Spawn a Rare Modded Dubsta 2 in GTA Online

From GTA BOOM Wiki

Have you ever noticed how vehicles in GTA seem to duplicate themselves as you drive around the city? It's a quirky feature that's been present in the series for a long time, and while Rockstar has toned it down over the years, it's still noticeable in both GTA 5's story mode and GTA Online.

In this guide, we'll show you how to use this phenomenon to your advantage by spawning a specific vehicle — the modded Dubsta 2.

The Dubsta 2 is a popular SUV among GTA Online players, known for its rugged appearance and customization options. In the past, players had to find a pre-modded Dubsta 2 to generate more of them, but thanks to the Diamond Casino Heist update, it's now possible to spawn one without needing to find it first.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of getting your hands on a modded Dubsta 2 in GTA Online. We recommend doing this in a private session to avoid interference from other players and potential griefers. So, let's dive in and learn how to make the game's vehicle duplication feature work in your favor!


Ever had a moment in real life when you start seeing duplicates of the same vehicle everywhere? That's pretty much how it works in GTA. Drive around in a specific car and you'll see more of them popping up all over the city. If you want to test it out for yourself, spawn a vehicle using a cheat from our cheat codes library and go for a drive. Within a minute, you'll see the same car on the road.

Rockstar seems to have toned down this feature a bit over time, but you can still spot it in action while playing GTA 5 and GTA Online. It's especially noticeable in GTA 5's story mode, but there are also places in GTA Online where you can game the system a bit to spawn a specific vehicle. However, your options are a bit limited.


The Dubsta 2

In GTA Online, one popular vehicle is the modded Dubsta 2. Players can find it in Los Santos, and after getting their hands on one, they can head to another location where more Dubsta 2s should theoretically appear, because they're already driving one, and because of the phenomenon we described above. This method was once a handy way of making money, especially for new players.

Previously, to spawn a Dubsta, you had to find a modded Dubsta 2 first to generate more. But, thanks to the Diamond Casino Heist update, you can now spawn one without needing to find it first.

This guide will help you find a modded Dubsta 2 in GTA Online. You can do it in both public and private sessions, but we suggest a private session as other players might interfere with the spawn algorithm. Plus, considering the griefers of GTA Online, better safe than sorry!

How to get a Modded Dubsta 2

First, make your way to Los Santos Customs in Burton. This is the most famous LS Customs, right in the heart of Los Santos.



Look around the parking lot of LS Customs and ensure there are no vehicles parked in the area. If you don't see any vehicles, you're good to go. But, if you do see one or more, either destroy them or simply crash into them with another vehicle in order to misplace them. This makes the game think that the vehicle is no longer "present" in the area and will delete the vehicle once we go through the steps below.


After that, call Ms. Baker of the Diamond Casino and use her Car Service to order a Dubsta. If you do not have Ms. Baker's contact, you need to head over to the Diamond Casino and order a MacBeth Whiskey Shot at the main bar of the Casino or inside your Penthouse. Note that for this random event to happen, you must own a Penthouse in the Casino. Keep taking shots until you pass out and wake up at a random location. Continue to do this until you get a call from Agatha Baker. After the call, she will be added as a contact in your phone.



After ordering the Dubsta from Ms. Baker, get inside the vehicle and follow the route from point A to point B, as shown in the image below. This is roughly four blocks of loop which you must make and return to LS Customs.


Once you're near LS Customs, slow down and look slightly to your left. Simply move your camera slightly to the left before you turn right into the LS Customs alleyway. As you can see in the image below, we are near the LS Customs alleyway, but looking slightly to the left.


You can turn right and look through the alleyway once you're parallel to the alleyway (or the sign). It doesn't have to be perfect. Feel free to refer to our video guide above to see how to do it effectively.

When you turn right into the alleyway or the parking lot of LS Customs, you should see a parked modded Dubsta 2. If you do not see it, repeat the process. It can take up to 20 tries, 10 tries, or a single try. But it always works, eventually. We managed to spawn the car in a single try.

Also, ensure that the in-game time is past 8 A.M. The car has a higher chance of spawning between 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. If you still don't see a vehicle after several tries, start a new private session and repeat.



If you do not like the color of the spawned vehicle go ahead and repeat the route. When you return to LS Customs, there is a chance for a different colored modded Dubsta 2 to spawn. Also, if you want to keep the car for yourself and save it in your garage, put a tracker on it by going into LS Customs.



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