The Brute Force File Complete Guide with Challenges

From GTA BOOM Wiki

The FIB Files are a collection of missions added as part of the Agents of Sabotage DLC that provide lucrative rewards.

This guide will provide a complete walkthrough of the Brute Force File mission, covering both the setup and the finale. We'll also show you how to tackle the challenges to maximize your payout.

In The Brute Force File, you're required to steal a military vehicle called the HVY Scarab and deliver it to the buyer to complete the mission.

Planning Work: Private Military Armor

In this mission, head over to the Merryweather lockup and take out the Merryweather guards outside to clear the entry point. There isn't a lot of guards, so you shouldn't have issues.

Once cleared, enter the lockup, and take out the Merryweather agents before you can look for the car with the armor.

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Taking out the Merryweather agents inside the Merryweather lockup.

To locate the armor, you need to search the trunks of the indicated vehicles inside the lockup. You can speed up the process by shooting the rear windshield and looking inside for a crate with the armor. This helps you save time by allowing you to skip the animation for every single vehicle.

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Vehicle with the military armor in the trunk.

Once you've located the armor, enter the vehicle and drive it to the Garment Factory to complete this mission.

Planning Work: Infiltration Equipment

Head to the military lockup and take out the guards outside, including the NCO. When you eliminate the NCO, he will drop the military pass, which is one of the pieces of infiltration equipment you need.

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Military pass dropped by the NCO.

After that, break into the military lockup, and take out all the enemies. Once they're out, you need to steal any one of the military vehicles to get into the military base.

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Eliminating the Merryweather security inside the military lockup.

You can select any vehicle, but we recommend the military Mesa as it's the fastest one inside the lockup.

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Drive the stolen military vehicle to the marked location near your Garment Factory and stash it there. Leave the area to complete the mission.

Planning Work: Override Key

This mission does not have any mission marker, instead the game will ask you to go to the Music Locker at the Diamond Casino Resort to meet Jodi's undercover contact and get the Override Key.

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Setting the waypoint to the Music Locker.

When you start the mission, you will get an option to set a waypoint to the Music Locker. When you reach the location and enter the Music Locker, Jodi will send you the picture of the person you're looking for.

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Image sent by Jodi to identify the contact.

The person will be standing around isolated from everyone else. We found him on the ground floor by the big DJ speakers near the stage. Talk to the person to acquire the Override Key.

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Collecting the override key from Jodi's contact.

Deliver the Override Key to the Garment Factory to complete the mission.

The Finale

First, you must get into your stolen military vehicle and head to Fort Zancudo. The first challenge for this mission is to get to the base within 5 minutes. This is not as complicated as you may think and you have plenty of time to get there. Simply drive to the entrance of the base normally, and you should be able to complete the mission.

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Entrance of Fort Zancudo.

Park the car beside the hangar and show the military pass to the guard to gain access to the elevator. Use the military pass on the elevator keypad to go to the underground hangar.

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Accessing the elevator to the underground hangar.

The second challenge is to get to "Area A" undetected. This is the area all the way on the other side of the underground hangar which is heavily guarded. The good thing is that you do not need to kill anyone to get to the other side.

To get to the other side undetected, start by moving from the left side and then to the right as you move up the hangars. Keep an eye out on your mini-map for enemies' cones of vision and avoid them as you move up.

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Sneaking up to "Area A."

Once you've reached the end of the hangars, you will come across a small room with a minigun to your left. Be careful of the guard who will be just ahead of you. Wait for the guard to turn around and enter the small room to collect the minigun as it will be useful in a minute.

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Stay inside the room and wait for the guard to come and turn back around. Sneak up to the guard and take him out. Remember to either melee from behind or use a suppressed weapon. Now, the room coming after is known as "Area A."

AOS Guide 34.jpgSilently taking out the guard in the corridor leading up to "Area A."

When you enter this area, it will make the security alarm go off no matter what you do. Don't worry as it is intended and won't void your second challenge.

However, before you enter this area, stay in the corridor and take out the few guards on the inside while you are still outside. This will ensure that when you enter the area, the alarm is triggered as per the game's script and not because of one of the guards seeing you.

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Taking out the three guards silently with headshots while still outside "Area A."

Once the alarm goes off, a juggernaut will spawn. This is where the minigun you picked up earlier comes in handy. Use it to take out the heavily armored juggernaut, as regular weapons would take forever. Make sure to take cover when you're laying into him.

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Killing the juggernaut guarding the door to the loading bay.

This is also why it's best to take out the guards before entering "Area A." Taking on both the juggernaut and the guards would be difficult, even though there are only three guards in that area.

After defeating the juggernaut, head to the end of the area and hack the control panel to open the security door to get to the loading bay. When you initiate the hack, you will get five scrambled words and you must rearrange them correctly to make up a word.

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Control panel beside the loading bay door.

This word is completely random in every one of your games but they're never too difficult. You have five minutes to solve this.

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We got "MAJOR."

To make things easier for yourself, you can also use an online word unscrambler to instantly get the answer.

When you open the security door, you will see the HVY Scarab through that door. Enter the Scarab and use the key to start the override process. You can keep track of the override progress at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

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Overriding the Scarab.

Once you've overridden the Scarab and gained control of the vehicle, you must escape the tunnel by following the path ahead of you.

Now, you can focus on completing your third challenge. The third challenge is to destroy five vehicles using the Scarab. You have two vehicles right next to you at the loading bay.

{{AOS Guide 40.jpg|Destroying a vehicle using a Scarab.}}

However, we recommend ignoring the one on the left as it is fully armored up and takes forever to destroy. Destroy the one on the right, and continue moving down the tunnel.

Keep destroying vehicles as you escape and drive to the buyer. Unfortunately, the Scarab doesn't have the best protection so you are quite vulnerable to enemy fire. You can keep your snacks or armor menu up to always stack up on health whenever you get too low.

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The armor menu was opened for a quick patch-up.

Remember to do this only after you've destroyed five vehicles with the Scarab, as you will be locked out of using all Scarab features while the interaction menu is up.

As you're driving to the buyer, you will eventually need to lose the cops. The easiest way to lose the cops is to go off-road into the mountains and avoid the cops' cones of vision.

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Staying off-road out of the cones of visions of the cops to lose them.

Once you've lost the cops, drive the Scarab to the buyer to complete the mission.

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