GTA 5 Cheats PC
Access all weapons, change the weather, and enable special abilities with these cheats.
GTA 5 cheats on PC are activated by typing in the codes on your keyboard. You simply need to press the tilde (~) key (Shift + `), which will bring up in the in-game console, similar to a development menu. Then, just type in one of the cheat codes from below and press enter.
The cheats let you become invincible, spawn vehicles, access all the weapons, and basically do whatever you want. However, you must always save your game before using them, as once you have activated cheats, then you won't be able to earn Achievements for the rest of your session. So, you need a save game you can return to, without cheats enabled.
If you'd like to see a demo video of any cheat just click it's title and, if you're looking for a money cheat, there isn't one. That would mess up the in-game stock market mechanics.
List: GTA V Cheats PC
Drunk Mode: LIQUOR
Makes it very hard to drive, run, and even walk.Fast Run: CATCHME
Like the cheat name says, makes you run faster.Fast Swim: GOTGILLS
Your swimming speed is greatly increased.Recharge Ability: POWERUP
The special ability of your current character is fully recharged and ready for use.Skyfall: SKYFALL
Will transport you instantly into mid-air, doing a skydive, and with no way to use a parachute.Super Jump: HOPTOIT
You can jump much higher than usual. Hold the jump button (SPACEBAR) to do even bigger jumps.Explosive Ammo Rounds: HIGHEX
Your ammo rounds will explode on impact.Explosive Melee Attacks: HOTHANDS
Your melee attacks become explosive, does no harm to you though.Flaming Bullets: INCENDIARY
Your rounds will set whatever they hit on fire.Lower Wanted Level: LAWYERUP
Use this to decrease your wanted level by one star.Raise Wanted Level: FUGITIVE
Use this to increase your wanted level by one star.Invincibility / God Mode: PAINKILLER
Makes you invulnerable for 5 minutes before you need to enter the code again to keep it going.Max Health & Armor: TURTLE
Your armor and health are replenished back to full.Slow Motion Aim: DEADEYE
You have much more time to aim your weapon. Increase the effect by entering the code up to 4x. If you enter it a fifth time, the cheat will be disabled.Parachute: SKYDIVE
Equips you with a parachute. Just equip it and press the LEFTBUTTON on your mouse to activate.Weapons / Guns: TOOLUP
You'll get all the guns in the game, along with full ammo supplies.Change Weather: MAKEITRAIN
Will cycle through the in-game weather in the following order: sunny, clear, cloudy, smoggy, overcast, rainy, thundery, clearing and snowing.Moon Gravity: FLOATER
Cars have less gravity. Hold down SPACEBAR and you'll begin to float down.Slippery Cars: SNOWDAY
Very useful if you feel like drifting.Slow Motion: SLOWMO
Slows down the entire game. You can enter the cheat up to 3x for increased effect. A fourth entry disables the cheat.Spawn BMX: BANDIT
Spawn you a classic BMX.Spawn Buzzard: BUZZOFF
Spawns the Buzzard attack chopper with missiles and machine gun ammo.Spawn Caddy: HOLEIN1
Spawns a golf cart in case you feel like playing a round.Spawn Comet: COMET
Spawns the Comet two-door sports car.Spawn Duster: FLYSPRAY
Spawns a crop duster plane.Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD
Spawns a stretch limo for you.Spawn PCJ-600: ROCKET
Spawns the PCJ-600 sports bike, in case you need to get somewhere in a hurry.Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
Spawns the Rapid GT sports car.Spawn Sanchez: OFFROAD
Spawns the Sanchez dirtbike.Spawn Stunt Plane: BARNSTORM
Spawns an aerobatic stunt plane.Spawn Trashmaster: TRASHED
Spawns a garbage truck, the Trashmaster.-
Director Mode: JRTALENT
Create game clips using the "Director mode" feature more info. Spawn Duke O'Death: DEATHCAR
Unlock the Duke O'Death car by completing the "Duel" random event more info.Spawn Kraken Sub: BUBBLES
Unlock the Kraken submarine by completing the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" (snap pictures of all 20 animals in the game). There is no other marine craft cheat in the game more info.Spawn Dodo Airplane: EXTINCT
Unlock the Dodo by completing the "Sea Plane" random event more info.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Lamborghini in GTA 5 for PC?
No. There is no Lamborghini in GTA 5.
Why don't these cheats work when I play GTA 5 on my Steam Deck?
Only the in-game cell phone cheats work on the Steam Deck version of GTA 5.
Can you spawn a Bugatti in Grand Theft Auto 5?
No. The "Bugatti" equivalent in Grand Theft Auto 5 is called the Adder. Unfortunately, there is no code to spawn it.
Can you spawn a jet using GTA 5 cheats?
No, there is no cheat code to spawn a jet. The closest alternatives that you can spawn are the Dodo, Buzzard and Duster.
I can't spawn one of the special vehicles above, what am I doing wrong?
Double check that you have first unlocked the vehicle using the instructions at the [more info] link next to the cheat.
What is the weather cycle for the change weather cheat?
The cycle of variations when using the change weather code is as follows: sunny, clear, cloudy, smoggy, overcast, rainy, thundery, clearing and snowing.