Payphone Hits GTA Online Guide (The Contract DLC)

From GTA BOOM Wiki

From mission variants to bonus criteria, we're revealing everything you need to know to become an expert hitman.


The payphone hits are new series of assassination missions in GTA Online given to you by Franklin after you complete at least three security contract missions as part of the Contract DLC. Once you've completed three security contract missions, you need to drive around in free roam until a payphone icon flashes on your mini-map.


Go to the payphone and answer the phone to start your first payphone hit mission. The missions you get are always random.


Once you've completed your first payphone mission, you can then order a payphone hit by calling Franklin directly from your mobile phone.



The Payphone Hits missions are named as follows:

  • The Popstar
  • The Tech Entrepreneur
  • The Cofounder
  • The CEO
  • The Trolls
  • The Judge
  • The Hitmen
  • The Dealers

All the missions can be completed solo except the hitmen and the dealers. The hitmen and dealers' missions can only be completed if you have at least one player in your organization. You can complete these missions in either public, solo, or invite-only sessions.

Each hit mission has three different variants and has a special condition. If you meet the special condition, it grants you extra cash called the assassination bonus. The assassination bonus is always revealed a few seconds after you start the mission. It will be shown as a pop-up at the top-left corner of your screen and also as a text message from Franklin.


The standard pay for completing any one of the payphone hits is $15,000, but if you complete the mission fulfilling the assassination bonus criteria, you will get an additional $70,000. Any associates with you will earn $15,000 standard plus an additional $30,000 for meeting the bonus criteria.


If you fail to meet the bonus criteria, there is a chance for you to get a three-star wanted level or multiple enemy NPCs attacking you. If you meet the criteria, you will get an option to leave the area to complete the mission.

Once you complete a Payphone Hit, there is a twenty-minute cool down before you can request another one. If you change a session in the middle of an ongoing hit (give you're a leader of the organization), you can instantly order another payphone hit by calling Franklin. You won't have to wait for twenty minutes.


In this guide, we've listed down all the variants and proper steps to complete each variant for all mission types.

The Popstar

In Popstar, you are tasked to assassinate a spoiled kid who makes peoples' lives difficult by being a nuisance to society.

The target is always driving around in his sports car. The sports car manufacturer is Annis Euros.


Variant 1

In this variant, you'll be tasked to pursue the target in a police car until they crash their vehicle.

It is pretty easy to do. The first thing you must do is find a cop car. You can either go directly to the nearest police station (if you know the location, of course) or wait a minute into the mission, and the game will automatically source the vehicle for you.

The game located vehicle will appear once the timer hits 14:00 min. It will appear as a yellow circle with a question mark on your map. It shows the general region where you can find the vehicle.


Here is one of our favorite locations where we always find a cop car parked right outside the station.



Once you have the vehicle, drive to the target and stay within the intimidation region (a red circle marked on your mini-map).


You will notice an intimidation bar at the bottom-right corner of your screen. As long as you're inside the region, the level of this bar will increase. Fill the bar to cause a car crash and assassinate the target.


Once assassinated, leave the area to complete the mission.


Variant 2

In the second variant, you need to take out the target using a driveby weapon whilst in a Vagos lowrider.

The game will give you the location of the Vagos lowrider, drive to the location and steal the bright-yellow vehicle.


Now, drive to the target and just eliminate them using any one of your driveby weapons, such as a micro-SMG.


Once eliminated, leave the area to complete the mission.


Variant 3

The final variant requires you to destroy the target's vehicle using a truck cab. The truck cab will be sourced at the construction site.


Go to the yellow-marked region and get into the cab.


Drive it to the target and keep ramming their vehicle until they eventually crash the vehicle.



Leave the area to complete the mission.


The Tech Entrepreneur

In this mission, you need to assassinate a target who is drunk and is always coming out of a hotel.

All the mission variants require the use of a taxi. You can always find the taxi in the marked location below. This is where the game also sources the taxi for you.



Variant 1

In the first variant, you need to pick up the target in a taxi and take them out with a gas station explosion.

Once you've got the taxi, go and pick up the target from their hotel.


When they're in, go to any one of the gas stations around the city. The following are the most common and easiest to find in the city. You can always go to the one you know of.



Park the car by the filling unit.


Shoot the unit to cause an explosion and eliminate the target. This will complete this hit mission.



Variant 2

In the second variant, you need to pick up the target in a taxi and drown them by submerging the vehicle in water.

This one is relatively easy. As usual, all you need to do is get into the taxi and pick up the driver.


Now, drive the car to the beach. Accelerate towards the sea, and exit the vehicle just before the vehicle reaches the sea.



The car will submerge in the water, drowning the target.

Note that you can go to any water body. It doesn't have to be the beach. It can even be a shallow river or a pond. It's a good location as long as the vehicle completely submerges in the water.

The hit mission completes once the target successfully drowns.


Variant 3

In the final variant, you need to pick up the target in a taxi and drive them to the car crusher at the scrapyard.

After getting the taxi and picking up the target, drive to the scrapyard. The scrapyard will be marked with a yellow crusher hook icon on the map.


Go to the location and drive into the yellow marker to eliminate the target by crushing them.


You don't have to leave the area. A small cutscene will play, after which the hit will complete.



The Cofounder

The target is always in a motel with a prostitute, and you can kill them as soon as they leave their hotel room.

Or, you can opt to go for one of the following variants.

Variant 1

The first variant requires you to take out the target using an explosives modification installed on their car.

First, make your way to the target's hotel location. You will get a checkout timer at the bottom-right corner indicating the time before the target leaves their hotel room.


The target's vehicle is always an old rusty Mariachi Tornado.


Get into the vehicle, and drive it to the nearest Los Santos Customs. You will automatically get a waypoint to the closest Los Santos Customs as soon as you enter the vehicle.



At the Los Santos Customs, rig the vehicle with an 'ignition bomb' for $500.


After that, drive it back and park it in the same spot.


Now, wait for the timer to run out, and the target will come out of their hotel room.


As soon as they start their vehicle, an explosion will eliminate them.


Leave the area to complete this hit.


Variant 2

In the second variant, you need to set the target's car on fire while they are inside it.

The easiest way to do this is to use molotov.


Go to the target's car and wait for them to check out.


Wait for the target to sit in the vehicle and start throwing molotovs at them.


Do not throw them before they sit inside and close the car door. Otherwise, they will start running away from the car and you.

When you throw the first Molotov, the chances are that the target will crash the vehicle, causing them to get stuck in a spot, making it easier for you to throw molotovs at the car.


Throw a couple of Molotov, and the car will explode.


Leave the area to complete the mission.


Variant 3

In the third variant, you need to use a scoped rifle to blow up the engine of the target's car while they are inside it.

When you reach the motel, you will get a white bag icon on your mini-map. This is the location of the scoped rifle.


It is usually found on rooftops around the motel. Climb up on the roof and interact with the bag to get your scoped rifle.



Now, wait for the target to check out and get inside their car.


When the target is inside the car, shoot the front bumper area of the car to blow it up.



Leave the area to complete the mission.



In this mission, you are tasked with eliminating a target at the construction site, filming a reality TV show called the 'Closet CEO.'

The following variants revolve around making this assassination look like an accident at the construction site.

Variant 1

The first variant requires you to use a scoped rifle to take out the target with a cargo container.

When you reach the construction site, a white bag will be marked on your mini-map (similar to the one seen in Variant 3 of The Cofounder). This bag contains a scoped rifle. All three variants of this mission utilize the scoped rifle.


Go to the white bag and interact with it to get your scoped rifle.


Aim down sights towards the construction site where the target is. You will find a hanging cargo container with a red arrow hovering over it.


You need to wait for the marked target to walk under the container.


As soon as the target is under the container, shoot the lock on top of it, and it will fall right on the target eliminating them.



Leave the area to complete the mission.


Variant 2

In the second variant, you will be tasked to use a scoped rifle to take out the target with a bulldozer.

Once again, make your way to the construction site and get your scoped rifle.

This time, aim at the driver of the bulldozer.


If you're not getting a good angle, move around until you get a perfect shot of the head. You need to kill the driver in one go.

Wait for the target to walk in front of the bulldozer, and kill the driver.


The bulldozer will accelerate into the target, instantly killing them.


Leave the area to complete this mission.


Variant 3

The third variant requires you to use a scoped rifle to take out the target with a gas tank.

The gas tank is also at the construction site.


Wait for the target to walk by the gas tank and shoot it.


It will cause an explosion, killing the target.


Leave the area to complete this mission.


The Trolls

In this mission, you need to eliminate at least four targets that are spread across the state of Los Santos. You will get a total of 15 minutes to eliminate them.

The targets may either run away from you or fight back. If you have associates in your organization, the number of targets will be more to balance the difficulty level.

The following are the variants associated with this mission.

Variant 1

You need to take out all the targets with a headshot. You can do this mission easily by driving to each target and killing them with a single headshot. There's not much to it.


Once you kill the last target, leave the area to complete the hit.


Variant 2

The second variant is also quite simple. In the second variant, you need to take out all the targets by running them over with a vehicle.

Accelerate and gain some speed before you hit the target. If you have good speed, the target will die instantly. It saves you from going back and forth in your vehicle trying to kill the target and helps shave off a bit of time.


Leave the area after eliminating the final target to complete the mission.


Variant 3

The last variant is time-dependent. You need to take out all the targets within 7 minutes. You get a total of 15 minutes, but you must eliminate all the targets within 7 minutes.

You can do this easily using one of your flying vehicles, such as an oppressor mark II or a buzzard helicopter. It is also possible to complete it on land if you have a sports car.



After eliminating the final target, leave the area to complete the mission.


The Judge

Your target in this mission, as the name suggests, is a corrupt judge. The judge is at the Los Santos Golf Club accompanied by two armed security guards.

The following are the three variants to earn the assassination bonus for this mission type.

Variant 1

In the first variant, you need to collect the golfing equipment and run over the target with a golf buggy.

You can collect the golfing equipment by entering the Los Santos Golf Club from the main entrance. The entrance is highlighted with a yellow Los Santos Golf Club icon on the map.



When you go through the entrance, you will end up at the golf course with a golf outfit and a golf club.


You will always find a golf buggy to your right after you enter.


Get into the buggy and run over the target.



Exit the golf course, and leave the area to complete this mission.


Variant 2

There are two types of the second variation. The objective is the same, but the location on the golf course differs. We will refer to both as variant 2(a) and variant 2(b).

Variant 2(a)

In variant 2(a), you need to collect the golfing equipment and take out the target using a remote bomb on the third hold. It is the same deal as before, enter the golf course using the main entrance.


Once inside, you will get a white bag marker on your mini-map.


The bag contains the remote bomb you need to eliminate the target. Interact with the bag to get the remote bomb. The white bag is always at the base of the first tree you see in front of you as you enter the golf course.


Now, make your way to the third hole. The location of the third hole is on the left side of the course. It is the second hole if you start counting the holes from the left side of the course.


Interact with the hole to plant the remote bomb.


Move away from the hole and wait for the judge to walk to the hole.


Once the judge reaches the hold, call the contact named 'Detonate Bomb' from your phone to cause an explosion.


The judge will be eliminated. Leave the area to complete the mission.


Variant 2(b)

Variation 2(b) is exactly the same as 2(a), except, in this, you need to plant the bomb on the sixth hole. The sixth hole is at the far right corner of the golf course.


The following image shows the exact locations of both holes.


Variant 3

In the third and final variation, you need to collect the golfing equipment and take out the target with a golf club.

Enter through the main gate, and you will automatically have the golfing equipment.


Go to the target and use the golf club to eliminate them.


The two guards will try to kill you. You can eliminate them as well before making a run for it.


After eliminating the target, exit the golf course and leave the area to successfully complete this mission.


The Dealers

This payphone hit is available only if you have at least one player in your organization. This means at least two or more players, including yourself (leader). You can also do it as a motorcycle club.

The three variants are as follows:

Variant 1

You and your teammates need to take out all the targets at the same time using explosives. This can be done by first obtaining the explosives from the white bag marked on your mini-map upon reaching the target location.

You and your teammates need to be in communication with each other. Throw the explosives at the same time, and detonate to eliminate all the targets for the assassination bonus.

Make sure you and your teammates position yourself appropriately. It is not difficult. Simply surround the area from the left side, and the other player can take a right. If you do this with two players maximum (including yourself), there will be four targets, so it won't be that difficult if you time it right.

Variant 2

This one is also the same and requires you and your teammates to take out all the targets using a suppressed pistol.

While the first variation can be completed with just a total of two players, including you, this variation demands at least three. You might be able to pull it off with two players (if you're fast enough to aim at all the enemies), but it would be a lot easier with three players.

Also, go for the headshots for instant elimination.

Variant 3

The third and final variation is a lot like the second variation, but instead of a suppressed pistol, you need to take out all the targets using a scoped rifle.

The Hitmen

Once again for this one, you need a minimum of two players in your organization or motorcycle club (including yourself). In this mission, you need to take out the targets in a certain way or wait for them to reach a location before you can eliminate them.

If you have two players in your organization (including yourself as a leader), you will get 8 targets to eliminate in all Hitmen missions.

Variant 1

In the first variation, you need to take out all the targets in a driveby using a micro-SMG before they get to the client's house. The client's house is marked by a yellow question mark on your map.

You can also take your time to eliminate the targets or wait for them to reach the client's house, but you will fail the assassination bonus criteria.

Your mission will be completed upon eliminating all the targets.

Variant 2

In the second variation, you need to take out all the targets using throwable explosives before they get to the client's house.

The most effective and easiest way to complete this mission is by using sticky bombs. Throw sticky bombs on the target's car, and blow them up.

Eliminate all the targets to complete the mission.

Variant 3

The final variation is the easiest of all the variations for this mission type. For this variation, you and your teammate need to take out all the targets after they all arrive at the client's house.

This gives you an opportunity to go to the location, get in cover and prepare yourself for the fight.

Eliminate all the targets to successfully complete this mission..


Besides the decent $85,000 cash reward, players can also earn trophies for the completion of the assassination bonuses in each mission type. Whenever a player completes an assassination bonus for a mission type for the first time, a trophy is displayed on the shelf behind the desk inside the agency office.

The following are all the trophies for each assassination bonus completion:

  • The Popstar The-Popstar-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Tech Entrepreneur The-Tech-Entrepreneur-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Cofounder The-Cofounder-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The CEO The-CEO-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Trolls The-Trolls-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Judge The-Judge-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Hitmen The-Hitmen-Trophy-800x450.png
  • The Dealers The-Dealers-Trophy-800x450.png

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start GTA Online's Payphone Hits?

To start GTA Online's Payphone Hits missions, you need to complete at least three security contact missions first. Once you've done this, keep an eye out for the payphone icon on your mini-map. When you see the icon, head to the indicated payphone location and answer the call to accept your first payphone hit mission. This will initiate the Payphone Hits series of missions, allowing you to take on various assassination contracts.

What are the GTA Online Payphone Hits locations?

There are 19 payphone locations for the Payphone Hits missions. These payphones can be found at the liquor store in Rancho, the strip mall in Alta, LTD Gasoline in Chamberlain Hills, Snr. Buns in Little Seoul, Dashound Bus Center in Textile City, the strip mall in Morningwood, El Burro Heights Fire Station, Vespucci Mall, Globe Oil Station in Vinewood, LTD Gasoline in Richman Glen, Los Santos Customs in LSIA, Los Santos Tattoos in El Burro Heights, Jetsam Terminal, West Mirror Drive in Mirror Park, Forum Drive in Strawberry, Tequi-la-la, Palomino Avenue, Tataviam Truckstop, and LTD Gasoline in Mirror Park.

Why is my GTA Online Payphone Hits not working?

If you're experiencing issues with Payphone Hits not working as expected, make sure you meet the needed requirements and conditions, that you're near the payphones, or you're somewhere in-game that can accept calls. You can also restart your game, go to story mode, start an invite-only session, and head to the nearest payphone after spawning in the game.

What is the cooldown for GTA Online Payphone Hits?

After you finish a hit, you have to wait for 20 minutes before you can get another mission.

What is the bonus for GTA Online Payphone Hits?

In GTA Online's Payphone Hits missions, if you meet the criteria for the assassination bonus, you will receive an additional bonus payout. The assassination bonus rewards you with $70,000, and your associates will receive $15,000 each. This bonus is in addition to the standard payment of $15,000 for completing the mission.

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