need to take out some guards and a corrupt businessman.

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Apartment Entrance

Once you've taken out the guards, the businessman will be in the master bedroom. Eliminate him and get close to his body for him to be identified.

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Fighting the guards inside the apartment

You can use sticky bombs or grenades to take out the businessman. It would be best to avoid his line of sight as he possesses a strong assault shotgun that does quite a lot of damage.

Once identified, interact with his body to obtain the elevator key.

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High profile corrupt businessman

After getting the elevator key, make your way to the elevator that leads to the garage. Before you go in the elevator, make sure to heal up and armor up if you're low on both, as you will get into another gunfight as soon as you enter the garage.

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Elevator that leads to the garage

As soon as you are in the garage, quickly take cover behind the car to your right and take out all the guards.

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Taking cover behind the car in the garage
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Blind firing the guards

After taking out the guards, locate the security vehicle, which is a black armored vehicle. When you get close to the vehicle, it will be marked.

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Security vehicle identified

Get into the vehicle, and you will be asked to drop the vehicle at one of the three marked locations around the Union Depository.

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Driving the security vehicle to one of the marked getaway locations

We recommend you drop the vehicle at the marked location circled in the image shown below.

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This is the best getaway location

This location is recommended as during the final robbery. This one is the nearest getaway location. You will need to run across the street from the union depository. Yes, you will still need to fight the cops, but that is for every marked location. This particular location is relatively easy.

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Parking the car at the getaway location

Leave the area to complete the mission once you've parked the security vehicle at the marked location.

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Leaving the area to complete the mission

Vault Code (Planning Work)

This mission is quite simple. You need to steal a police helicopter and use it to identify the bank manager's vehicle. You then need to follow the bank manager to the hotel and take incriminating photos of his affair to blackmail him for the Vault Codes.

First, you need to make your way to Los Santos International Airport. You will find a police maverick parked at the airport.

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Police maverick at the LSIA

Kill the cops around the maverick and steal it. You will instantly get a 3-star wanted level.

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Eliminating the cops to steal the maverick

Fly high into the air and lose the cops before making your way to the union depository parking lot.

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Flying high to lose the cops

Once you reach the parking lot, use a mounted surveillance camera to scan a blue comet's number plate. The vehicle will be identified as the vehicle of the bank manager. You can even see him sitting inside the vehicle.

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Scanning the blue comet's number plate
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Bank manager's vehicle identified

After scanning, the bank manager will start driving towards the hotel to meet the person he is having an affair with. Tail him to the hotel but make sure you keep your distance when following the manager to stay undetected.

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Following the bank manager to the hotel

You will see a detection meter at the bottom right corner of the screen. It will gradually fill up if you get too close to the manager for too long.

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Detection meter

When he reaches the hotel, you need to search the rooftop and balconies of the hotel to find him. Use the surveillance cam to locate the bank manager. The bank manager will always be somewhere on the balconies or rooftop, but the location is always random.

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Hotel rooftop / balconies
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Bank manager located

Once located, wait for him to hug the person he is with to capture an incriminating or compromising photo of him.

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Bank manager in a compromising position, perfect for a photo

If you take the correct photo, you will get a message to wait for Sessanta to contact you. Wait for her to confirm the photo is correct and then leave the area to complete the mission.

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Leaving the area
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Planning work completed

The Robbery (Final Job)

Before starting this finale, make sure you fully stock up on super heavy armor and snacks for this mission. You can get the snacks from your auto shop for free.

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Snacks at the auto shop

You will need to buy the super heavy armor from the nearest Ammu-nation, though.

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Buying super heavy armor

Select the 'Hustler' as your weapon loadout as it has a Bullpup Rifle Mk II, an effective rifle to use against the enemies in this finale.

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Selecting the 'Hustler' loadout

For the vehicle, it doesn't matter which vehicle you choose as long as it is fast. It would help if you installed louvers and got bulletproof tires. But, we will be losing the cops quite early during the finale, so Seassanta's yellow tailgater should suffice.

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Vehicle selection — Sessanta's yellow tailgater

First, you will need to park your getaway vehicle at the marked location where you parked the security vehicle during the planning work.

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Security vehicle at the earlier marked getaway location

Get into the security vehicle and make your way to the union depository.

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Driving the security vehicle to the union depository parking lot

Park the vehicle and walk to the elevator. You will automatically show your ID badge.

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Walking to the elevator
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Showing the ID badge to the guard

Enter the elevator and swipe your ID pass to get to the basement where the vault is.

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Swiping the ID badge to activate the elevator
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Going down to the basement

You will find the main vault as soon as you're out of the elevator. Walk up to the vault to input the code and enter the vault.

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Main Vault
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Entering the vault code to open the door

Once inside, go to the marked gold and grab it. You will have a bag capacity shown at the bottom right corner.

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Vault door opened
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Entered the main vault

Keep grabbing until it is full. You will only be able to clean one table completely and get half of the other table if you're playing solo.

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Stealing gold bars

The cops will be alerted after grabbing the gold from one table. Don't worry about the cops and continue to grab the gold from the other table.

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Cops alerted — 5 star wanted level

Now, make your way outside but do not rush. Get into cover and take out the guards before moving forward. This is not a time-sensitive mission. Do not get over-eager, and remain patient.

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Taking cover to take out the guards at the vault door
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Eliminating the guard next to the elevator

After taking out the guards, run to the elevator, and you will be back at the surface.

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Entering the elevator to go back up to the surface

There will be a cutscene of the NOOSE showing up to the scene.

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Cutscene of more cops showing up

Now, you need to make your way to the getaway vehicle. Keep clearing the cops and run to the left side after you've exited the union depository.

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Eliminating the cops outside

You will see many cops and NOOSE members. Eliminate them while in cover and move forward. Always remember to keep an eye out for your health and armor bar. If it's critically low, get into cover and first heal up before proceeding.

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Eating snacks and applying super heavy armor

When you are near the exit, do not move forward towards the exit. Stay back in cover and take out the cops first. This is because if you move forward, another batch spawns in, and having the previously spawned cops with the new batch can get overwhelming. You will drop dead this way.

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First batch of cops at the parking entrance
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Second batch of cops coming out

Keep an eye behind you when running towards the exit as the cops can still spawn behind you.

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Some cops spawning behind

Run across the street, and you will be in the parking lot with the getaway vehicle. Two more cop cars will show up. Take out the cops and get into your vehicle.

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Running across the street and to the getaway vehicle
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Getaway vehicle and two more cop cars show up

You will have a 5-star wanted level, and the easiest way to lose the cops is to hide in the sewer tunnels. Go to the marked location shown below. This marked location is the entrance of the tunnel.

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Sewer tunnel entrance marked
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Sewer tunnel entrance

Stay inside until you've lost the cops and then deliver the gold to the client to complete this mission.

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Reached the drop-off point
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Gold delivered to the client
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