The Project Breakaway File Complete Guide with Challenges

From GTA BOOM Wiki

The FIB Files are a series of high-paying missions in GTA Online added as part of the Agents of Sabotage DLC.

This guide will walk you through the Project Breakaway File mission, detailing the setup and finale stages. We'll also explain how to complete all challenges to secure the maximum bonus payout.

In the Project Breakaway File mission, you must locate hard drives containing information about all the slush funds and deliver them to the buyer to complete the mission.

Planning Work: Mobile Tracking

Head to the designated location to take control of the RC Bandito. Use the RC Bandito to locate one of the three Eberhard vans around the city. The game will provide you with three possible locations to search for the van, and a van will be present at each of these locations.

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Controlling the RC Bandito as Jodi shares the live locations of the Eberhard vans.

We recommend targeting the moving Eberhard van, as it is easier to find. The stationary van can take a long time to locate, especially if you're doing this for the first time, since it does not move and the yellow-highlighted region remains static, making it harder to guess its location.

In contrast, the moving target is easier to track on the road. Once you've found the van with the Eberhard logo, approach it and press the prompted button to start hacking. Stay within the white-highlighted region on the minimap until the hack is complete.

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Hacking to unlock the back of the Eberhard van.

Once the hack is complete, the back of the van will open. Drive the RC Bandito inside and stash it in the wooden crate.

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Stashing the RC Bandito in the back of the van.

Leave the area where you controlled the RC Bandito to complete the mission.

Planning Work: Thermal Charges

This is the easiest Project Breakaway File mission. Head to the Post OP Depot and search for a delivery list. The depot is guarded, but you can either avoid the guards' cones of vision and sneak in or go in guns blazing—it's up to you. Sneaking is faster and less risky.

Once inside, the delivery list will be on one of three desks. The game will automatically highlight its location with a green arrow once you're close enough.

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Captured the picture of the delivery list to send to Jodi.

Take a picture of the delivery list and send it to Jodi. Then leave the depot.

Wait for Jodi to provide the location of the SecuroServ warehouse with the thermal charges. Once you have it, head to the warehouse and take out the enemies outside before entering the warehouse.

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Eliminating the guards outside the warehouse with the thermal charges.

Once inside, eliminate the remaining guards and locate the case with the thermal charges. It's easy to find and identify. As you approach, a green arrow will highlight it. You're looking for a green case with an explosive symbol on it.

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Thermal charges.

The warehouse isn't too large, so you shouldn't have trouble finding the case. It will be on one of the tables or desks.

Once you've picked up the thermal charges, two more guards will spawn. Take them out and deliver the thermal charges to the Garment Factory to complete the mission.

Planning Work: Encryption Bypass

First, head to the designated apartment and hack the keypad on the wall inside. To complete the hack, you need to lock the white-highlighted blocks when the red line passes through them.

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Aligning space of the white blocks with the red line to successfully hack the keypad.

Basically, lock a block whenever the middle of the white block aligns with the red line. Lock all the blocks in place to successfully hack the keypad and unlock the basement door.

Enter the basement, eliminate the three enemies, and locate the malware. The malware is a drive inserted into one of the terminals in the basement. Get close to all the terminals until the malware is highlighted with a green arrow. Steal the malware and exit the apartment.

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Malware plugged into one of the terminals.

Once you exit the apartment, chase down the agent and eliminate him. After killing him, take his picture and send it to Jodi for confirmation.

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Sending the picture of the agent's dead body to Jodi for confirmation.

Sometimes the game can be a bit glitchy when taking a picture of the agent's body. If that happens, go to the front of the burnt car and take the picture from the front. It should register properly.

After that deliver the malware to the Garment Factory to complete this mission.

The Finale

When you start the mission, use the Trackify app on your phone to locate Project Breakaway. The app acts like a sonar, and you must follow the red dot to find it.

The first challenge is to locate Project Breakaway within 5 minutes. This isn't too difficult, and you should be able to find it in under 1 minute. Once you get close to the location, it will be identified, and you'll complete your first challenge.

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Using the Trackify app to track Project Breakaway.

Once you've located Project Breakaway, you'll see a lot of enemies guarding the entrance to the building. While we used the Oppressor Mark II missiles to take them out, we advise against this for the sake of the second challenge.

The second challenge of the mission is to get 15 headshots - hard to do with missiles. It's best to park your vehicle somewhere on the ground and eliminate the enemies with headshots.

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Eliminating the security outside the Project Breakaway building.

If you didn't get all the headshots here, you'll have plenty of chances to do so inside the building and during your escape.

After taking out the security, head to the entrance and control your RC Bandito by pressing the prompted button. Once you're driving the RC Bandito, move forward, turn left, and then take another turn. You'll find some gas pumps. Detonate your RC Bandito to destroy the gas pumps and eliminate the gas in the room.

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Detonating the gas pumps.

The prompt on the screen will show you which button or key to press. On PC, hold the "Q" key, and on PlayStation and Xbox, it's "L1" and "LB," respectively.

After destroying the pumps, you can safely enter the building. Once inside, you'll find some enemies and a terminal where you can plug in your malware drive. Eliminate the enemies with headshots and then plug the malware drive into the terminal.

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Plugging the malware drive into the terminal.

After plugging in the malware drive, use the computer to hack the terminal. Once again, you need to form a five-letter word using the provided letters. For us, it was "Brass," but it will be different for you, as the word is always random.

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For us, it was "Brass," but it will be different for you, as the word is always random.

You will get five minutes to solve this puzzle. Remember, if you're having difficulty figuring out the word, you can use an online word unscrambler to help.

Once the hack is complete, the malware will begin uploading into the system. You can track the progress of the upload at the bottom-right corner of the screen. While it's uploading, more enemies will spawn in the building. This is a good opportunity to get more headshots if you haven't completed your second challenge yet.

Once the hacking is complete, you need to locate the hard drives. These are your primary target in the building and will be inside one of the locked cells. You can open these cells by placing thermal charges on them.

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Thermal charges are used to open up the locked cells.

However, if you come across the hard drives, don't pick them up if you want to complete your third challenge. The third challenge requires you to collect both black books and server blades, along with the main hard drives.

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Every type of loot you need to complete your third challenge.

If you pick up the hard drives first, you won't be able to collect the black books and server blades, which will void your third challenge. When you get near the items, you'll receive a notification indicating what you've found, so you won't mistake them for each other.

You must collect the black books and server blades before picking up the primary hard drives to complete the third challenge.

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Delivering the hard drives to the buyer.

Once you've collected everything, exit the building and deliver the hard drives to the buyer to complete the mission. You can also use this opportunity to farm the enemies for more headshots, ensuring you've gotten 15 headshots to complete the second challenge.

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