Your Guide to Every Bounty in GTA Online's Bottom Dollar Bounties

From GTA BOOM Wiki

Standard or Most Wanted? GTA Online's new bounty system offers something for every hunter.

The all new Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC is out, and Maude's got a fresh batch of bounties for you to catch – dead or alive. But of course, bounty hunters with a nose for cash know it pays to bring them back breathing. This guide will show you how to catch every criminal to become a top-notch bounty wrangler and snag those maximum payouts.

How to Start Bounty Hunting

To unlock Bounty Hunting missions in the Bottom Dollar update, you'll need to purchase a Bail Office. These can be found on the Maze Bank Foreclosures website. Once you've secured your HQ, you'll be ready to start tracking down criminals for Maude. Feel free to check out our separate guide packed with tips on choosing the perfect location, must-have upgrades, and more. In short, we recommend that you avoid the Paleto Bay office and go for the Davis one instead.

Most Wanted Target Today

The Most Wanted bounty target for Wednesday, August 21, is Omar Garcia.

What are the chances that we'll all eventually be able to get our hands on Omar Garcia's outfit?

The Most Wanted bounty target will reset at 6:00 AM UTC following the latest update.

The Most Wanted bounty target for Thursday, August 22, will be Leroy O'neil.

Types of Bounties

The Bottom Dollar update brings two types of bounties to the table: Standard and Most Wanted.

Three standard bounties and one most wanted bounty.

• Standard Bounties

Standard bounties are highlighted with a blue color on your computer screen at the bail office and offer a decent payout between $35,000 and $40,000. You can hunt them down in free roam using any vehicle you prefer. However, you are forced to bring them back in your business provided van.

There are three Standard bounties available at a time, refreshing every real-life hour. Completing a bounty triggers a 48-minute cooldown (one in-game day) before you can repeat it. The good news is that you can still tackle the two remaining Standard bounties while you wait. Standard bounties are quick and can be completed within a few minutes.

There are currently eighteen standard bounties available in GTA Online.

• Most Wanted Bounties

Most wanted bounties are relatively more "difficult" to do. And by difficult, we mean it just has some more tasks before you can reach the bounty target. These bounties refresh daily at server reset, so you'll only have one shot per day. The most wanted bounties offer a hefty reward that dwarfs the standard bounties but not by a lot.

You get over $120,000 for bringing the target alive, plus around $5,000 or so for picking up the secret additional loot during the most wanted mission. For example, the necklace in Cleo Song's mission.

Unlike standard bounties, these aren't found in free roam. Instead, you'll be teleported to a separate mission instance specifically designed for the most wanted target. While completely doable solo, these missions can be tackled with up to four players.

There are six most wanted bail jumpers available in GTA Online.

Missions Guide

This section will guide you through completing every type of bounty mission you might encounter, from regular takedowns to high-stakes Most Wanted showdowns.

Standard Bounties

While the overall goal of bringing in your bounty remains the same, standard bounties offer some variety. There are six different mission types, each tied to three specific characters. You'll be assigned one of these characters at random, but the core mission structure stays consistent. The only thing that changes is the location of your target.

In this section, we will break down each standard bounty mission type, showing you the characters tied to each mission type and the best ways to take them down.

Robbery Mission

If you get any of the following characters, you will get a robbery mission type:

Robbery Mission Targets.
  • Tommy Lin
  • Ricky Ji
  • LJ Ha

This mission type is the easiest to complete. In this mission, you need to head over to the bank where an active robbery is taking place by your bail jumper, and it's your job to bring them in. But remember, a live capture means a bigger payday. First things first, take out any cops outside the bank to clear a path. Then, fight your way inside, taking down any remaining threats. To maximize your profit, you need your target alive.

Aim for their hand or use a stun gun to subdue them. Incapacitated, but breathing means more cash for you. Equipping body armor before heading in might be a smart move.

Once you've secured the target, you will have a three-star wanted level. Lose the cops and drive the target back to the bail office to complete the mission.

While you can lose the cops the traditional way by driving around, there's a classic trick for those tight spots – hiding in the sewage by the Diamond Casino. Refer to this image for the location of the sewage entrance (highlighted with a red circle). Just drive in the tunnel and stay there until you lose the cops.

CCTV Network Mission

If you get any of the following characters, you will get a CCTV network mission type:

CCTV Network Mission Targets.
  • Lil Prince
  • Xavier Fremond
  • Jalen Kennedy

In this mission you need to head to the designated location and hack the CCTV network – luckily, it's an automatic process, no mini-games here. Once you're in, open your phone and launch the "Sightseer" app. This app displays live feeds from security cameras, allowing you to pinpoint your target. If memory fails you on their appearance, refer back to the message and attached image you received from Jenette. Keep panning the camera from left to right until you see the target.

If you don't see the target on the currently selected camera, change it and pan across the entire screen. If you find the target, make sure you zoom in on the target for the game to recognize and register it. Now that you've got a visual confirmation, it's up to you to track down your bounty and bring them in.

Once the target has been located, head over to the location of the target and take out all the gang members around the target. Finally, either shoot the hand of the bounty target or stun them using a stun gun to capture them alive. After that, drive them back to the bail office to complete this mission.

Duggan Hideout

If you get any of the following characters, you will get a Duggan hideout mission type:

Duggan Hideout Targets.
  • Hunter Duggan
  • Beau Duggan
  • Bill Duggan

The "Duggan Hideout" bounty is another straightforward mission, but with a hidden twist. Your target's holed up in a Duggan hideout – clear out the gang members swarming outside and inside. Once the place is relatively quiet, look for a secret entrance. There's a secret entrance to the main office where your bounty's hiding.

Head to the arcade machine and interact with it. The prompt will say "hear your fortune." Do so, and the arcade machine will turn out to be a secret door that will open up, revealing a secret passageway to the main office.

Enter the office, take out the guard, and remember – alive means more money. Stun your target or aim for their hand to disarm them, then get them back to the Bail Office for your reward.

Intimidation Mission

If you get any of the following characters, you will get a Intimidation mission type:

Intimidation Mission Targets.
  • Brigitte Foster
  • Sabrina Gray
  • India Wood

In the Intimidation Mission, you go to the bounty target's house and destroy their assets to intimidate them into coming out of their house. You can use any explosives or regular weapons to destroy the assets outside their house, such as plant pots, cars, poolside furniture, etc. Watch the intimidation meter in the corner climb with each piece of wreckage.

You can see the intimidation level bar in the bottom-right corner of the screen. It will increase as you destroy more assets. After the destruction of the assets, some guards will also show up. Eliminate them, and you should have the intimidation bar filled up 3/4th of the way.

Now, you must cut off the power to raise the intimidation bar to the full. To do so, you need to get the bolt cutters from the table in the backyard. It can be anywhere near the house but outside of it. The table is usually on the side of the house, resting next to the wall of the house or in the backyard while still resting next to the wall. After acquiring the bolt cutters, go to the marked power box and interact with it to cut the power to the house.

This will make the target exit the building and come to the front of the house. Go to the target, secure them, and bring them to the Bail Office to complete this mission.

MC Clubhouse Mission

If you get any of the following characters, you will get MC Clubhouse mission type:

MC Clubhouse Mission Targets.
  • Rylee Rose
  • Angel Kenny
  • Serenity Pierce

The MC Clubhouse Mission throws you headfirst into biker territory. In this mission, your target's holed up in their clubhouse, and it's your job to extract them. When you get to the clubhouse, you will notice there are some CCTV cameras monitoring the entrance. To avoid unwanted attention, take out the fuse box – it's usually mounted right next to the clubhouse door. Once you've destroyed the fuse box, the CCTV cameras will be disabled and you can enter without any worries.

Destroying the cameras might seem pointless during the initial fight. The real benefit comes during your escape. Destroying the cameras prevents the bikers from broadcasting your break-in, so no reinforcements show up to chase you down while you're delivering your bounty.

Once inside the clubhouse, eliminate every biker and locate your target. Your target is usually behind a closed shutter door. You must destroy the correct power box inside the clubhouse to open the shutter door. There are three power boxes, and the correct one is always random. They always spawn in the exact same location, and luckily, when the time comes to destroy these boxes, they are automatically marked for you on the map. More Lost MC members will spawn if you destroy the wrong power box.

Once you've found the correct power box and opened the shutter, eliminate the remaining Lost MC members before you can secure the target. Either stun the bounty target or disarm them by shooting their hand. Secure them and deliver them back to the Bail Office to complete the mission.

Prison Break Mission

If you get any of the following characters, you will get a prison break mission type:

Prison Break Mission Targets.
  • Cook Kenzie
  • Colby Wright
  • Marquel Green

In the Prison Break mission, you must go to a crash site where the prison bus with your target bounty has crashed. Once you get to the location, you must investigate the bloody clothes by interacting with them and then follow the blood trail to a body.

When you reach the body, a small region will be highlighted with a yellow circle on your minimap. Search this area for your target.

If you have a vehicle with a homing missile feature, it will automatically lock on to the nearest enemy vehicles, revealing the location of the gang's hideout.

Eliminate the gang members, and fight your way to the target. Stun the target or disarm him by shooting the arm. Secure the target and deliver them to the Bail Office to complete the mission.

Most Wanted Bounties

There are six most wanted bounties, each with its own set of long missions. These missions are much more "complex" than the standard bounty missions but also pay much more than your standard bounties. You can only attempt one Most Wanted Bounty per day, as they reset every day at server refresh. You can expect to be paid more than $120,000 per most wanted bounty.

In addition to the high bounty reward, some of these missions offer the chance to find valuable loot worth around $5,000. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to do to complete these Most Wanted Bounties and how to obtain the additional secret loot during each mission. Unlike standard bounties found in free roam, Most Wanted Bounties take place in separate mission instances.

Brock Thompson

In this mission, you need to intercept a convoy to lure Brock out and capture him. First, locate his convoy by destroying two signal jammers marked as 'A' and 'B' on your map. Travel to each location and destroy the jammers. Although they are guarded by some enemies, it shouldn't pose too much of a challenge.

Once you've destroyed the jammers, his convoy will be located. Instead of going to the interception point with another vehicle, go directly to the convoy and wait ahead of its path with an EMP launcher if you have one. If you don't have an EMP launcher, you can find one on a large ship docked at the pier, indicated by a white '?' on your minimap. The EMP launcher is on the right side of the ship near the entrance on some green military crates.

Once the convoy gets near you, use the EMP launcher to disable the vehicle. Eliminate the driver and go to the back of the vehicle until you trigger a cutscene showing Brock exiting with heavy armor and a machine gun.

The trick here is to take him in alive. Though he may seem intimidating, it's quite easy. Use a powerful weapon, like a shotgun, to shoot at Brock until his health drops below the black marker on his health bar in the bottom-right corner. Once his health is below the black marker, he will be incapacitated but not dead. Then, eliminate the remaining bodyguards before securing Brock and delivering him to the Bail Office.

Chaz Lieberman

In this mission, you need to capture Chaz Lieberman. To find him, you must locate the warehouse where loan sharks are holding him. First, go to the specified location and search for cell towers. You need to hack three cell towers to pinpoint your target.

The towers aren't marked on the map, but the search area is highlighted in yellow. Drive around the area, and when you're close enough, the towers will be marked on your map. The search area isn't too large, so this task shouldn't be too difficult. Just drive around until the cell tower appears on your map.

Once you've hacked all three cell towers, the location of the warehouse where your target is held hostage by the loan sharks will be revealed. Head to the warehouse and enter it. The guards won't be aggressive initially, so you can either take a stealthy approach or go in guns blazing. We prefer the stealth approach as it's easier.

You must be quick, though. The longer you take to eliminate the guards and reach Chaz, the lower his health drops. One of the loan sharks will be beating him, so keep an eye on his health bar at the bottom right corner of the screen and get to him before he dies. Before you secure Chaz, make sure you get the additional loot, poker chips, from a hidden safe inside the warehouse office. Interact with the big painting inside the office to open a secret safe and collect the poker chips.

Once you get out of the warehouse, the loan sharks will destroy your transporter. You must then fight your way to the backup transporter and ensure Chaz doesn't lose any more of his health. It becomes more of an escort mission at this point. There is no time limit, so take your time. The only thing you need to ensure is that you eliminate the incoming enemies before you move forward.

When you get to the transport, interact with Chaz again to secure him, and put him in the van. Drive him to the Bail Office to complete this mission.

Leroy O'Neil

In this mission, you first need to go to an abandoned motel and get captured. When you arrive at the location, you will see a highlighted region. Go up the stairs and enter the empty room just after reaching the top. You will trigger a cutscene where one of the O'Neil gang members captures you.

Once captured, you will be stripped of all your clothing, weapons, and phone and placed in the basement of the O'Neil house at their ranch. To escape the basement, you need to unlock the electric security gate. First, grab the Pool Cue from the shelf in the basement. Then, interact with the fuse box on the wall by the stairs to disable the security and unlock the basement door.

When you leave the basement, your phone will be right next to you on a stack of boxes. Pick it up, and prepare for an enemy to barge through the door. Use your Pool Cue to take him out with a single hit. Ensure you have armor to avoid being taken down in one shot by enemies. Proceed forward through the double doors and take an immediate left to enter the living room. Inside, you'll find a Micro SMG. Stay in this room to eliminate incoming enemies.

Now, you'll be prompted to find the farmhouse key, but it's not necessary. However, if you're interested in finding it, here are some locations where you can look:

  • On the wooden shelf in the corner of the same room as the Micro SMG.
    Farmhouse Key Location 1.
  • On the wooden table in the corner of the open room near the entrance door.
    Farmhouse Key Location 2.
  • On the wooden table in the first room to your left upstairs.
    Farmhouse Key Location 3.

If you don't find the keys there, look for it in other rooms.

You can also shoot the locked doors using your acquired Micro SMG to unlock them.

But, you do not have to go through the hassle of finding the keys. After eliminating the enemies, make your way up stairs.

Before heading upstairs, ensure you grab the additional loot for an extra $5,000. After leaving the room with the Micro SMG, enter the small room to your right where you'll find a meth package on a wooden table. Pick it up.

Once more, you'll be tasked with finding your clothes. Look for a black duffle bag in one of the upstairs rooms. Interact with it to retrieve your clothes. The bag spawns randomly in different rooms each time, similar to the farmhouse keys.

Remember, retrieving your clothes is optional.

Once you're upstairs, jump down from the open balcony (you don't even need to shoot the door as it is wide open for you), and retrieve your weapons and then proceed towards the shed.

As you approach the shed, numerous enemies will spawn and surround Leroy. Eliminate all of them to secure Leroy. Ensure you disarm Leroy by shooting his hand or using a stun gun. Be cautious not to shoot the gas cylinders, as they can explode and kill Leroy, reducing your overall pay by 75%.

Deliver Leroy to the Bail Office to complete this mission.

Omar Garcia

To begin with, your first task is to locate your target. Head over to the Lifeinvader Office and hack into their servers. Upon arriving at the Lifeinvader building, interact with the keypad to hack it and unlock the entrance door.

Once you're inside, you'll find two guards and a surveillance camera. Start by disabling the camera, then eliminate the guards.

After that, proceed upstairs where you'll encounter another guard and a surveillance camera. Wait for the camera to look away from the guard, then eliminate both the guard and the camera.

After that, you'll find another patrolling guard to your left. Eliminate him first, then take out the guard standing ahead of him. Following this, eliminate the camera positioned in the corner of the office space. Finally, eliminate the guard stationed outside the server room to the left.

To unlock the door to the server room, you'll need to hack the keypad outside using the fingerprint hacking minigame, similar to what you encountered in the Cayo Perico heist. Basically, you match the fingerprint pattern displayed on the right to proceed. For detailed instructions on this hack, you can refer to our guide on the Cayo Perico heist.

Once inside the server room, you'll need to hack into the servers using a mini-game. In this game, your goal is to connect the selected nodes on the left to one of the empty nodes on the right. There's no indication of which node should go where, so it's a trial-and-error process. After making connections, you can test them to see if they hold. Correctly connected nodes will remain linked, while incorrect ones will disconnect, helping you determine the correct paths.

Be careful because you're only allowed four total mistakes. Failing to connect all nodes correctly in four attempts will result in the failure of the mini-game, requiring you to restart.

After hacking the servers, head over to the LS Car Meet where Omar Garcia is located. Upon entering, you need to get the crew outfit to gain access to the test track. You can equip the crew outfit by interacting with the stack of boxes next to the truck where you purchase your clothes from at the LS Car Meet.

Once you enter the test track, choose any car and drive around the track on the right side until you spot another racer standing next to the track boundary with their car nearby. The trunk of their car will be open, containing your additional loot. Inside is an ECU. Interact with it to collect it. Now, you're prepared to confront the main target, Omar Garcia.

While on the track, repeatedly ram into Omar's car until a cutscene shows him leaving the LS Car Meet. Chase after him. Once outside, you will see his vehicle's health bar displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen. The safest approach to stop him is by continuing to ram into his car until his vehicle's health bar drops to zero. However, you can speed up the process by using a weapon to shoot at his car, which significantly reduces its health faster.

However, once his car's health is low enough, be cautious not to continue shooting, as this could cause his car to explode, resulting in a 75% reduction in payout. Once his car's health is sufficiently low, focus on ramming into his car with yours to stop him.

After he's out, take out the remaining guards and capture Omar. You can either shoot his hand to disarm him or use a stun gun to stun him. Once he's incapacitated, secure him and drive him to the Bail Office to complete the mission.

Grace Whitney

This bounty is pretty easy since it was the first one released when the DLC dropped. Like usual with Rockstar Games, the missions get harder as you go. In this most wanted bounty mission, you need to capture Grace Whitney, who's faking her own death to avoid the law.

First, head to the hospital morgue and take a picture of the dead body to check if she's really dead. When you get to the hospital, you'll see a single security guard outside. Take him out with a suppressed weapon and go inside the morgue. Once inside, you'll find two more guards at the entrance. Take them out and interact with the mortuary cabinet to open it up.

Use your phone to snap a picture of the body and send it to Jenette. Wait for her confirmation, and she'll give you the real location of where the bounty target is hiding. She is holed up in her gallery. Be careful when leaving the morgue, as a lot of security guards will swarm you.

When you reach the gallery entrance, take out the guards by the elevator and enter. You'll find more guards ahead. Keep taking them out with a suppressed weapon and head up a floor using the stairs at the end of this level.

Keep moving forward on this floor, taking out the guards as you go. It's not too difficult since there aren't many guards and there's plenty of cover. The guards will automatically get aggressive on this floor, so you don't have to worry about being stealthy from here on out.

Before moving up another floor, you can grab some extra loot here. There's a painting you can take. First, find the duffle bag resting on a stack of boxes. Grab it, then interact with the painting to cut it off the wall and put it in your bag. After that, you can head to the next floor.

Take out the remaining guards on this floor and keep moving forward. At the end of the floor, you'll find an elevator that will take you to the roof.

When you're on the roof, move forward along the right side while taking out all the guards that appear. Watch out for an enemy chopper. Take it down before it causes too much damage. At the end of the path, you'll find stairs leading up to the helipad. That's where Grace Whitney is.

Another chopper might show up at the helipad, trying to drop off more guards. You can take them out midair as they rappel down. Don't forget to take out the chopper itself too.

Once you've defeated the guards, shoot Grace in the arm to disarm her or use a stun gun to knock her out. Then, secure her and deliver her to the Bail Office to complete the bounty mission.

Cleo Song

Cleo Song is a bounty located at Richards Majestic Studios. Instead of using the main entrance, go for the back entrance, which offers a better route. It is a better route as it offers instant access to the trailers. To find the target, locate the call sheet, which randomly spawns in one of the trailers.

Before climbing up the ledge and entering, take out the guard who is standing through that gate.

Follow this route to check all the trailers. Remember, you can enter the studios using the wall on the left side of the gate. Don't forget to use a suppressed weapon to take out the enemy. If you find it in the first trailer, great! Otherwise, you can refer to the video below for the locations of all the trailers:

Once you've found the call sheet, use your phone to take a picture and send it to Jenette. Next, locate the executive's office, situated at the main entrance of Richards Majestic Studios. Before heading there, proceed along the route, eliminating guards quietly with a suppressed weapon. Be sure to also neutralize any actors who could alert security about your presence.

Afterward, equip the masquerade mask from the first trailer on your left (as seen in the video above). After equipping the masquerade mask, head towards the main entrance area to reach the main office. To access the office, you'll need to hack the keypad. Take out the guard stationed outside before proceeding.

The hacking process involves a familiar minigame where you freeze each column when the highlighted letter aligns with the blue strip. Complete this sequence for each column to spell out the word and unlock the door.

Enter the office and steal the keycard from the desk, then exit the office. Locate the marked stage where Cleo Song is situated. Note that the stage location varies each time you undertake this mission. Proceed to the stage area and use the keycard on the keypad to unlock the door and enter the stage. Make sure you've unequipped your weapons or else the guards will attack you despite you having a masquerade costume.

Once inside, neutralize all guards and confront the three actors disguised in the same white mask and dress as Cleo Song. Among them is the real Cleo Song. To identify her, aim at each actor until the correct one removes her mask, revealing her true identity.

Now, before apprehending Cleo Song, retrieve the additional loot located in one of the trailers within this stage area. It's a memorabilia worth an extra $5,000. Acquire it before securing Cleo Song or else you can't get it.

Deliver her to the Bail Office to complete this mission.

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